One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 177 Arrogant Blackbeard

"Hahahaha, this is really a good show for me, dad... no, Whitebeard!"

Just when Akainu was about to use his own abilities to destroy the ice in the bay, a wild voice suddenly came from the Marine Headquarters fortress building in Marinefando.

"who is it?"

"Look, someone is there!"

"There seems to be something huge moving behind the headquarters fortress!"

"It's not just that. Look at the execution platform. There is someone there!"

"Ah, I was discovered."

Behind the fortress of the Navy Headquarters, a huge face was revealed, and beneath the face, several figures emerged.

"Hahahaha, thief, has he finally been discovered?"

"Don't be stupid, Captain. If you hadn't shown up proactively, they would never have discovered us until they died."

"Hahaha, thief, that's true, but it doesn't matter. If I don't show up at this time, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

"It's them, the new Shichibukai 'Blackbeard' Marshall D. Teach, and his Blackbeard Pirates!"

"Didn't they escape from the battlefield? Why did they show up again?"

"Also, that face behind the could there be such a huge creature in the world!"

"That huge figure, could it be... the legendary [giant battleship] San Juan Wolf!"

"It's not just him. Look at the people around Blackbeard. They are all key criminals on the sixth floor of the Undersea Prison Impel City. Why are they here, and they are also with the Shichibukai!"

"[The King of Evil] Abarro Pizarro!"

"[Xuanyue Hunter] Katrin Diemei!"

"[Barrel] Basque Choate!"

"In addition to the recommended warden [Hiryu Ame], why did these people appear in the headquarters together with Blackbeard of the Shichibukai? What happened!"

"Even their existence has been hidden in order to deal with the brutality of their past. These men are undoubtedly the most vicious criminals in the world, and we must not allow any of them to return to the world. .”

"You guys, you disappeared from the beginning, why are you here now!" After Warring States saw the figures on the fortress clearly, he shouted at them: "And those guys next to you, why are they here? Appear!"

"And you, Shiliu!" Warring States looked at Shiliu next to Blackbeard with an angry face, and said angrily: "You bastard... What happened to Magellan? What happened in Impel Down City? As the guard of Impel Down City Why are you here with these bastards!"

"Magellan..." Shiliu looked at Warring States, and the old god said: "What happened in Impel Down City, you can confirm it yourself later. As for me... I have resigned to Magellan, and now I am teaming up with these guys. .”

"What about you, Blackbeard!" Sengoku looked at Blackbeard again and asked angrily: "As a Shichibukai, why are you with these gangsters in Impel Down City? What is your purpose?"

"Without the title of Shichibukai, it is impossible to get close to the 'gate' of the World Government, so I exchanged the 'title' for you with the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, so that you can legitimately pass through the 'gate' and enter Impel Down City, where Only then can I recruit partners who suit my needs.”

"Now that I have found my partner, I no longer need the title 'Shichibukai'."

"As for the purpose, isn't it obvious? Marshal Warring States, with a powerful partner, of course he will go to the new world to chase the 'throne'!" Blackbeard glanced at Warring States, then stopped looking at him, and instead turned his gaze to Whitebeard on the Moby Dick laughed and said: "Hahaha, thief, long time no see. It's great to see you again before you die, dad!"

"Tich, you bastard, have you finally shown up?" On the Moby Dick, the seriously injured Whitebeard stood up slowly, looked at Blackbeard, and said loudly: "Only you, Teach, I I will never admit that you are my son!"

"Hahaha, thief, that's such a pity. I used to 'long' for you from the bottom of my heart, dad." Blackbeard laughed and said, "But you are old, even old enough to be stabbed by your own men. , instead of letting you die of old age like this, why not let me personally send you on your way!"

"I will take your head and your unparalleled ability with my own hands. It would be a pity to leave such a powerful ability in a guy like you who is about to die of old age!"

"And you, Fire Fist... No, I should call you [Fire Emperor] now. I was indebted to you for taking care of me a year ago, but it made me suffer a lot. I almost died in that place, but I finally managed to survive." You survived and gained great strength, and as soon as you returned to the sea, you regained the ability that was taken away from you a year ago."

"Now...I'm back to seek revenge on you, Ace!" Blackbeard stared at Ace next to Whitebeard, held his left wrist, and said with a ferocious face: "In the past year, every time I think of you, That face makes my left wrist feel a dull pain!"

"Did you just gain some trivial abilities and become so rampant? Teach!"

"You are talking about taking away my ability with your own hands. Take away my ability. If you can do it, come and try it! You bastard!" After hearing Blackbeard's words, Whitebeard's face could no longer suppress the anger. , he clenched the naginata in his hand, and was ready to rush forward and kill this scum who escaped from his ship.

"Uncle, wait a minute!" Ace stopped Whitebeard, then looked at Blackbeard, and said loudly: "You said you wanted to seek revenge from me, but you dare not show up until now. Even if you act arrogantly, in the end you are still He’s just a coward who only dared to show up after seeing Uncle Whitebeard injured!”

"Didn't you say you wanted to seek revenge from me? I'll be waiting for you here!" Ace shouted at Blackbeard.

"Thief hahahaha, don't worry, I will come and take your head right away." Blackbeard stared at Ace with a ferocious face, said with a ferocious smile, and then waved his hand, and the huge naval headquarters at his feet A piece of the fortress building actually detached from the building and floated.

Blackbeard stood confused on the floating wreckage of the building, flying slowly towards the Moby Dick.

"This guy has indeed gained the ability of the Golden Lion." Ace looked at the floating debris of the building at Blackbeard's feet in confusion, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then he responded forcefully: "I'm waiting for you here, if you have the guts, Just come here, Blackbeard!”

After Ace finished speaking, he glanced at the sky, then looked at Qiao Ellie Bonnie who was still eating and drinking, and asked: "Bonnie, are you ready?"

PS: The long holiday is over, the third update will start tomorrow, double the last day, please give me a monthly ticket.

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