One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 161 Return to Chambord Islands

Seeing the man's reaction, Geoffrey smiled in satisfaction, and then his fat butt left the seat, moved his fat pig-like body and swayed towards the door, only listening to him Said while walking.

"Isn't that guy named Barn going to be the enemy of the world? Hehe, then I will fulfill him and change his bounty. I personally offer 10 billion Berry to reward his head! I want him to know what he is doing. How stupid to provoke a Celestial Dragon, hum."

Geofflin was gone, leaving behind four huge boxes full of berries.

The meeting hall became quiet again, Wu Laoxing stared at the four huge boxes in a daze, and finally the blond old man said with a sigh.

"Notify Warring States."

The pirate with the highest bounty in history was born!

"Notify Warring States."

This sentence is very heavy, as if they made this decision as the supreme ruler of the navy, they also made a lot of determination. The man who was wearing a Taoist robe before and now covered with bandages was lying on the bed, looking at the sling attached to his body. Bottle, sighed.

And the blond old man didn't say much, he also sighed, and then picked up the phone bug on the piano next to him.

At this time, at the Navy Headquarters, the frantic Sengoku was still losing his temper at Garp.

"Karp, you old bastard! The whole family is a disaster! Look at your good deeds!"

And Garp, who was still blocking before, guessed what happened when he heard Zhan Guo say this, because Zhan Guo mentioned his family, so the only possibility is the one who doesn't let him worry son.

Garp stopped blocking, and stood there with a livid face. A large handful of documents thrown by Zhan Guo hit him in the face hard.

And at this moment, the voice of the phone bug came again.

Warring States glared at Garp who had stopped fighting back, and found the innocent phone bug from the ruins of the desk again, and connected the phone.

"Warring States, issue an order to slay demons on Barn D Bashuit, and unconditionally bombard the place where his information appears."

The heavy voice of the blond elder among the Five Old Stars came from the phone bug. Of course, the complexion of Zhan Guo who heard the news would not be much better.

"What? My lord! What should the people on land do?"

Sengoku asked in surprise.


The voice in the phone bug paused for a while, and then came a more sombre voice.

"This is what the Tianlong people mean."


Zhan Guo was silent for a while, but he still seemed to want to fight for something.

But the people over at the phone bug didn't give him the chance.

"No but! Warring States, let's do it."

Warring States was shocked, he couldn't believe that this extremely cruel task was assigned by himself.

"In addition, Warring States..."

At this time, another voice came from the phone bug.

"Let's change the reward amount for Barn D Bashuit. The Tianlong man Jelflin offered him a reward of 10 billion Berry in his own name."

Perhaps it was because the news of the Demon Slaughter Order shocked Zhan Guo so much that he became the most wanted criminal with the highest bounty in history and could no longer impress him. Zhan Guo just nodded numbly and responded. .


After Zhan Guo agreed, he didn't speak for a long time, maybe he hadn't recovered from the shock just now, but at this time, the voice of the blond elder among the five old stars came from the phone bug again.

"If nothing happens, I'll hang up."

As for Zhan Guo, as if he suddenly remembered, he hurriedly grabbed the microphone of the phone bug and said.


"Huh? What's the matter?"

The man's voice came from the phone bug.

"...I just received information that the Kingdom of Goa has just declared its independence and broke away from the world government."

Zhan Guo said in a hoarse voice, but the phone bug fell into silence again.


"what happened?"

the blond elder asked over the phone bug.

"It's the Revolutionary Army."

Warring States replied in a deep voice.

"Is there a connection between Bahn and the Revolutionary Army?"

The blond elder suddenly had such an idea and asked.

"Probably not, the two of them didn't meet each other, and they didn't receive the information that Drago appeared in Goa Kingdom."

Warring States analyzed.

"...I see, let's carry out the order."

The man on the other side of the phone bug was silent for a while, then hung up the phone after saying this.

Warring States also slowly closed the phone bug, and did not speak for a long time.

"What did he say?"

Karp asked.

But Zhan Guo didn't answer immediately, but sighed heavily, and then dialed the phone bug again.


Perhaps the Navy's ability to collect intelligence is not that strong, but when it comes to the speed of dissemination of news, it has to be said that it is really fast. Within a few days, things about Bahn and the Navy's handling of Bahn have spread to everyone in the world. a corner.

People everywhere reacted differently to the news.

The branches of the FFF union in various places cheered when they saw the news. The white beard on the Moby Dick frowned as he looked at the newspaper in his hand, while the Golden Lion and Waldo, who are now in a cooperative relationship with the FFF union, had expressions on their faces. excited.

On Hydra Island, Hancock, who has grown to 14 years old, took his two younger sisters to see the framed newspaper about Bahn with tears in their eyes. Perhaps only they who were slaves can understand Bahn What a great thing En has done.

And more people, including pirates and bounty hunters, are more interested in the reward of 10 billion Berry under the avatar of Bahn's newly updated reward list.

As for the Celestial Dragons, the news about Bahn did not spread among them. Perhaps the only ones who valued this matter were Jelflynn and the others who were high-ranking Celestial Dragons.

The other Draconians may have been immersed in their corrupt lives in wine pools and meat forests, maybe they will only talk about how stupid the Draconian named Jermak is, without realizing that the one named Baan Pirates threatened them.

So where is our protagonist, the now infamous 10 billion Berry gold master Bahn who has become notorious in the whole sea?

In Chambord Islands, a huge shadow appeared under the originally calm and clear sea surface. As the area of ​​the shadow slowly expanded, a huge water column rose from the sea surface with a huge sound of water, and the shadow was slowly revealed. His true colors.

It was Raab, and a hand protruded from his blowhole, and then a figure, and it was the focus of the world now, Bahne.

At this time, he seemed to be hiding his identity, with a big sunglasses on his fair face, he jumped from Rab's body to the shore, and said to Rab.

"Rab, you go to the 'backyard' first, and I'll be right there."

With a cry, Rab dived back to the bottom of the sea.

Bahn, on the other hand, took a step forward, feeling the familiar atmosphere around him, and smiled faintly.

"Chambord Islands, I'm back."

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