One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 282 Landing on the Ghost Ship

squeak! Squeak! A very lethal voice echoed among the dead trees and tombstones.

Fitz covered his head with his wings as best he could, but it was obvious that bird wings are not designed to block out sound. The noise, like the crowing of a rooster with its throat pinched, made this bird, which still had some pride as a bird, a bit unbearable.


"Hey hey hey, I know I don't play well. After all, I'm just an idiot who can only play the harmonica. I've always had a hard time playing the violin or something."

After stretching out his hand to touch the head that Fitz had pecked at, Bahn returned his gaze to his hand. This walnut violin looks quite old, but seems to have been carefully polished. It was one of the few dust-free things on that dilapidated pirate ship. It's just that the ear-piercing sound when pulling it is a protest that no one has come to tune it for a long time.

"Yo Brooke! I'm so sorry--did I say that!"

Turning his head suddenly, a translucent face with a funny smile was reflected in his pale pupils. This ghost-like thing is opening its arms as if it wants to give Bahn a "warm" hug, but before it completes this action, the domineering arrogance that overflows like a torrent has already torn it to pieces in an instant.

"Reminds me of something not so good. You know, Fitz. I don't really like reminiscing about the past. Too much of an old man."

Amidst the clanging sound, the red and black long knife was pulled out of the scabbard, turned over in his hand for a week, and then stabbed with his backhand, nailing a big mouth full of rotten smell to the ground full of rotten smell.

There was no blood shed or howls of pain, and the attacker was no longer anything "alive". The wolf-headed dog's head and the fox's head were forcibly sewn onto the same body. When one of the heads was restrained, the other two heads were still biting fiercely.

Swinging the knife across, Onikiri's blade easily sliced ​​through the dry flesh and bones. After a black shadow dissipated in the air, the body sewn into three zombie dogs finally completely stopped moving.

"Vulnerable. But as a vent, it's enough." Looking at the withered arms protruding from under the tombstone, Bahn's face showed a cruel smile of seeing an interesting prey. Maybe it's really because I can vent my bad mood, or I'm glad I can escape what I'm about to face.


Shrill screams resounded throughout the deserted castle. The girl in the gothic dress almost jumped up from the bed and tried to escape, but her body was entangled with the quilt and fell heavily. By the bed. Fortunately, a puppet bear as tall as a person was placed just where she fell and did not cause her any harm. But the girl who got up again still had a look of shock on her face.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! How dare that bastard!"

Pale eyes with no pupils at all, like a white net gripping the soul tightly. Then the body was torn to pieces under a huge force without any ability to resist. This feeling lingered in my mind, like...

"Is something wrong? Lady Perona?"

The voice of caring comes from the puppet bear under the body. The eyes of this ugly puppet bear full of patches and stitches are strangely bright, it seems that it is not someone wearing a puppet costume, but the toy really woke up. The puppet bear raised one of its soft arms and patted the girl who was kneeling on his stomach.

"If Lady Perona has a nightmare and is frightened, then let me get up and do a bear dance to make Lady Perona happy."

"Scared! Are you saying that I cursed Princess Perona to be scared, Kumasi!" He reached out and grabbed a stitched place on the puppet bear's body, and then tore it apart little by little. The girl named Perona stared into the teddy bear's eyes like a cat growling because its tail was stepped on. "Who is in the ghost castle, knocking on the bones of the skeleton and singing the curse song? Tell me, Kumasi!"

"Master Perona! It's you, Mrs. Perona! That cotton is about to..."

"Shut up, Kumasi! You're still cuter when you're not talking!"

After tearing off the patch in the hand of the puppet bear under the horrified eyes, Perona, who had vented enough of her emotions, jumped off the puppet bear. Picking up the small parasol leaning against the bedside table, he paused hard on the floor.

"Wake up, zombie dolls. In the name of my cursed princess Perona."

The room was silent, nothing happened.


"Say anything, Kumasi!"

