"The devil's power has no effect?" Upon hearing Im's words, Ace's expression changed drastically, and at the same time he remembered what Whitebeard had said to him.

Whitebeard once told Ace that Roger told him 'Don't believe too much in the power of the devil' when he met him for the last time.

When Ace heard this sentence, he understood the 'devil's power' in Whitebeard's mouth as the ability of the Devil Fruit, but he didn't quite understand what it meant at the time.

Now Ace understands.

It might be that he had fought against Im, or he might have gotten information from the Final Island [Ravdru], or Roger might have gotten it from other places, which made him meet Whitebeard for the last time. That sentence remained.

Although I don't know where Roger got the information, the meaning of his words is obviously that there are people in this world who can ignore or even control the ability of all devil fruits.

However, even though he had roughly guessed Im's ability, Ace decided to give it a try, or in other words, he wanted to confirm something.

"Since the Devil Fruit's ability is ineffective on him, just confirm it with your fist!"

With this thought in mind, Ace clenched his fists with both hands, then moved his feet and rushed to Im in front of Im. His armed and domineering fists directly hit Im in the head.

Facing Ace's fist, Im raised his palm slowly. Although the movement seemed a bit slow, he easily blocked Ace's fist.

Not only that, after Ace's fist hit Im's palm, Ace not only felt that the power in his fist suddenly disappeared, but the next moment, a powerful force surged out of the opponent's palm, directly knocking Ace to the ground. Boom.

Kick, kick, kick! ~

Ace's body tumbled several times in mid-air, and after landing, he took a dozen steps back before he stabilized his body, and then stared at Im's palm.

Ace was certain that the force that bounced him away just now, the force of the punch he punched, did not really touch Im, but after blocking his fist, Im used his power to It bounced back.

This ability is very similar to the ability of Bartholomew Bear's Meat Ball Fruit, but Ace did not see the flesh pads on Im's hands that represented the ability of the Meat Ball Fruit like the palm of the bear's hand.

"From the initial ability similar to the Dark Fruit, to the flash of the real hammer Kizaru, and now the ability to rebound attacks like Mr. Xiong." Ace looked at Im and whispered in his heart: "Although there are some differences , but it can basically be confirmed that this guy can not only disable the opponent's abilities, but also use other people's abilities."

"It's just that I don't know if Im's ability comes from a special devil fruit that can use other people's abilities, or because he can control all devil fruit abilities. If it's the former, it's fine. If it's the latter, it's okay. Or, that would be terrible.”

call! ~

Just when Ace was thinking about Im's ability, the opponent had launched another attack on Ace. I saw Im raising his hand towards Ace, and the palm of his hand once again released the powerful gravity similar to the Dark Fruit, pulling Eim away. Si's body was pulled towards him.

Ace wanted to use his abilities to resist again, but found that although the Devil Fruit ability in his body could still be used reluctantly, it was as if he was stuck in a quagmire and could not use it freely.

In this case, it is estimated that the opponent has already killed him before he can activate his ability.

Ace's eyes were focused, and his hands gathered armed domineering energy. Then, relying on the attraction of Im's palm, he quickly approached him. When he was pulled in front of the opponent by the gravity released by Im, Ace suddenly raised his hands, and with both hands Spread your palms in an eight-figure shape, and aim your palms at Im.

"Armed One Style - Air God Strike!"

As Ace let out a deep drink, powerful armed domineering energy was released from his palms, attacking Im fiercely.

However, just when Ace thought that his attack would definitely hit Im, Im suddenly raised his hand, and then a transparent barrier appeared in front of Im.

boom! ~

Ace's Sky God Strike hit the barrier in front of Im's body heavily, and the powerful force was transmitted from the barrier to the ground, making the entire ground tremble violently, but the barrier in front of Im's body did not move at all.

Bang! ~

Im pushed with his palm, and the transparent barrier in front of him suddenly moved forward, knocking Ace away.

"The ability of the barrier fruit!" Ace wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the barrier in front of Im, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth a few times, another ability.

Next, Ace took the initiative to attack Im, but no matter what method he used to attack, Im would block it with various abilities.

What's even more frightening is that not only does Im use different abilities every time, but each ability he uses is more powerful than the last. Such an opponent is simply crushing.


A few minutes later, Ace squatted on the ground, panting heavily, then looked up at Im, with a wry smile on his face.

Im's endless abilities are simply too foul, and in front of him, his own abilities cannot be used, so that until now, Ace has not touched Im's body.

What's even more frightening is that Ace still doesn't know whether Im's own strength is strong or weak, apart from the ability to use various devil fruits at will.

"It's really a headache to fight against this kind of opponent!" Ace scratched his head and simply sat on the ground. Then he looked at Im and said, "Timeout!"

Seeing that Im didn't attack him, Ace took out a phone bug.

"..." When Im saw Ace taking out the phone bug, he didn't stop him. He just stood there and watched quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Aren't you going to attack? That's perfect!" Ace held the phone bug and looked at Im warily. Seeing that he had no intention of attacking, he took the opportunity to dial the phone bug and wanted to notify Sabo.

Faced with an opponent like Im, Ace could no longer guarantee that he could escape unscathed. However, he should at least tell Sabo about Im's existence and abilities and let him escape quickly.

However, what made Ace despair was that there was something wrong with the phone bug in his hand. No matter how he tried, he couldn't make a call.

After trying a few more times and finding that the phone bug in his hand could not make a call, Ace finally gave up.

"Is it because of that guy's ability? Or is it because this house has blocked the signal of the phone bug?" Ace put away the phone bug, looked at Im, and sighed in his heart. No wonder Im didn't stop him. It turned out that the phone was in this place. The bug is of no use at all, this guy is just laughing at him.

"There is no other way, it seems we can only do our best!"

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