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Katakuri already knew one thing clearly.

His own observation Haki can indeed predict the specific situation to a certain extent.

But if it is said that he can completely control the situation of the battle with this ability, it is completely nonsense.

Tashigi has proved everything with her actual actions.

Even if Katakuri can predict the upcoming attack,

Tashigi will rely on her own strength to far exceed Katakuri's prediction.

"You will be the first one who can make me use this move so quickly!"

"Even if you die in my hands, you can be proud, Akagi!"

Katakuri frowned, and his momentum rose sharply. His powerful mental power swept towards Dashigi and Lu Feng from a distance, making both sides regain their spirits.

"The domineering color of the king!"

"Although the level is average, it also shows this guy's qualifications!"

"As expected, as a three���"Star leader, Katakuri is no ordinary person either!"

Lu Feng immediately felt the change in Katakuri.

However, this was definitely not Katakuri's confidence.

Katakuri's real strength had not yet been fully revealed.

Under Dashiqi's gaze, Katakuri suddenly supported the ground with one hand.

The energy transformed by the devil fruit was directly integrated into the ground.

"Gulp Gulp……"

"Gulp Gulp……"

The originally solid ground changed dramatically after being touched by the devil fruit energy released by Katakuri.

""Nong Nong awakens, flowing glutinous rice balls!"

Katakuri's eyes condensed, and he instantly entered a higher level of combat power.

After developing the devil fruit to the awakened state, if he wants to use the awakened fruit skills, he must absolutely concentrate his mental power. Now Katakuri has thrown all the external things behind his mind. If he doesn't defeat the enemy in front of him, it will be futile to consider other things. The strength of Tashigi has forced Katakuri to use all his energy.

"Devil Fruit Power Awakens!"

"It’s just as the rumors said!"

"The external environment will be affected……"

"The destructive power is just like the natural one.……"

As Tashigi spoke, she dodged, avoiding the sticky ground.

It was hard to say what would happen if she was caught by the sticky ground.

Generally, when encountering an attack method that you don't understand, it is best to avoid the area.

Especially for a difficult opponent like Katakuri, you must not take it lightly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

""Buzz, buzz, buzz!" A gentle energy was transmitted to Dashiki from the sword spirit behind her. When facing Katakuri's attack, Shadow Sword was surprisingly not nervous this time and behaved very calmly. The signal transmitted by this mental power was also telling Dashiki not to be overly afraid of the sticky ball under her feet!

"Holy light blessing, open!"

"He just wants to trap you, just let him come!"

"I have a way to hit other people's self-confidence!"

Lu Feng took the initiative to activate the bonus buff and said proudly.

The stronger the opponent, the more confident he is in his ability.

If they use their killer moves and their best skills, their skills will be completely invalidated.

For most people, it will definitely be a serious blow.

"Want to run?"

"Stop dreaming!"

"The speed at which my flowing sticky balls extend is far faster than your dodging speed!"

Katakuri raised his hand confidently.

The range of the sticky balls' pursuit expanded.

Even the battle area where Green Bull was located changed.

"That was a close call! That was a close call!"

"Has everything become like this here?"

"Haha, the Red Shadow Swordsman is indeed quite capable"

"This will force Katakuri to use his awakening skills!"

Green Bull said as he sat on a huge plant and lifted himself up high.

On the other side,

Owen had been beaten with obvious wounds on his body.

While bleeding, he was also hung high by Green Bull's vines.

Since being caught by Green Bull's vines,

Owen has not been able to break free.

After all, he is not Katakuri.

Whether it is the ability to use the fruit or the combat power, there is a huge gap. Green Bull did not have any regrets in not being able to face Katakuri directly. Instead, he became very much looking forward to it. Finally, there is a chance to observe Tashigi's battle up close! What secrets are hidden in this rapidly popular swordsman? It is absolutely impossible to observe clearly without a tricky battle.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel

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