One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 150 The shocking prison alliance (second update, please subscribe)


Just when Ace and others stepped out of the gate of the sixth level of Hell, all the alarms in the Impel Down City suddenly rang.

Ace turned around and realized that it was Hannibal who had set off the alarm.

"You scum, don't think that you can do whatever you want here after you are freed from the shackles. No one in history has been able to escape from here." Hannibal held the weapon trident and shouted loudly to Ace and others: "This place is The largest prison in the world, Imperial!"

"You scum, don't underestimate us, the gatekeepers of hell!" Hannibal roared and rushed towards Ace and others.

Ace, Jinbe and Crocodile turned around together, looking at Hannibal who was rushing towards them like a falcon, and the three of them took action at the same time.

"fire punch!"


"Tang Caowa's fist!"

The three attacks landed on Hannibal almost at the same time, knocking him away and slamming into the wall of the prison. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Sorry, we don't have time to waste on you now." Ace looked at the fainted Hannibal and said softly, then turned around and said, "Let's go!"

"By the way, I almost forgot about them." As soon as he walked out of the door of the cell on the sixth floor, Ace suddenly remembered something, then he took out a phone bug with thick eyeshadow from his body and dialed.

"Hehe, this is Ivan-chan, who is it?" An exaggerated voice came from the phone bug's mouth.

"Ivankov...Senior, I am Ace." Ace said to the phone bug: "Kerra should have mentioned me to you."

"Oh, it's Ace Boy. I know you are Sabo's brother, right? Kerla-chan told me, hip-hop." The Shemale King said happily.

"You know that's the best thing about me." Ace smiled, and then said with a serious face: "To make a long story short, I am in Impel Down City now, and Kerra told me that if I enter Impel Down City, I can ask for your help.”

"Alas~Ace Boy, are you imprisoned in Impel Down City too? That's really too bad." The She-Mon King shouted in an exaggerated tone.

"No, no, I was not imprisoned." Ace waved his hand and said, "I sneaked in to save Sabo, but I came late. Sabo has been sent to the Navy Headquarters, so I am going to the Navy Headquarters now. I hope you, Ivankov, can help me get back Saab."

Hearing Ace's words, the phone bug's expression gradually became serious, and then he said: "Go to the Navy Headquarters to snatch Saab back? What an amazing courage, Ace Boy."

"Since it's for Saab BOY, of course I will try my best to help you. Where are you now?" the Shemale King asked.

"I'm at the door of the sixth level of Hell." Ace replied.

"OK, I'll be there soon, wait for me, Ace Boy." The Shemale King winked and then hung up the phone.


A few minutes later, the cell on the sixth floor suddenly shook violently. The next moment, a pair of scissor-like arms stretched out from the ceiling, cutting a large hole in the stone ceiling like cloth, and then a bunch of shemales in strange clothes Hundreds of people swarmed out from the cut area.

"Hip!" Ambrio Ivankov, the 'King of Monsters', jumped down from the hole and landed in a posture that he thought was cool.

"Ace BOY~" The Shemale King saw Ace and was about to come over to greet him enthusiastically. Suddenly he saw Crocodile standing next to Ace, and immediately stopped and said to Crocodile in a strange way. : "Hey, isn't this Kroc BOY? It's been a long time."

"...Ivankov!" Crocodile's face suddenly turned gloomy when he saw Ivankov. He seemed to really not want to see the demon king, so he turned around and left.

"Where are you going? Crocodile Boy." Ivankov stopped Crocodile in a flash and said with a joking face: "When you see an old acquaintance, are you going to leave without saying hello?"

"Get out of the way, Ivankov!" Crocodile looked at the Demon King with murderous intent, as if he would attack if he didn't get out of the way.

"Hip Hop, are you going to do something to me? Kroc Boy, aren't you afraid that I will reveal your secret?" Not only was the Shemale King not afraid of his predecessor, Shichibukai, but he threatened with an arrogant look: "There is someone here. A lot of people.”

"If you dare to do this, just try it!" Crocodile hit Ivankov with a hook and said solemnly: "I will kill you before you say anything."

"What an unlovable boy." The She-Mon King easily blocked Crocodile's hook and said, "You said you could kill me, can you really do it?"

The Demon King kicked Crocodile away, and his body suddenly became taller. He looked at Crocodile condescendingly and said in a deep voice: "Or have you forgotten my terror, eh? Crocodile BOY!"

"You guy!" Under the pressure of the She-Mon King, Crocodile's face turned ugly, and all parts of his body began to turn into sand, and then he quickly rushed towards Ivankov.

"Hip!" The Shemale King was not afraid of Crocodile at all, and he was about to attack him.

Just when the two were about to fight, the figures of Ace and Jinbe rushed out at the same time, blocking the two of them respectively.

"That's enough!" Ace forced Crocodile back, then looked at Ivankov and said, "Senior Ivankov, Crocodile is not an enemy, at least not now."

"Really?" After hearing Ace's words, Ivankov also put away his posture and separated from Jinbei. Then he came to Ace, bent down and said in Ace's ear: "Although this guy is very unreliable, but If he dares to betray you, I will tell you his secret, he cares about this very much."

"Thank you very much, Senior Ivankov, but I think it shouldn't be like this." Ace smiled and shook his head, turned to look at Crocodile, and said: "Now is not the time for internal strife. There is not much time before Sabo's execution. Now, we have to break out of here as soon as possible."

"Besides, if you want to rush out from here, there is still a big obstacle to overcome." Ace looked at the piercing alarm bell above and said in a deep voice: "The deputy director of the Impel City has already set off the alarm, and Magellan is expected to be there soon. It’s coming soon.”

"Magellan?" Ivankov's face became serious after hearing this, and his body shape returned to normal size. Then he stood next to Ace and said, "He is indeed a difficult guy to deal with!"

"However, our lineup is even more terrifying!"

Ace, Jinbe, Crocodile, and the Shemale King, these four people are in the same frame, and the picture alone is extremely shocking!

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