One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 196 The feeling of heartbeat

"Since you won't get out of the way, I have no choice but to knock you down." Daxie lowered the mace on his back and said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Do you want to take action?" Foz Fu saw Yamato's posture and became serious, and said: "Master Yamato, if we start a fight here, I will not care about your safety. If I accidentally hurt you, If so, don’t blame me!”

As one of the signature [Flying Six Cells] in the Beast Pirates, second only to the 'Three Disasters', Foz Fu is very confident in his own strength.

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Foz Fu, so he used [Thunder Bagua] to instantly blast Foz Fu out of the prison and send him thousands of miles away.

After blasting away Foz Fu, Yamato immediately came to the cell where Momonosuke was being held, trying to open the door and rescue Momonosuke.

"Idiot, no matter how willful Master Yamato is, he is still the son of Lord Kaidou. You really deserve to underestimate him, Foz Fu!" Just when Yamato was about to open the cell door, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind him. came.

"It's Runti, whoops!" Hearing this voice, Yamato's body trembled, he immediately grabbed the mace, then turned around quickly, and at the same time placed the mace in his hand across his chest.

The moment Yamato turned around, a slim figure rushed in front of Yamato, and fiercely hit Yamato with a headbutt.


Yamato was knocked flying by Runti's powerful headbutt, and his whole body hit the door of the cell heavily. The powerful force shook the entire prison.

"Asshole, it hurts so much!" Yamato moved his body, and then shouted angrily at Runti: "Runti, don't hinder me. I made a very strong determination to come here, and I'm just dawdling here. If you do, the old man will know about it."

"Master Yamato, I don't know why you want to let this brat go, but that's not possible!" Runti looked at Yamato and said quietly, with no intention of getting out of the way.

"Then I'll knock you down too!"

"Thunder gossip!"

Yamato raised the mace in his hand and struck Runti hard.

Like Fuzifu, Runti, who is also one of the flying six cells, is naturally not afraid of Yamato. She leaned back, a strong armed domineering force gathered on her forehead, and then fiercely faced Yamato's wolf fangs. The stick hit him.

This woman actually used her head to catch Yamato's [Thunder Gossip], and it was so overwhelming.

"Moisturizing gun!"


Runti's headbutt collided hard with Yamato's mace, and the strong wind generated by the collision directly tore the ground, and then knocked Runti and Yamato backward at the same time.

"Damn it, this woman is too strong, I can't defeat her in a short time!" Yamato said anxiously as he stabilized his body.

"Kill me down? Stop joking!" Runti looked at Yamato and said seriously: "Although your moves are the same as those of Master Kaido, Master Yamato, yours can only be regarded as the [Four Thunder Trigrams] at best. Compared to Master Kaido, It’s so far behind!”

"Yamato, you bastard!"

At this time, with an angry roar, Foz Fu, who had been knocked away by Yamato's [Thunder Gossip] before, also returned to Yamato.

"It's so unreasonable to take action when I'm not paying attention!" Foz Fu looked at Yamato and said angrily: "Master Yamato, it's too late to catch him without mercy, otherwise I can't guarantee whether I will kill you! "

"I'm very angry right now!" Fozzie Fu pulled out his sword and said with murderous intent.

"Stop joking, Foz Fu, if you kill Master Yamato, you won't be able to survive. Master Kaido will kill you," Runti reminded.

"That's right!" After hearing Runti's words, Foz Fu's murderous intention subsided a little, and then he said: "Then beat him half to death and then send him to Lord Kaido!"

"Agree!" Runti nodded, and then together with Foz Fu, one on the left and one on the right, they approached Yamato.

Boom boom boom! ! ~~

Next, Yamato and the second flying six cells, Runti and Foz Fu fought fiercely, and soon they fought from the prison to outside the mansion.

"Eh? Aren't those Lord Runti and Lord Foz Fu? Who are they fighting?"

"Idiot, that's Master Yamato, but why did Master Yamato appear here? And he even got into a fight with the two adults of Fei Liubao."

"Should we tell Lord Kaidou?"

"Idiot, Lord Kaido is drinking happily. If you disturb him now, you will definitely be killed. Let's just pretend we didn't see it."

"Well, just pretend you didn't see it!"

In this way, the surrounding granters reached a tacit understanding. Even if the three people were fighting fiercely, they pretended not to see it.


Xiao Shinobi, who was lurking outside Momonosuke's cell, saw Yamato, Runti, and Foz Fu coming outside. The Giver who had been knocked unconscious by Yamato before outside the cell had not yet woken up, so he seized the opportunity and came quickly. When he arrived at the cell where Momonosuke was being held, he wanted to take the opportunity to rescue Momonosuke.

puff! ~

Just when Shinobu was about to open the door of the cell where Momonosuke was being held, a blade suddenly stabbed from behind her and penetrated directly through Shinobu's body.

Xiao Ren wanted to turn her head, but the blade that penetrated her body was quickly pulled out, and then quickly slashed across the back of her neck. Xiao Ren's head was thrown high, and she didn't even see who killed her until she died. .

"In the end, did you only attract such a small character? What a disappointment!" Jhin waved his hand and shook off the blood on the blade in his hand. He slowly sheathed the long sword, then looked towards the direction where Yamato and the three were fighting, frowning. He said: "How come Master Yamato is here, and judging from his appearance, he seems to want to save the kid from the Kozuki family. What does he want to do?"

"Forget it, it's impossible for Master Yamato to rescue that brat anyway, let him have his way." Shaking his head, Jhin turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

On the other side, the battle between Yamato, Runti, Fozzie and Fu became more and more intense. The three of them fought all the way from the prison to the block. Although Yamato was very strong, he still fell into the trap when faced with two members of the Flying Six Cells at the same time. Downwind, they were gradually suppressed.

"Run·Meteor Swarm!"

Runti caught the moment when Yamato was forced back by Foz Fu, and hit his head hard with a headbutt. Not only was the mask on his face directly cracked, but his whole body was also knocked far away.

"Eh?" Ace, who happened to arrive at the Flower Capital, just walked into the block when he saw Yamato falling from the sky and flying towards him after being hit by Runti's headbutt. Ace subconsciously reached out to catch her and pulled Yamato The princess held her in her arms.

Ace lowered his head just in time to see the shattered mask on Yamato's face fall off, revealing his true appearance.

Suddenly, Ace felt as if his heart was hit by something!

ps: Yes, Yamato is the heroine

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