One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 236 Princess Bai Xing (third update, please subscribe)

Dragon Palace Kingdom, outside the Hard Shell Tower.

"This is where the little girl Bai Xing lives." Neptune pointed to the door of the hard shell tower and said to Ace: "For some reason, the little girl was cursed by a villain and had to hide in this hard shell tower. Only in the Shell Tower can one save one's life."

"Curse?" Of course Ace knew that Bai Xing was hiding in the hard-shell tower to avoid the ability called Vander Daken IX.

However, Ace still pretended not to know and looked very interested.

"That was a curse left on the little girl by a villain named Vander Daken IX. He claimed that he was suffering from the 'Target Curse', but in fact he ate some kind of Devil Fruit and obtained It has the ability to lock anyone into a 'target' anytime, anywhere."

"Because the little girl once rejected his proposal, he activated this ability on the little girl and regarded the little girl as his 'target'. Over the past few years, he often used various weapons as 'targets' to target the little girl. Launch an attack.”

"Because every time he 'shoots', he is not sure of the time and place, so the little girl can only hide in this hard-shell tower for a long time to guard against the possible attack of the villain at any time."

"Since the day she was cursed, my little girl has not left this hard-shell tower for eight years." Neptune said, with sadness and self-blame on his face.

It’s not that Neptune didn’t try to find Vander Deken IX to be exposed to this curse. He even thought that if he found Vander Deken IX, if this guy refused to lift the curse, he would even hesitate to do so. Kill that villain.

But Vander Deken IX is also a cunning guy. Not only has he not been caught by the Ryugu Kingdom for so many years, but he has also used his ability to 'target' Princess Shirahoshi from time to time, which made Shirahoshi not dare to do so in the past eight years. Take a step outside the hard shell tower.

What’s even more annoying is that when this bastard proposed to Princess Shirahoshi, she was only six years old!

"Vander Deken IX?" Upon hearing this name, Ace's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Although Ace knew that the reason why Neptune brought him to see Princess Shirahoshi so readily was because he might have the intention of letting him help solve the 'curse' on Shirahoshi, Ace still decided to take the time after meeting Shirahoshi. Find that bastard Vander Daken IX and kill him.

He even proposed to a six-year-old child. If this kind of scum is not killed as soon as possible, will he still be allowed to celebrate the New Year?

"Father, are you outside?"

At this time, a very pleasant sound came from inside the hard-shell tower.

"It's me." Hearing the voice coming from the hard-shell tower, Neptune immediately responded, and then pushed open the door of the hard-shell tower.

As the door of the hard-shell tower was pushed open, a white and tender hand several times larger than a normal person stretched out from the door, and then a huge and beautiful face slowly poked out from the door.

She has long flowing pink curly hair, a taiyaki-shaped hair accessory on her head, a pair of shell-shaped earrings, bright blue eyes, a beautiful face, a plump bust, and that face She looks pitiful but has a face as beautiful as Boa Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world.

Although he is only fourteen years old, he is already over ten meters tall. His youthful but beautiful appearance coupled with his uniquely charming figure give people a shocking visual impact.

This is the mermaid princess of Ryugu Kingdom, Shirahoshi.

Princess White Star was very happy to know that Neptune came to see her, but when she stuck her head out and saw someone besides Neptune outside the door, she immediately retracted her head.

After a while, Bai Xing 'secretly' stuck his head out from the crack of the door. His big aqua eyes looked timidly at Ace, who was standing next to Neptune, and asked in a low voice: "Father?" King, who is this person..."

"He is..." Neptune looked at Ace, suddenly not knowing how to introduce him.

If we look at Whitebeard's side, Ace should be his junior, so it doesn't matter if Bai Xing calls him brother.

But from his own side, he just swore to form an alliance with Ace. In this way, Ace and he are allies and equals. If we look at it from this side, then Shirahoshi will call Ace uncle.

"I am the nephew of Uncle Neptune's friend. Are you the famous Princess White Star of Mermaid Island?" Ace came to White Star, stretched out his hand to him, and said with a gentle smile: "My name is Potter. Cass D. Ace, you can call me Brother Ace.”

Bai Xing looked at Neptune, who nodded to her and gave her an encouraging look.

"Well, I'm Bai Xing." Bai Xing stretched out his hand, touched Ace's palm, immediately took it back, and then said crisply: "Um... hello, Brother Ace."

Ace was stunned for a moment, then looked at his hands and suddenly laughed: "Hahahaha, Bai Xing, you obviously have such a huge body, but are you so timid?"

"Please... please don't say that to me." After hearing Ace's words, Bai Xing immediately raised his lips in aggrieved tone, and then sobbed and said, "Although I am indeed a little timid... 嘤嘤嘤~"

"Sir Ace..." Seeing his daughter crying, Neptune also leaned over to Ace and said with a smile: "White Star has been hiding in the hard-shell tower all year round and rarely has contact with outsiders, so he is indeed a bit brave. Xiao... no, she's afraid of strangers, please don't say it so bluntly, she will be sad."

"Okay." Ace nodded after hearing this, then looked at Bai Xing and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, Bai Xing, I shouldn't have laughed at you in person, please forgive me."

"Well, I forgive you." Bai Xing wiped away his tears and accepted Ace's apology.


At this time, a long sword suddenly flew from a distance, like an arrow, shooting towards Bai Xing at a very fast speed.

"Huh?" Ace's eyes narrowed, and he appeared in front of Bai Xing in a blink of an eye. Then he raised his arm and easily grabbed the flying sword.

call! ~

White flames rose in Ace's palm, and the hot temperature instantly melted the long sword in his hand, then completely evaporated into gas and disappeared.

"It' amazing, there's a flame on the palm of my hand!" Seeing the white flame on Ace's hand, Bai Xing's face suddenly showed a surprised expression, and at the same time, his gaze towards Ace became one of admiration.

"Hehe, this is my ability. I am a fireman who has eaten the burning fruit. I can control the fire freely." Ace raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a flame immediately flew out from his fingertips. It turned into a small fish, swimming around Bai Xing lifelike.

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