(Thank you z1884249, juice and other big flowers, tickets).

The second half of the Great Voyage, the New World.

Navy Division N-1 (also known as branch).

Apart from the Navy G-5 Division, this Navy G-Head Division is the only one located in the New World. The remaining naval divisions in the New World are numbered with N plus numbers.

Although the naval divisions located in the New World were pitifully small compared to the first half of the Four Seas and the Great Route, each branch was definitely heavily guarded. Needless to say, even the low-level naval soldiers are all good hands who can block a hundred.

The foundation of the world government’s rule is the Red Earth Continent, and it is precisely by occupying the Red Earth Continent, the only huge area in the pirate world that can be called a continent, that the World Government can intercept the vicious, lawless, and ambitious sea thieves of the New World in the New World on the other side of the Red Earth Continent without using real power. Coupled with the windless belt, which is another natural barrier, the major powers of the New World cannot add the “tentacle” shen to the core of the foundation of world government rule: the four seas and the first half of the great shipping route.

The attitude of the five old stars towards the major forces in the new world has always been “blocked” rather than “destroyed”. Not only that, but in fact, under their operation, whether it is a sea thief from the four seas or a sea thief from a great voyage, they are consciously “released” into the new world, so as to intensify the struggle in the new world. Of course, this kind of action often does not play a role in weakening the power of the pirates in the New World, nor can it muddy the situation in the New World, but instead makes a wedding dress for the Four Emperors or other pirates. For example, afterwards, those pirates or pirate novas who entered the new world simply joined the command of a certain Four Emperors and became the blood of the Four Emperors Pirates.

Although this-stirring strategic approach is often self-defeating. But overall, this is clearly in line with the interests of these five dead old men playing with the balance of the world.

It has been a long time since the war with the pirates of the New World, and the original abnormal state of martial law and vigilance has long disappeared, after all, even people who fight with iron cannot strain a nerve every day, which is also true for the pirate group of the four emperors.

The Navy signed a two-year “non-aggression” agreement with the Whitebeard Pirates, the Red-Haired Pirates, and the BIGMOM Pirates, and a one-year “non-aggression” agreement with the Hundred Beast Pirates. Needless to say, it sounds funny that the Navy signed an agreement with pirates, but well, for any big force, it doesn’t matter how you plot in private or secretly plotting, playing tricks or backtracking and murdering, it doesn’t matter, but at least on the bright side, those places where you want to be faithful, you still have to do it, who makes you a big force? This is the same as the reason why the Duke of Qi Huan did not betray the alliance of Cao Mo, the Duke of Jin Wen did not covet the profits of the original, the period when Wei Wenhou did not abandon Yuren, and the Duke of Qin Xiao did not abolish the reward of Yumu. All in all, in short, this funny bullshit agreement, whether it is the navy that pays heavy casualties and wants to stop and digest the fruits of victory, or the Four Emperors Group, which wants to return home to lick its wounds and plan how to make a comeback by the way, silently abided by the agreement.

Therefore, the situation in the New World is now somewhat unusual, even strange.

Turning his gaze back to the N-1 Division, for the sailors of the N-1 Division, it was naturally another ordinary and happy day without having to fight or go to sea in the extremely terrifying and rapidly changing weather of the New World.

Except for about a quarter of the sailors and senior officers on duty, the rest of the sailors gathered in pairs, bragging and chatting or sharing hearty food. It was very happy to see their expressions, obviously satisfied with such a peaceful day. People who have not experienced the kind of blood-licking and precarious life at the knife’s edge can hardly understand the preciousness of a quiet life….

However, in the entire base, there is one person who seems to be very unhappy, he is the acting commander-in-chief of the base, Lieutenant General Cha Dolphin.

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin has a face mixed with migrant workers and dicks, and his expression is quite lewd, compared with him, the yellow ape’s lewd smile can be regarded as handsome and handsome. But what’s worse is that his taste in dressing is quite bad, and the beige clothes are reminiscent of those small pack foremen in the eleventh district of the early twentieth century.

In addition, he wears clogs and an old hat of the same color as his clothes, and he has a cigarette in his mouth and swallows at will.

The sensory impression of tea dolphin is: dick, migrant worker, obscene, vulgar. But no matter what, at least his strength has been fully recognized by the upper and lower levels, otherwise, with his obscene appearance, how can he sit as the acting commander-in-chief of the N-1 Division of the New World?

However, at this moment, although Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin is still in that casual and hanging posture, as long as you look at his face, you will find that some lewd faces have a sad look at the moment, and they really look a little pitiful.

“Lieutenant General Chagu, would you like some black tea and chocolate cake?” At the door, a middle-aged and elderly woman with a somewhat blessed appearance as a staff officer walked in.

“Staff Officer Betty.” The tea dolphin suddenly wailed, “Peach Rabbit, she has been away from me for ten days!” It’s been ten whole days! ”

“Yes, yes.” Staff Officer Betty looked commonplace.

“This is my hundredth confession!” The tea porpoise closed his eyes, mournful thoughts flashed on his lewd face, and his right hand clenched into a fist, looking like he was enduring the unbearable pain of lovesickness. “It turned out to be…”

“Yes, yes.” Betty said in a reassuring tone, “You’re a little late.” ”

“I said Staff Officer Betty, you must know the reason!” Cha Dolphin used an affirmative tone, only to see that he had disappeared into the chair, and suddenly appeared in front of Staff Officer Betty, “But you are the old subordinate of the Chief of Staff of Tsuru, I know, Peach Rabbit has something very urgent to go back to Chief of Staff Tsuru to ask clearly.” ”

“If I’m not mistaken, didn’t you see Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit that day in order to prepare a confession gift?” Staff Officer Betty said a little puzzled.

“First, if there is no emergency, she can’t go back in such a hurry, and she doesn’t even have time to hand over to me, obviously the day before was normal!” And it must not be official to summon her back, otherwise I would have known. Since I don’t know, it’s definitely a private matter. Second, I called Peach Rabbit later. At this moment, the serious looking tea dolphin explained, “Although her tone was the same as usual, I probed a little, and found that she must be hiding something in her heart that worried her so much that she had to go back to the headquarters immediately.” I know Peach Rabbit very well, if it is really just a very simple kind of personal matter, even if it is urgent, even if she does not want to say the specific content, she will definitely have a worried tone during the call, and she was in the same calm tone as usual! This is definitely not normal, I am afraid the key is that her personal affairs are probably quite a big business for the Navy! ”

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