One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 137 The Successor of the Lion (Please subscribe)

Navy Headquarters, Marinevando, in the conference hall.

"Our pirate group is called the 'Blackbeard Pirates', and the captain is named Marshall D. Teach, nicknamed 'Blackbeard'. Please remember this name." Lafitte looked at all the people in the conference hall. He smiled and said: "Our captain inherited the power of a legendary pirate not long ago, and he is definitely strong enough to hold the title of Shichibukai."

"As for the man captured by our captain, his name is Sabo, and he is the second-in-command of the revolutionary army." Lafitte said.


"The second in command of the revolutionary army!"

After hearing the name, Akainu and Aoki couldn't help but look at each other, and saw surprised looks in their eyes.

You know, in the Dressrosa incident, General Kizaru was injured by the man named Sabo, and he has not fully recovered yet.

As the three generals of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu and Aokiji are of course very aware of Kizaru's strength. It would be difficult for even the two of them to defeat Kizaru and injure him.

Although Kizaru stated in the report that both of them suffered losses in the battle with the man named Sabo, even so, it was enough to show that the man named Sabo already had the same combat power as them.

A man with such combat power was actually captured by an unknown pirate. Even if Sabo was injured at the time, it was enough to show that this 'Blackbeard' had considerable combat power.

"Marshall D. Teach, this name is the man who was issued a kill order by the Whitebeard Pirates a year ago." He looked at Lafitte and said, "If I remember correctly, this is a man He was originally a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but he was hunted down by the Whitebeard Pirates because of his bad behavior of killing his comrades.”

"Drink, giggle, that's right." Lafitte seemed not to care at all about Blackbeard's bad behavior mentioned by He, but instead said with a smile: "We and the Whitebeard Pirates are enemies who can never coexist peacefully. So if our captain becomes a Shichibukai, we will definitely do our best to help the navy deal with Whitebeard."

"How did you catch the man who was the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army?" Warring States suddenly asked.

"It was an accident," Lafitte replied.

"Is it an accident?" Seng Guo's eyes flashed, and he probably already guessed what was going on.

Although the battle between Sabo and Kizaru has not spread, as a marshal, he naturally knows very well that Kizaru was seriously injured in that battle, but Kizaru's report mentioned that the person who fought against him The man was also seriously injured.

Sengoku guessed that the reason why Blackbeard caught Sabo was most likely because he encountered Sabo who was seriously injured after the battle between Sabo and Kizaru, and then took the opportunity to capture him.

"Next question, you just said that your captain, Marshall D. Teach, inherited the power of a certain legendary pirate. Name that person." Sengoku asked again.

"Golden Lion." Lafitte did not hesitate and directly told who Blackbeard got the power from. He said: "The power our captain inherited came from the man who fought for hegemony with Roger and Whitebeard before the Great Pirate Era. The pirate hero of the second half of the Grand Line, the 'Flying Pirate' Golden Lion Shiki!"

"Golden Lion!" Hearing Lafitte's words, Warring States was slightly startled, and then asked in a deep voice: "How did you get the power of the Golden Lion?"

"No comment, this is a secret." Lafitte smiled slightly and said: "How about it, our captain who inherited the dreamy floating fruit ability of Golden Lion Shiki is enough to hold the position of Shichibukai. "

Everyone present was silent. Who was Golden Lion Shiji? They all knew that he was one of the few great pirates on this sea who could truly be called a 'legend'. After gaining his power, He is definitely qualified to be a member of the King's Shichibukai.

"Hmph!" Sengoku snorted coldly and said, "We need to consider this matter, and the appointment of Shichibukai requires the consent of the World Government."

"Also, although you have captured the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, that man has nothing to do with Whitebeard. Why are you so sure that Whitebeard will take the initiative to attack the Navy Headquarters for that man." Warring States asked again.

"Although the man named Sabo has nothing to do with Whitebeard, he and Fire Fist Ace are brothers." Lafitte waved the cane in his hand and said: "As long as you announce to the world that you will fight Sabo at the Navy Headquarters If a public execution is carried out, then Fire Fist Ace will definitely come to the rescue. If Fire Fist comes, Whitebeard will naturally not be able to sit idly by and will definitely come with him. In that case, the battlefield of the war can easily pass from Whitebeard's territory. It has become the Navy Headquarters.”

"I see, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army and Fire Fist Ace are actually brothers?" Moria suddenly laughed when he heard Lafitte's words, and then said to Sengoku: "Hehehehe, Sengoku, this The deal looks good, using a mere name as Shichibukai in exchange for such an advantage will be very beneficial to you."

"Shut up!" Warring States glared at Moriah and said, "It's not your turn to teach us how to do things." After saying that, Warring States was silent for a while, and then said to Lafitte: "I agree to your request. Yes, but you must send Sabo to the Navy Headquarters within three days and participate in the war with Whitebeard."

"Drink, giggle, no problem. In three days, our Blackbeard Pirates will definitely bring people here." Lafitte said with a smile, and then made a gentleman's salute to everyone present, and said: "Since My purpose of coming here has been achieved, so everyone, see you in three days." After saying that, Lafitte jumped directly from the window of the conference room, and then a pair of white wings sprouted from his back, and he flew away under the watchful eyes of everyone. .

"Today's meeting ends here." After Lafitte left, Warring States also directly announced the end of the meeting, and then hurriedly left the meeting room, followed closely by He.

Akainu and Aokiji looked at each other and then left the conference hall together.

The remaining Shichibukai looked at each other, and they all understood that the news brought by the man named Lafitte just now will be the turning point of this war, and may even affect the outcome of this war. .

Because of this sudden intruder, the situation of the war will undergo unpredictable changes.

In the evening, the waters of Sun Island.

Outside the Gate of Flame, a small figure swam over from the sea in the distance. This figure was none other than Kerra, who swam from Dressrosa dragging his seriously injured body.

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