One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 104 Heavy Fist and Soft Fist (Please subscribe)

"Go to hell, you fat bastard, Saiba First Punch!"


Seba's heavy punch hit Mahabaisi's body as if it were hitting a ball of light cotton wool. It seemed to send Mahabaisi's body flying far away, but it did not cause much damage to him. .

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, ugh~~" Mahabais cried out in pain, but the pain was not caused by Seba's heavy punches, but by the counter-injury caused by the body's ability to regain weight. .

"Can this guy change his weight to remove the power of his punches and reduce the damage?" Seba also saw some of Mahabaisi's abilities at this time.

"Barry·Level 1 Soft Fist!"

At this time, Bali, who had just been smashed into the ground by Mahabaisi with ten tons of body weight, suddenly appeared behind him and punched Mahabaisi in the back.

"Tons of pressure and weight relief!"

Feeling the pressure of the attack coming from behind, Mahabaisi immediately lowered his weight to the lowest level, trying to relieve Barry's punching power, but the result was counterproductive. The lighter weight caused him to suffer. The injury was even more severe, and the entire back was dented by Barry's fist.

"Ahem~~How could that happen?" Mahabaisi coughed up some blood from his mouth after being hit hard, and then said in confusion: "Obviously he reduced his weight to the minimum, so why did he suffer more injuries? , it hurts me to death, ugh~"

"My soft boxing technique is specially designed to restrain guys like you who can change your weight at will." Barry said with a proud smile.

The fighting methods practiced by the two brothers Saiba and Bari. The heavy fists of the elder brother Saiba can hit the enemy hard, while the soft fists of the younger brother Bari are a bit like lifting a thousand pounds, especially against Mahabhai who has reduced his weight to the lightest. Si, the attack effect of soft boxing method is remarkable.

The two brothers' boxing skills, one soft and the other complement each other perfectly, and since they are twins, they cooperate with each other tacitly when fighting, doubling their combat power.

"Control my ability?" Mahabaisi smiled contemptuously, and then challenged Barry: "Try again!"


Bali rushed straight forward, was in front of Mahabaisi in an instant, and punched him again.

"Tons of pressure defense·Hundred tons of Bais!"

The moment before Bali's fist hit him, Mahabaisi instantly adjusted his weight from the lightest to a hundred tons. The terrifying weight caused his legs to sink directly into the ground.

"Hey, I knew you were going to do this!"

The way Mahabaisi suddenly changed his weight seemed to be completely unexpected by Barry. He turned his arm, and the power of his fist suddenly changed shape, and then hit Mahabaisi hard on the chest.

"Barry·Level 2 Soft Fist!"


The pressure of Mahabaisi's hundred-ton weight made his body seem to have turned into a piece of steel with an absurd density. However, after the power of Bali's second-level soft fist hit a body like his, the power of his fists It seemed that it split into countless thin streams in an instant, scattering and impacting every inch of flesh, flesh and bones in Mahabaisi's body.

puff! ~

Mahabaisi's body trembled violently, and a large amount of blood mist spurted out from every pore in his body, and then he knelt down on the ground.

"Haha, I said before, my soft boxing technique is specifically designed to restrain your ability." Barry laughed proudly.

Bali's soft boxing method, the first-level soft boxing restrains the light body like cotton wool, and the second-level soft boxing restrains the heavy body with a body density far exceeding that of ordinary people. It can indeed be said that it completely restrained Mahabaisi's ability.

"Asshole, it hurts so much." Mahabaisi got up with difficulty, shook his body, and said, "My body seems to be falling apart, ugh~."

"You can still stand up?" Barry couldn't help but have a look of surprise on his face when he saw that Mahabaisi, who had fully withstood the second-level soft fist at that weight, could still stand up.

"This guy is a cadre of the Don Quixote family, don't underestimate him!" Seba came to Barry's side and scolded.

"Soft fist method?" Mahabaisi didn't quite understand this attack method, but this did not affect his understanding that his ability to press was restrained. He changed his weight and let his body float again.

"If you can really restrain my ability, then try this trick."

"Dong dong, destroy the thousand tons of Baisi!"

Barry raised his head and looked at Mahabais who was falling rapidly. The weight of a thousand tons had not yet fallen, which brought great pressure to him. However, he did not avoid it, but took a deep breath. He took a breath, then clenched his hands into fists, squatted down half-crouched, invisible airflow condensed on his double walls, and then blasted his fists at Mahabaisi who was falling rapidly.

"Bali·Level 2 Soft Fist·Charge!"


The force released from Bali's fist hit the falling Mahabaisi like a shock wave. The powerful force actually caused Mahabaisi, who weighed tons and weighed thousands of tons, to pause for a moment in mid-air, and then Bali squatted half down. His body suddenly stood up, and the fists of his hands exerted force again.

"Bali·Second Level Soft Fist·Second Level of Power·Shock!"

Bali used force again, and this time the force was like a shock wave, directly knocking Mahabaisi's heavy body away, and then hit the ground heavily.


After beating Mahabaisi away, Bali was breathing heavily. Obviously, the attack just now had a heavy burden on Bali.

"Are you okay?" Seba came to Barry and asked concernedly.

"It's okay, my arm is just a little numb." Barry shook his head, then looked at Mahabaisi not far away, frowning and said: "This guy, after enduring two blows from me, he can still get up. It's really tenacious."

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts me so much, 嘤嘤嘤~~~" Mahabais climbed up from the broken ground. At this time, blood was oozing all over his body, and his movements became stiff. It was obvious that he was seriously injured.

"Even if you die here, I won't let you step into the factory." Mahabaisi, whose consciousness was already a little blurry, controlled his weight to be the lightest, floated precariously high in the sky, and then faced the plug. The two brothers Ba and Barry said: "This is the last push. If you have the ability, let's try it next."

"Ten thousand tons of hell press Baisi!"

Whoops! ~

The huge body of Mahabaisi, whose weight reached 10,000 tons, fell from the sky, just like a falling meteorite. The wind pressure caused by the fall alone made the two brothers feel heavy pressure.

However, the two brothers Seba and Barry did not choose to dodge. Instead, they stretched out their right arms at the same time, crossed their right hands, and then made fists at the same time.

Seba and Barry's arms were linked together, and then the two of them turned around in a circle holding hands, as if dancing, and their bodies quickly changed positions.

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