One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 192 New Polar

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

"That's the way it is."

Lieutenant General He sat in Marshal Sengoku's office and told Sengoku what he saw and heard in the Champs Elysees.

"I see."

Warring States picked up the paper document on the table and looked at it again, then stuffed it into the mouth of the goat next to him. It was better to physically destroy such important information.

"In other words, because of the World Government's decision, becoming a Shichibukai gave Rhodes the best time to grow. Now he has the power to challenge the Four Emperors."

"It's hard to say whether he can challenge the Yonko. After all, we couldn't tell anything from his battle with Katakuri."

Lieutenant General He recalled Rhodes' performance.

The battle between him and Katakuri was a one-sided battle.

Not only that, the other party also stabbed Garp's grandson, the [Fire Fist] Ace, in front of Garp's eyes.

"However, according to what Gion said, Rhodes' swordsmanship is still better than hers, and he may already have the strength to challenge the world's greatest swordsman."

"The greatest swordsman in the world...?"

Sengoku's body paused slightly.

[Ba Fist] Rhodes, what he is best at is not swordsmanship.

"Give CP the relevant information as well. They were the ones who insisted on recruiting Rhodes to become the Shichibukai."

After a slight pause, Sengoku spoke.

"Besides, the most important thing now is not Rhodes' matter."

Thinking of the current situation in the new world, a hint of gloom flashed in Seng Guo's eyes.

In recent years, pirates have become more and more rampant, and their power has become more powerful. Especially in the new world, pirates have completely gained the upper hand.

This is incompatible with his justice [to rule the world]!

[Hegemony Fist] After all, Rhodes is still a Shichibukai. As long as he carries the name of the Shichibukai, all actions against pirates will strengthen the momentum of the World Government.

Rather, if he can really bring down the so-called [Four Emperors] of the New World, it will definitely be a major boost to the morale of the World Government.

No matter what, how to combat the arrogance of pirates is what Sengoku needs to consider most now.

Sengoku picked up another piece of material placed on the table.

"Portcas D. Ace!"

At the top of the document is a picture of Ace.

This young man with flames wrapped around his body looked nothing like Garp, nor did he look anything like Dorag.

"Let's investigate quietly."

Warring States put down the information and spoke softly to He.

"Don't let Garp know."

"I see."

Crane nodded lightly.

There are too many doubts about [Fire Fist] Ace's identity, and it just doesn't seem right based on the whereabouts of Dolag.

Based on Garp's past whereabouts, He and Sengoku had some vague guesses in their minds, but because that might be too exaggerated, they couldn't be sure for the moment, and they didn't dare to let too many people know the relevant information.

However, if the identity of the other party can be confirmed, the suppression of pirate arrogance will definitely achieve important results!


The Grand Line, the Unnamed Island.

"It hurts so much!"

Ace held his head.

"You brat, you're still too far behind!"

Garp clenched his fists, his domineering energy instantly wrapped around him, dyeing his fists pitch black, and he looked at Ace with a grin.

"Hurry up and get good at it, the power of domineering!"

The pitch-black fist hit Ace's head without any hindrance, knocking him back from his elementalization.

"You just say domineering and domineering, what kind of power is it!"

Ace yelled at Garp.

"How do I know?"

Garp looked at Ace irresponsibly.

“As I continued to practice, I naturally understood it!”

As he spoke, the [Iron Fist of Love] swung out again, knocking Ace to the ground.

"It's terrible."

The members of the Spade Pirates looked at their badly beaten captain and trembled in fear.

"You guys should hurry up and exercise too!"

Iska's shouts sounded from the side.

"You will soon be the crew of the King's Shichibukai. If you are too weak, you will not be able to take action."

"Even sister Iska despises us. I'm so sorry that we are so weak..."

The members of the Spade Pirates huddled together.



In Dressrosa, Doflamingo's iconic laughter sounded in the King's Heights.

"You're really capable, even a monster like that was defeated."

Doflamingo was holding the latest newspaper, and although he was smiling, sweat was dripping from his forehead involuntarily.

It was just a moment of negligence and I missed that kid Luo.

Unexpectedly, just such a long time has passed, and they have grown to such an extent.

As a pirate who has been around the New World all year round, Doflamingo knows very well the power of the top monsters.

Charlotte Katakuri is the most powerful leader of the Yonko Big Mom Pirates. Even such a person was defeated. Doflamingo really couldn't see that he could defeat him. Rod's future.