"Woo! That! Lady Perona has been having a tea party, so everyone sleeps late. With such a low voice, it is possible..."

"So why don't you wake them all up! You are not cute at all!"

"" The puppet bear hurriedly tried to explain something, but when Perona looked at the sutures on his body again. This zombie doll with a not-so-bright mind made a correct judgment in time with its non-existent brain.

"Kuma!" Roaring loudly and stomping his feet vigorously, it looked like it was just a soft puppet's movements, but it made a heavier impact sound than a real bear.

Pairs of eyes lit up, and the body covered with stitches crawled up from every corner. The dolls that filled the entire room stood up straight without exception, staring at Perona standing in the center of the room like soldiers undergoing a review.

"Listen to me, little ones. A white-haired human has broken into our territory. Take him to the doctor before he dies. I want you to have a new companion."

After the zombie puppets swayed and walked out of the room, Perona nodded with satisfaction. No matter how powerful that guy is, he is vulnerable to the entire zombie puppet army. But to turn such a powerful shadow into a zombie, I have to trouble that adult.

"Come with me, Kumasi. We'll meet, Lord Moriah."

"But Master Perona..." The puppet bear, who was trying to stuff the cotton protruding from the opening of his body, was about to say something, but when Perona kicked his eyes, he immediately closed his mouth with interest.

"Very good! Kumasi. I just said you're cuter like this." Perona nodded in satisfaction, snapped closed the small parasol in her hand, turned around and rummaged on the bedside table.

"Master Perona?"

"I said it! Don't talk!" When Perona turned around angrily, she already had a pair of thick and scary needles and threads in her hand. "Do you think I will let you go to see Master Moria with me in such a tattered state? Or is it during his nap time? You sit down obediently for me, and leave after sewing!"

Onikiri kept waving, the crimson lines on it were like a big scarlet snake piercing through the darkness under Baan's exquisite knife skills. Every sinuous dance drives a few withered arms or heads to fly up, but this is not of much use. The difference between missing a hand and missing a head is just that there is no way to judge the direction. Unless the dry corpse is completely chopped up until the shadow inside runs out, these zombies will not stop for any reason. .

Fitz was already in the air, uttering anxious chirping noises. Barn was like a hard rock in the torrent of zombies, but as time went by, especially after some stitched puppet-like zombies joined in, the size of this rock gradually shrank.

"Go away!" The invisible power spread with Bahn's roar, and the zombies around him stopped in unison. Countless black shadows rushed out and flew to the sky in the blink of an eye. And the living zombie became a real corpse again and fell down.

"Hoohoo!" Bahne took a few heavy breaths, a series of high-intensity and domineering all-out bursts consumed a considerable amount of his physical strength. However, it seemed that his attack was not as effective as expected.

Among the zombies that fell to the ground in disorder, many corpses staggered and stood up again. The shadows struggled to get out of any gaps, but those sutures as black as ink firmly fixed them in the body made of cloth and cotton.

Zombie puppets, these ridiculous looking things are more difficult opponents than ordinary zombies. After secretly estimating the physical strength it would take to release the shadows in their bodies, Bahn couldn't help frowning. I thought the Straw Hat gang could help ease the difficulty a little bit, which is a bit exaggerated.

"Ni Ge San Ding - Swallow Tail Cut!"

The extremely thin figure flew across like a shooting star, and when the soft sound of retracting the knife into the sheath came out, the sutures on the mouths of all the puppet zombies were cut cleanly. Small paper packets the size of a little finger popped out one by one, and fell into the mouths of each zombie puppet accurately. After that, those shadows who had been trapped for a long time finally broke free and flew out of their dead bodies.

"Be fully prepared to face your opponent. I thought you had learned this lesson from that battle fifty years ago." After a series of movements, the black shadow turned his head and opened his eyes with a pair of empty eyes. "Look at" Bane. "Still as impulsive as ever, Barn."

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