One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 152 Ace VS Magellan (first update, please subscribe)

"Do you think I don't exist?" Just as Crocodile and others rushed to the entrance of the third floor, Magellan on the side spoke in a deep voice, then raised his arm, pointing his palm at the passage on the third floor, wanting to release the drama. Poison seals the entrance to the third floor.

"Yan Shangzhang!"

Just when Magellan was about to release poison to seal the entrance to the third floor, a hot flame suddenly roared from his side, interrupting Magellan's offensive and completely blocking him from the entrance to the third floor. stand up.

Magellan turned his head and looked at Ace who was releasing the flames, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said coldly: "You little brat!"

"I told you, your opponent is me, Magellan!" Ace looked at Magellan without fear and said with a smile.

"Be my opponent? That's okay." Magellan glanced at the wall of fire around him, then turned and walked towards Ace, saying: "Fire Fist, Portcas D. Ace, in order to attack you, the World Government will I didn’t even hesitate to start a war with Whitebeard, but I didn’t expect you to send yourself to my territory.”

"Ah, I'm here to find someone, but he has been taken away, so I have to leave here immediately." Ace raised his hand to hold his hat and said, "If you can clear the way and let me pass, Then I’m really grateful.”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Magellan stopped, with a heartbeat-like sound coming from his body. He looked at Ace and said, "The order I received is to execute you here."

"Execute me?" Ace put himself in a posture, with flames igniting all over his body, and said with a smile, "That's such a shame."

"Poison dragon!" Magellan raised his hand, facing Ace with his palm, and released a poisonous dragon from his palm, roaring towards Ace.

"Huh!~" Ace opened his mouth and took a sudden breath, then opened his mouth wide and spit out a stream of flames towards Magellan's poisonous dragon.

"Dragon's Breath·Big Fire Breathing!"


The hot flame collided with the poisonous dragon. The high temperature of the flame caused the liquid poisonous dragon to collapse and turn into steam and disappear.

"Poisonous pufferfish!"

Magellan jumped up and spit out a large amount of liquid from his mouth towards Ace, which condensed into a toxin sphere.

"Fire fist!" Ace punched out, and his elemental arm suddenly stretched out and turned into a huge flaming fist, which directly drowned the poison ball spit out by Magellan, and then fiercely blasted towards Magellan's body.

Magellan waved his arm, and a stream of venom flew out of his body, snaking around the fire fist and attacking Ace's body.

"Poison channel!" When the venom was about to come into contact with Ace, Magellan dived directly into the venom, then quickly glided through the venom and came to Ace's side in an instant, fists full of bandages facing him. Hit Ace on the head.


Ace ducked sideways, and Magellan's fist hit the ground, directly making a large crater in the hard ground. The toxins on the fist touched the ground, and corrosive white smoke emitted.

"Good guy, if you get hit, it won't be as simple as being very painful." Ace looked at the toxins in the big pit created by Magellan and thought to himself.

Magellan retracted his fist, turned to look at Ace, and raised his hands to face him. The next moment, a large amount of venom was released from Magellan's hands, covering Ace overwhelmingly.

"Poison Falls!"

A large amount of venom is like a waterfall falling from the sky, completely occupying all the places where Ace can move in this area, making Ace unable to escape!

"Fire Ring!" Ace twirled his arms and released a large amount of flames from his arms, forming a pillar of fire around himself to isolate Magellan's venom.

"Wave of fire! Queen Ace pushed with both hands, and the pillar of fire around him collapsed, forming a wave of flames that spread out. The heat wave caused by the high temperature dispersed and evaporated all the surrounding venom, and then submerged Magellan's body. middle.

"The ability of flames and the scorching hell of this level really complement each other."

"Although I really want to say this, is it really true?" Magellan walked out of the flames unscathed. His body was full of toxins and steam was constantly emitting due to the high temperature of the surrounding flames.

"Poison gas... it's terrible!" When he saw the steam coming out of Magellan's body, Ace's pupils shrank, he secretly said something bad, and then he immediately held his breath, but it was already too late.

"Ahem!~" Ace Warrior coughed violently in his chest and his head felt dizzy. This was the onset of the poisonous gas he inadvertently inhaled.

"The high temperature can indeed evaporate my venom, but it turns it into poisonous mist that is easier to inhale." Magellan walked up to Ace unhurriedly and said condescendingly: "Although these poisonous mist are not fatal, But it will make your five senses gradually lose, and you have no chance of winning, Portcas D. Ace!"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Ace, who was coughing violently, suddenly raised his head, a white luster flashed in his pupils, and then looked at Magellan with a smile on his face, and said: "Using non-lethal poison is your biggest miscalculation. Magellan!" As he spoke, Ace had already raised his hands, holding his right wrist with his left hand, and facing Magellan's chest with his right palm. The armed domineering energy that had been condensed for a long time was released without reservation at this moment.

"Armed - Sky God Strike!"


The powerful armed domineering force hit Magellan's chest from the air, sending his huge body flying, and then hit the wall behind him heavily.


Magellan fell down and knelt on one knee, covering his chest with his left hand. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. He looked seriously injured.

"How come my poison has no effect on you?" Magellan raised his head, looked at Ace, and asked.

"It's not that it has no effect, it's just that before your poison takes effect in my body, I evaporate it with absolutely high-temperature flames," Ace said.

"Impossible, no matter how high the temperature of your flame is, it is impossible to completely evaporate my toxins." Magellan didn't believe it.

"It's not impossible, it's just that you can't imagine how high the temperature of my flames can be!" Ace said, the flames burning on his body began to change colors, and the temperature began to rise rapidly. When the flames completely turned into pure white, The high temperature of the flames, which reached 10,000 degrees, caused the air around Ace to begin to twist.

Ace is a natural ability user. When he realized that he was poisoned, he immediately elementalized the inside of his body, and then transformed the elementalized flames into 10,000-degree purifying flames, using high temperature to purify away the poison in his body. toxin.

Looking at the white flames on Ace's body and the rising temperature around him, Magellan's face began to look ugly. He stood up and said in a deep voice: "I see, using the absolutely high-temperature flames to purify my toxins ?"

"Then, I will use the poison that you cannot purify to execute you!" Magellan said, and the venom sticking out of his chest began to change, slowly turning from purple to red.

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