"How's our arms business with Wano going lately?"

Doflamingo suddenly spoke and asked a seemingly unrelated question.

"Our sales are very good, and the people there are very satisfied."

"Are you satisfied, that's good!"

Doflamingo smiled again.

"You have indeed found a powerful partner, Law! But how will you deal with such a monster?"


New World, Wan Guo Sea.

The terrifying thunder exploded in the air, and the strong sense of oppression made everyone in the country feel uneasy.

Although no sound was heard, everyone knew that the Queen of Wan Guo was angry!

The wind and rain far away in the New World did not affect Rhodes.

After leaving the Champs Elysees, Rhodes and his party drove the Polaris back to the Seven Waters City and officially started the transformation of the Polaris.

Rhodes threw all the things to Neru and Law, and started the retreat mode again with Qiu Shui and Tu Long.

Whether it was the swordsmanship of the swordsman Ryoma or the observation Haki of Katakuri, he had not yet mastered it completely.

The New World is already in sight. Once entering the New World, it means that Rhodes will have to fight with the Four Emperors.

Not to mention, Rod had already had a feud with the Big Mom Pirates on the Champs Elysees.

Facing a master of the level of the Four Emperors, the power that has not yet been fully mastered will be the biggest weakness.

With the help of [Knights Do Not Die Barehanded], Rod concentrated on experiencing the power of Ryoma and Katakuri, absorbing their experience bit by bit and making it his own.

Time passed day by day, and as the new Polaris became more and more perfect, Rod's mastery of the two powers became more and more proficient.

Finally, one evening, the Polaris was officially completed!

"So big!!"

Pekin looked at the pirate ship in front of him.

The new Polaris was much larger than the original one, almost the same size as a large naval warship.

"But we only have so many people, can we operate it well?"

"Are you questioning me as a super scientist!"

Gray raised his head and pointed to the new ship he built.

"This is a super battleship that embodies all my wisdom! The whole ship adopts a lot of automated designs, and only a few people are needed to complete the operation easily."


Pekin and Xia Qi looked at Gray with admiration.

"What a big kitchen! There is also a cold storage and a great storage room!"

Minina looked around happily in the kitchen.

Now, there is no need to worry about not having enough food!

"Great, everyone has their own separate room, and even a separate bathroom!"

Nia opened the door and was shocked.

"It's just a water purification device, not worth mentioning."

Gray waved his hand casually.

"This, is it the main gun of the Polar? Why does it look so strange?"

Luo looked at the barrel at the bow.

"This is our secret weapon!"

Gray glanced at Neru with a mysterious expression on his face.

"The legendary ancient weapon can destroy an island with one shot."

"Our Polaris can barely do that now!"

A group of people happily wandered around on the Polaris. This new Polaris will be the warship that carries them to the top of the world!

"It's great, almost an enlarged version of the original Polaris."

Rod appeared on the deck carrying the Earth Dragon.

"You are finally willing to go out. I'm not saying, can hiding in the room all day like you really improve your strength?"

Nia looked at Rod.

"You don't understand."

Rod jumped to the deck on the second floor and pushed open the door of his room in the middle.

"It's really good!"

As soon as he opened the door, Rod saw a display cabinet with various weapons hanging on it, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Bastius's [Shark Slash], the first good and fast sword [Huazhou], the weapons of the two giant friends, and Crocodile's golden hook.

All these weapons were neatly placed in the cabinet.

Fortunately, when designing the new Polaris, considering that the captain's room would occasionally serve as a meeting room, and that there might be giant friends who might board the Polaris again in the future, Gray built the captain's room extra spacious, so that there would be room to display all the weapons collected by Rhode.

"I helped you move the original things here and arrange them. I think you will like them very much."

Robin leaned against the door of the room, looking at the things placed in the display cabinet, and satisfiedly caught the joy in Rhode's eyes.

"This is really great! I like it!"

Rhode found a place and put the [Earth Dragon] in his hand.

Looking at the weapons placed in order, Rhode nodded with satisfaction.

His collection is still quite good.

Turning around, Rhode stood on the deck on the second floor and looked at his companions below.

"The Polaris has been completely completed, so let's move on!"

The companions on the deck turned their eyes to Rhode.

"Our next stop is the New World!"


Minina suddenly raised her hand.

"Before we set off, let's celebrate the new life of the Polaris!"

