One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 77: The Legend of the Giant Pirates

"Such a fight!"

Nia watched the fight between the two giants in a trance.

There were no fancy moves in their fight, only the deadly danger of every strike.

That was a move that abandoned all complicated moves and was honed in thousands of life-and-death battles.

"So powerful!"

Rod looked at the weapons in the hands of the two giants.

I want it!

The fighting skills handed down by Elbaf must have their own advantages.

Not to mention the special moves mastered by the two giants, the Elbaf Spear that can penetrate the sea with one strike, dominating the country!

Bang! ! !

The shields in the hands of the two giants hit each other's heads at the same time.

"70533 fight...70533 draw!"

The two giants fell to the ground at the same time.

"Ga pa pa pa pa! Dongli, I met some interesting friends, and they brought good wine!"

"Hehehehe! Broki, give me some too, I haven't drunk for a long time!"

"You two, how about having a party together!"

Rod stood on a stone not far away, keeping the same height as their eyes.

"Very powerful, Rod boy!"

Broki laughed at Rod who appeared on their battlefield at some point.

Although he was more serious when fighting with Dongli, Rod was able to appear on the battlefield without either of them noticing. Such strength is definitely not simple.

"Hehehe, is this the friend you were talking about, Broki!"

"Ga ba ba ba, that's right, this is the friend I just met!"

"I also have a few friends on this island, how about we have a party together tonight!"

"Ga ba ba ba, great! The last pirate party was more than a hundred years ago!"

"Yes, let's have a party!"

"Then, let me hunt a prey as the main course tonight! Ga ba ba ba!"

"Hehehe, of course let me do it, I'm better at hunting!"



"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that the two giants were about to discuss whose prey was bigger, Rod quickly interrupted.

"There are no giants among my companions, so ordinary prey will do!"

"Gah, then I'll go hunt a Triceratops, the meat is more tender."

"Hehehe, I'll go find a Tyrannosaurus, it's more chewy!"

"I'll go back to the ship and bring the wine!"

"It seems our captain has arranged it."

Listening to the banquet tonight being decided in a few words, Nia hugged Minina.

"Tonight is up to you to show your skills!"

"Don't worry!"

Looking at the backs of the two giants leaving, Minina was full of energy.

The two giants looked like they could eat a lot, and Captain Rhodes also looked like a big eater.

But I won't lose!

I can definitely make food that satisfies everyone!


At night, the bonfire was bright.


The huge wine barrel looked very small in Broki's hand, just like a small wine glass.

"It's a long-lost wine, so delicious!"

Next to Broki and Dongli, there were a pile of empty wine barrels.

"The food is delicious too!"

Tong Li picked up a huge piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth, and gave Minina a thumbs up.

"What an amazing little girl!"

"You finished so much food by yourself!"


Minina also held a huge piece of barbecue.

"Dinosaur meat is delicious!"


Looking at Minina holding a piece of meat bigger than her, Dong Li and Broki looked at each other and burst into laughter at the same time.

"This is our chef!"

"Great, you must be our chef!"

"You are simply a goddess, your whole body is emitting holy light!"

"Bear likes you so much!"

Tasting the delicious food, Gray, Pekin, Xia Qi and Bebo surrounded Minina, saying all kinds of nice things.

Although Luo and Neru on the other side did not behave so exaggeratedly, from their fast eating speed, we know that they also like the food made by Minina.

"So delicious!"

Robin tasted the food quietly, and a rare sense of peace rose in her heart when she looked at the companions in front of her.

After her eyes fell on the two giants, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

She thought of her giant friends.

"Is it my illusion?"

Daz Bonis looked at the food in the bowl.

I always feel that after eating food, I recover faster than usual.

"What's wrong?"

Genos turned his head to look at Daz Bonis.

"No, nothing."

Daz Bonis shook his head and filled another bowl.

"It's so delicious!"

"It's really delicious! I didn't expect the flame mushroom to be so delicious!"

Genos picked up a mushroom that was as red as a flame and threw it into his mouth, feeling the deliciousness that burst out in his mouth, and closed his eyes slightly.

I have seen records before that the flame mushroom tastes very delicious, and Genos has eaten it out of curiosity.

However, apart from poisoning himself and vomiting blood, Genos did not feel the slightest taste.

However, after eating the correctly processed flame antler, Genos realized that what was recorded was correct, but he just didn't know how to do it.

"Speaking of which, don't you plan to go back to Elbaf, Uncle Brocky and Uncle Dongli?"

Rhodes clinked his wine glass with the opponent's barrel and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Bah, bah, bah, our duel hasn't been decided yet!"

Brockie laughed happily at this.

"That's right, there is only one permanent pointer to return to Elbaf, and only the winner can go back with honor!"

Dongli answered, and then looked at each other with Brockie, and the two of them laughed heartily at the same time.

It was obvious that when they were fighting, the two of them were attacking each other's vital points with fatal blows without mercy.

However, when there is no fighting, they can sit together and laugh happily.

After all, they have been partners for more than a hundred years!

"But, does this really not matter?"

Rhodes looked at the two of them.

"You must be the two captains of the Giant Pirates who caused waves on the sea a hundred years ago."

"Giant Pirates?"

Robin, who was sitting next to Rhodes, raised his head.

"I heard that they were captured by the navy about a hundred years ago."


Donley and Broki put down the barrels at the same time.

Their battle on this island has been going on for nearly a hundred years.

In other words, the Giant Pirates were captured shortly after they stayed here to duel?

“I don’t know what happens after that.”

Facing the eyes of the two giants, Robin shook his head.

She had only read some records in books and did not deliberately dig into that history.

"However, there are quite a few giant vice-admirals in the navy now. I don't know if they have any connection with that period of history."


Rhodes put down his wine glass and told everyone the unknown information.

"After the Giant Pirates were captured, the Navy originally wanted to execute them all. But one person appeared and stopped the Navy. She believed that if the Giant Pirates were executed, it would definitely trigger the Titan clan and the World Government. After the battle, under her persuasion, the World Government did not execute the Giant Pirates."

"Gahbabababa, what an amazing person!"

Brockie took a long gulp of wine.

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