(Thank you mly15837 for the big flowers, tickets…) )

“So it is, the young master already has such determination.” Orochimaru’s face still had a kind smile on her face, and her voice was the same as before, making it impossible for Wuxi to see whether her attitude towards it was approval or denial or something else. “However, I hope that the young master can understand that no matter when, as long as I am alive, I will protect the young master with the determination to die. Strictly speaking, I don’t agree with the three views on swords and swordsmanship that the young master just said, but the young master is an exception, nothing more. ”

There was a sudden silence, and just as Wuxi wanted to say something like “let’s go to dinner first,” there was a knock on the door.

“Young Master, it’s time for dinner.” It’s Hinata’s voice.

“Okay, I see.” Wu Shi said loudly, looking at Wanzhihua Lie again, “Sister Lie, let’s go to eat first.” Because of the cultivation thing, you don’t have to eat lunch. ”

“It doesn’t matter at all.” Orihana smiled quietly.

“Ah, let’s go quickly.” Wuxi turned around a little embarrassed and walked towards the door of the cultivation room. Orochimaru, who had a satisfied look on his face, also followed and walked out.

The invitation made by the navy this time is dangerous, especially if you don’t know that a few Qiwu Seas will come. If all seven come, it will be very dangerous, although Terumi and Deidara, who have mastered the domineering color of armed color, Akatomi and Kurapika are also very strong, plus new forces such as Hinata and March, but it is still too reluctant to face seven Seven Wuhai at the same time.

First of all, the most likely to refuse to be recruited is the female emperor, and the female emperor has an extremely huge shadow in the heart of the Tianlongren, if the navy also includes its identity as the Tianlongren in the recruitment information, then the female emperor is even more unlikely to come.

As for the head of the fishman of Haixia Jinping, if he hadn’t heard the news that his cousin and a group of fishmen had been tortured and killed, it was estimated that he wouldn’t have come, and if he did, he might come. However, out of the seven, his danger index is not high.

That is to say, in addition to the navy, the seven martial seas faced by that time are likely to be five or six, of which the highest danger index is naturally Hawkeye, because he is the strongest, and any min-sense of things TM must participate in to show off the sense of existence.

To some extent, the most active person in the Seven Wuhai is Hawkeye, and in the top war, Hawkeye chases the male No. 1 Luffy the tightest, and the distance of the chase is also the farthest, almost half of the field, more red dog than the red dog. Also, the first person to attack Whitebeard at the beginning of the game was also him, more general than the three generals sitting in the middle of the stands, and after the final slash was blocked by “Diamond” Jotz, he began to gaze at the coin with eagle-like eyes, a hanging sample of “I will cut you with all my strength”. When the war was over at the top, he was the first to leave the pat pigu. Judging from the shirt, even if this person is strong, it is too annoying. It’s not good that the other party has not cut the Tianlongren, as soon as he hears that there is this opportunity to cut the Tianlongren for free, when the time comes, he will chase himself and cut himself….

In short, due to the arrival of Orochimaru, there are also candidates to deal with Hawkeye. As for the remaining few Qiwu Seas, the most threatening ones are Doflamingo and Bassolomi Bear, but don’t worry too much, it’s a big deal to summon again, and then summon a strong thug to come out.

“Young Master, eat slowly, and no one will rob you.” Terumi said in a slightly coquettish tone, picked up the towel and gently wiped the sauce on the corner of the shirtless corner, looking very good at taking care of people. Compared to Hinata, who obviously wants to act but is very embarrassed, Terumi is indeed a hooking thing.

Orochimaru ate the meal quietly, chewing slowly, and also looked gentle and peaceful when eating; Hinata’s eating appearance is also very idyllic; Mackey’s eating is slightly more straightforward than the above two, after all, it is not important for the people of Meteor Street to eat, the important thing is the food; As for Chi Hitomi, her eating appearance is undoubtedly the worst, eating fast, and having a bit of a gobbling feeling, but she also looks cute.

Like the Don Quixote family in Doflamingo, Wushirt and Chipu also sat together at a large table, except for Monet and her sister Sugar, who were specially allowed to dine at this table, the rest were naturally characters summoned by Shirtless.

The next stop for the group is naturally the island of Swire Taikoo, which is dubbed the “Little Garden”. In fact, the record pointer to the island of Archean can be called an antique item, and it took a lot of effort for March and Norbu to buy it.

This time, in order to cope with the voyage of the Great Route, Wu Shi and his party had bought a total of more than forty sailing pointers in the South China Sea, and any of the seven routes of the Great Route had at least 5 or 6 record pointers and several permanent pointers.

Because the geomagnetism, celestial phenomena, currents, and currents of the Great Route are all chaotic, it is difficult to even confirm your location, let alone find the island. Past navigation technology and experience are unreliable, only record pointers and permanent pointers are trustworthy.

If you record the pointer, you can record the magnetism between the islands of the great route and correctly lead the pirates to the next island.

The magnetic force of each island is different, and the recording pointer needs to be recorded locally for a period of time before pointing to the next island.

If the island indicated by the recording pointer is not reached and other islands are reached, the magnetic force is replaced.

Some islands take too long to store the magnetic force (e.g. small garden: 1 year), and if you do not want to wait, you can use the permanent pointer to reach the island pointed to by the permanent pointer to replace the magnetic force and advance to the next island.

Like the Straw Hat Luffy and the gang in the original work, before coming to the Great Voyage, they did not know the existence and usefulness of recording pointers, it can be said that the advance intelligence of the Great Route is not a mess, but nothing is known, in the words of the Eggman Baron, a cadre under BIGMOM, where the Straw Hat gang is half-born, it is simply a full-born egg. The later record pointer was naturally also given by others, and it was also the kind of antique-level record pointer pointing to the small garden, that is, the ancient island of the primeval island.

For Wushi, Taikoo Island will be his first stronghold or secret base in this world…

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