"I've been keeping the [Golden Wheat] I brought back before, waiting to make a big cake for the Polaris after it's completed!"

"Of course!"

Rhodes suddenly raised his arms.

"Let's have a party!"



Wearing only underwear, Frankie posed in various strange poses on the deck, causing cheers from the people around him.

"By the way, why did this guy show up at our banquet?"

Rhodes watched Franky and his little brother cheering loudly at the banquet, becoming the star of the banquet. Even Brooke, who played for everyone, could not steal his limelight.

"Every time Gray saw a shipbuilder, he told them that he wanted to build a super battleship that could surpass [Pluto]. This guy heard the news from somewhere and insisted on joining in to mix it up."

"Although the shipwrights at the shipyard disliked him, he still lazily completed a lot of design work with Gray. However, he seemed to be really good, and Gray kept praising his skills."

Nailu sat next to Rhodes and explained the situation to him.

This banquet held by the Rhodes Pirates also invited many shipwrights from the shipyard.

Hundreds of people crowded together and sang loudly. It was simply the most grand event in the Capital of Seven Waters.

"That's it."

Rod took a sip of the beer in his glass.

Franky has been obsessed with the design and construction of heavy-firepower battleships since he was a child. His dream is exactly the same as Gray's. It is not surprising that the two can get together.

Moreover, Franky also has the design drawings of [Pluto]. Presumably, when he participated in the construction of the Polar, he also copied some of the functions of [Pluto].

"So, what happened to her? I thought she had turned into a devil fruit."

Rhodes pointed at the girl with twin tails sitting next to Pekin and the others, toasting and drinking together.

"She's a costume designer."

Luo sighed, seemingly helpless with Peijin and Xia Qi's decision.

"The clothes designed are indeed more fashionable than the one we found on the island before."

Luo pointed to the clothes Peijin and Xia Qi were wearing.

They were just ordinary T-shirts, but they had their names printed on their chests, as well as the 'BOOM' explosion pattern.

It doesn't seem like there's anything special about it, but when the patterns, words, and colors are combined together, it has an inexplicable sense of fashion.

"I don't see anything special about it either."

Rhodes scanned the clothes of his companions one by one, and they seemed to be a little different.

"Everyone has even more special uniforms that they haven't put on yet."

Luo coughed slightly.

"I tried it, and it's really good!"

"However, after all, you, as the captain, can make the decision on this kind of matter."

"I've already said that this matter can be left to the two of you to discuss."

Rhodes waved his hand and his mind started to spin rapidly.

"Her heart?"

"Still in my hand."

Luo nodded slightly.

"In that case, let her stay on the ship to do odd jobs for the time being. With her ability, she should be able to clean every aspect of the Polar Ship."

"As for other things, let's talk about it later."


Luo nodded and quietly made an "ok" gesture to Peijin with his hand on his side.

Luo's little movements failed to escape Rhodes' attention, and he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

That woman managed to take care of the people on the ship so quickly?

Or is it that the people on our ship are actually members of the Appearance Society who only care about appearance?

"I'll watch her."

Neru said softly, his eyes calm.

No matter how harmonious that guy is with his companions on the ship now, as long as he senses that she has bad intentions, Neru's thunder will call her out immediately.

“Polar’s ​​birthday cake!!”

Minina pushed a huge cake over and the rich aroma of milk and bread wafted on the deck, attracting everyone's attention.

"That's great, sister Minina!"

"Ah! I really want to eat the delicious food cooked by Sister Minina!"

"Let me be your dog, sister Minina!"

"Woof woof woof~~"

Sissi's roar echoed across the deck.


After taking a bite of the cake, Minina narrowed her eyes, full of satisfaction.

The rich aroma of [Golden Wheat] finally tasted after waiting for so long, it was worth it!

"Very good!"

Rhodes' eyes lit up.

The cream was nothing more. Although it was delicious, it didn't shock Rhodes too much.

On the contrary, after taking a bite of the bread below, the whole person feels like flying in a golden wheat field, and the rich aroma bursts in the mouth, making people unable to stop.

No wonder the Big Mom Pirates specially sent people from the New World to buy this flour.

"It's so delicious! Can we have such a delicious cake again in the future?"

Minina looked at Rhodes expectantly.

Captain Rhodes said that he will carry everyone's dreams.


A smile appeared on Rhodes' face.

The cakes from all over the world should be even more delicious!

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