One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 284 Let me see what kind of king you are!

The final island.

Im finally chose to seal the clown's mouth.

Although he could not see the guy's regretful expression, at least he could not hear the guy's annoying voice.

His attention was on the historical text in front of him.

The truth left by Joy Boy was something he had personally experienced. What he wanted to pursue was more about the manipulation of the king.

When Joy Boy left these three ancient weapons eight hundred years ago, he considered whether Im would rob them.

The Sea King was dead, and Pluto was buried. Only the king left by the moon people was an existence that he could not hide.

So Joy Boy took away the core of control.

Eight hundred years later, the Tianlong people thought that this was their national treasure that threatened the world, and only Im knew that he only had the authority to activate it, but not the authority to control it.

"Where is it?"

He was not interested in the so-called truth.

Im was searching for something else here.

"Since you passed down the straw hat and the Nika fruit, you must have hidden a key..."

The key to defeat him.

If Buggy hadn't messed with him, the final outcome might be the successor of himself and Joyboy, right?

He didn't understand why the group of people who called themselves D and other insiders were so sure that Joyboy would appear in this era, and why he couldn't kill this guy in advance.

But on Raftel, in addition to this historical text, there were only coral corpses piled up into hills.

He also saw some artifacts, but they were completely carbonized due to time corrosion.

"It shouldn't be..."

Im was muttering, and he noticed some movement outside the vortex.

Someone is approaching...

Im thought for a while, suddenly raised his goat hoof, and kicked hard on the huge historical text in front of him.

His body at this time looked only three meters tall, not very strong, but the power he burst out in an instant was extremely terrifying.

The main text of history creaked and pushed a long mark on the ground, knocked open the hill of coral corpses, and fell into the whirlpool.

It disappeared in an instant.

Buggy blinked and understood.

The goat monster cares about his reputation.

This guy dragged the king to flood the world without saying a word... Could it be because the essay he wrote has been circulated all over the world?

Buggy corrected his previous view that Im directly summoned the king because he was afraid, which may be part of the reason.

Sufficient but not necessary.

Is the essay a necessary condition?

He wanted the moss to relax a little, at least to show his mouth to him, so that he could talk a few words.

If he could break the defense of the goat monster directly, it would confirm his guess.

However, when he wanted to do this, the ability to split actually went along the contact surface between the red moss and him and directly touched a spiritual world.

Im's, or whose?

His eyes lit up, and he ignored the weakness caused by the continuous bleeding. He twisted a few times, and the moss bundles rubbed against several wounds on his body, and the bleeding that had finally slowed down became serious again.

The clown still looked happy.

Come on, let's get closer!

Im looked at the clown deeply, and was shocked by this guy's spirit of seeking death again.

At the same time, he was a little confused, confused by his sudden excitement...

On second thought, it was a mistake to think about the thinking of a person who was obviously mentally ill.

And someone was approaching outside the whirlpool.

Raftel was at the bottom of the whirlpool. He looked up and saw two pirate ships stepping into the whirlpool at the same time.

Relying on the weight of the hull to fight against the rotating sea current for three or five seconds, it was quickly swept to the bottom.

The sea current near the bottom was even more terrifying. In addition to the debris of the original upside-down mountain, there was also the historical text that Im had just kicked away.

These things were mixed in the whirlpool, like reefs, and were extremely dangerous to ships.

After the Red Force hit a piece, the hull was like a hound biting off a piece, and the sea water was swept in.

The situation suddenly became critical.

Kaido was on another ship, looking gloating.

He always disliked the red-haired man who always stopped him from making trouble.

For Kaido, the whirlpool was like a cloud of flames that lifted the hull and landed steadily at the bottom of the whirlpool, on the coral reef.

The island was not big, and Kaido could easily notice Im in the center.

He looked around first, and the more he looked, the deeper his frown became.

"Are Roger and Whitebeard lying? There is nothing here."

"Is that the golden mountain Raftel?"

Kaido did not arrive here according to the route specified by Joyboy. He walked backwards from Paradise and passed under the floating Upside-Down Mountain.

Logically, this is the end of the Grand Line.

But after he turned his eyes for a while, he immediately understood Raftel's true meaning.

Kaido, the beast with the horns on his head, laughed very happily, tears of laughter flowed from the corners of his eyes, and pointed his finger at the red moss next to Im.

