One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 156 Rising Sun Blade (Second update, please subscribe)

"It's useless!" Magellan shouted, controlling the other remaining arm of the poisonous giant soldier, and punched Ace again.

"Explosive Flame Sword of Fire!" Ace swung his sword again, and purple flames were released from the blade of the sword of fire in his hand. After blocking the fist of the giant poisonous soldier, Ace's arm shook, and the blade released purple flames a second time. The flames quickly evaporated the poisonous giant soldier's entire body!

If you are strong and you are strong, I will kill you with one strike. If you cannot kill me with one strike, I will kill you with one strike!

"Poison Giant Soldier!"

Magellan released poison again, and a large amount of bright red poison once again condensed into skeleton poison soldiers, standing behind Magellan.


Magellan's eyes narrowed, and he released armed domineering energy to wrap around the poisonous giant soldier, and then controlled the poisonous giant soldier to punch Ace.

The Poison Giant Soldier's attack this time was several times faster and more powerful than the last time. Ace had no time to swing his sword and could only raise his arm to block it.


Although the Remnant Fire Prison Clothes blocked the fierce poison, the power of the poison giant's punch was like an air cannon, hitting Ace's body firmly and sending him flying away.

"The poisonous fog of hell~!"

call! ~

The moment Ace was knocked away, Magellan controlled the giant poison soldier to spray out a large mouthful of red poisonous mist. The poisonous mist chased the flying figure and quickly enveloped Ace's body.

The moment he was enveloped by the red poisonous mist, Ace, who was flying upside down, opened his palms, and the purple light in his palms condensed into a ball of light. This was purple flame compressed dozens of times.


Ace threw the fire bomb, and the air wave generated at the moment of the explosion dispersed the poisonous mist. Ace also used the impact of the explosion to stabilize his body.

However, at this time, Magellan's poisonous giant soldiers had already caught up.

"caught you!"

The giant poisonous soldier's palm fiercely grabbed Ace, who had just stabilized his figure, directly in his hand.

Although Ace maintains the form of the Residual Fire Prison Clothes, the poisonous giant soldier's body is wrapped with armed domineering energy, making it impossible for the temperature of the residual fire prison clothes to evaporate the palms of the poisonous giant soldiers in a short time.

"The fierce poisonous fog of hell!"

Magellan gave a deep drink, and then he and the giant poison soldier opened their mouths at the same time, and sprayed thick poisonous mist at Ace at the same time.

This continuous and rich poisonous mist, even with the protection of the Remnant Fire Prison Clothes, made Ace dare not breathe. His eyes narrowed slightly, and the sword of fire in his hand shook slightly, and then the blade rotated.

With a flash of purple light, the arm of the giant poisonous soldier was cut off silently, and Ace took the opportunity to break free from the palm.

"Just now... what happened!" Magellan looked at the broken arm of the Poison Giant Soldier. He just saw the blade in Ace's hand flicker, and the Poison Giant Soldier's wrist was broken.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Ace raised the sword of fire in his hand, smiled slightly, and said, "You might be able to find out if you try again."

"Then as you wish!" Magellan shouted, then controlled the poisonous giant soldier and punched Ace.

Facing the armored and domineering fist wrapped around the giant poisonous soldier, Ace slowly raised the sword of fire in his hand, the sword trembled slightly, and then he swung it down gently.

There was no scene of flames exploding, and there was no sound of burning flames. Silently, half of the poisonous giant soldier's body disappeared without a trace the moment Ace swung his blade.

"Impossible!" Magellan's expression changed drastically when he saw half of the poisonous giant soldier's body disappearing in an instant. The poisonous giant soldier had obviously been entangled with armed domineering energy, how could it be possible that it could disappear so silently.

The most important thing is that he only saw Ace swinging his sword and didn't understand that he was killing half of the giant poisonous soldier's body.

"Haven't you seen it yet?" Ace looked at Magellan and said calmly: "Why don't you try again, maybe you can see it clearly."

"..." After hearing Ace's words, Magellan's face darkened, but he still controlled the remaining half of the poisonous giant soldier's body to attack Ace again, while staring at Ace.

Ace raised the sword of fire, and purple light surged in his palm. The sword of fire poured into his hand from his palm, causing the sword to tremble slightly. Magellan, who caught this scene, focused his eyes.

Ace swung his sword, and silently, the remaining half of the poisonous giant soldier that attacked disappeared instantly.

"I see, is it a highly compressed flame that is instantly released from the blade?" Magellan said in a deep voice, looking at the sword of fire in Ace's hand.

"That's right, you finally discovered it." Ace raised the Fire Sword in his hand and said: "Concentrate all the heat of one hundred thousand degrees of purple flame on the blade of the Fire Sword, and release it completely with the moment of swinging the sword. , the extremely compressed flame is invisible, but like the rising sun, it burns everything in the direction of the blade."

"This is the second stage of the Sword of Fire - the Rising Sun Blade!" Ace pointed the blade at Magellan and said loudly.

"Rising Sun Blade? A blade like the sun?" Magellan looked down at the sword of fire in Ace's hand, as if imagining what would happen if the blade was swung at him.

Reminiscent of the power that Ace wielded his sword to kill the giant poisonous soldier, Magellan was horrified to find that if Ace swung the blade towards him, he seemed to have no confidence that he could block it.

"Ace BOY!~"

At this time, at the entrance to the first level of Red Lotus Hell, a huge face with heavy makeup suddenly appeared, calling out to Ace: "The gate to the Impel Down City has been opened, run away quickly."

"Oh, here we come!" Upon hearing this, Ace smiled slightly, then swayed and flew towards the entrance of the first level of Red Lotus Hell.

Ace did not avoid Magellan who was standing there, and flew directly past him. What was surprising was that Magellan's behavior towards Ace only trembled slightly, and then Ace swaggered away from him. He passed by without any action.

Magellan was still immersed in the power of Ace's Rising Sun Blade. Even if Ace swaggered past him, he did not stop him because of his instinctive reaction.

"Director, Director!" At this time, Saludes came here with a team of Brugli. He looked at Magellan standing there and immediately ran over and called.

After hearing Saludes's call, Magellan reacted, and then showed a look of shame and anger on his face.

"It's so shameful. As the director of Impel Down City, I would be so frightened by a criminal that I dare not move. It's really shameful." Magellan turned around, strode towards the entrance of Red Lotus Hell, and said solemnly: " Don't follow me, just leave it to me alone."

"Portcas D. Ace, even if you are buried here, I will keep you in Impel Down City!" Magellan said decisively.

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