Although only his eyes were exposed, Kaido was so impressed by these eyes.


"You have come to this day, Buggy the Clown!"

This is too funny.

Not to mention him, even the others following him also smiled.

Jhin, Crocodile, and the Flying Six were left with only Fozfor and Runti.

Kaido and the Joker's alliance was built entirely on the Joker's attack. Now that he saw the Joker's unlucky appearance, he was so happy!

Raftel, this name is really right!

After laughing for a while, he noticed Im next to the Joker.

"Goat hoof, woman?"

"Isn't Im a three-eyed beauty?"

Kaido still has some insight.

As long as he thinks about what the Joker is doing and his current appearance, the identity of the goat woman next to him is obvious.

Buggy felt that the spiritual world he was in contact with suddenly turned red.

Irrational behavior made it easier for him to erode.

It's really Im... Red Moss is part of His body!

He has to stimulate Him again, otherwise he won't be able to enter this spiritual world for more than three or two months!

Like splitting an object, splitting a spiritual world also requires a time to cross and contact. With Buggy's skilled use, this time has been greatly shortened.

But the spiritual world in front of him was too heavy. The long time accumulated into a thick barrier, blocking him outside.

Buggy winked at Kaido.

This guy is a tiger sniffing roses, and his mind is sharp. Seeing Buggy winking, he smiled even more happily.

Even though he had some understanding of what he meant.

Three-eyed beauty... Did he want me to mention this word more? Does he mean that Im is very concerned about this matter?

He wanted to anger Im to achieve some ulterior purpose.

In addition to understanding this matter, Kaido also understood that it was very rare to laugh at the clown like this.

He had to laugh enough at once.

He forgot what he muttered before laughing.

It is easy to be misunderstood as laughing at the three-eyed beauty turning into a goat monster.

Buggy could feel that the area of ​​red temperature in his spiritual world was larger.

That's it!

Im was like a paralyzed face, without any expression.

He turned his head to look at the other person who disturbed him.

The Red Force barely landed under the operation of the red-haired gang.

"Is this the final island?"

"It's an island sunk in the sea. You need to use four landmarks to figure out its exact location. Now it's here."

"It's so easy that it's hard to imagine."

"I haven't been there either." Shanks shook his head and didn't rush to confirm his companion's words.

Instead, he noticed the obvious traces left in the middle of the island.

There was something here...


"Is this...Im?"

"Didn't she say she was a three-eyed beauty? Why is she a goat?"

Shanks had never seen what Im looked like, but the Joker was so sure in the news that he believed it.

But the reality was a little different.

Shanks didn't pay much attention to it, but asked Im: "Even the truth here is going to be destroyed. Does that past scare you so much?"

This was the second time Im heard someone describe him as scared.

The spiritual world burned like fire.

He turned his head, "Is this the helper you found?"

"If they die because of you, you should feel ashamed and regretful."

No, not at all!

Baki nodded repeatedly, and he recognized the insight of Lord Im.

The three groups each occupied a position.

Kaido was laughing, Shanks was solemn, and Im was disdainful. He paid more attention to the reaction of the clown.

What Kaido cares about is to take everything from Im.

"King of the World..."

"Come down and let me be the boss!"

There was no need to greet him. Kaido's fighting spirit had long been unbearable, and his feet slammed on the coral reef.

Ba Zhai Jie dragged out purple-white lightning.

He started with a thunderous Bagua.

"Just be a three-eyed witch!"


The echo of a heartbeat overwhelmed the roar of lightning, and time seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

A goat's hoof pressed on Ba Zhai Jie.

Pushed it. The mace almost fell on Kaido himself!

He held the Eight-Sai Jie with both hands and took several steps back, but Im got behind Kaido before him and kicked his back with his two front hooves.


Kaido immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jin hurriedly flew out to catch his big brother, and Lao Sha quickly followed, breaking the coral reef with the desert sword and stabbing Im.

"Huh... I was careless, this guy's strength and speed are both scary."

Kaido had thick skin and flesh, and he quickly recovered after adjusting his breathing.

Then he saw the clown showing contempt.

Crocodile could fight Im for two moves, but you were defeated in one move?

Too weak...

Buggy didn't say a word, but Kaido read out all his meaning.

"Just be stronger than some guy who was hanging."

He snorted twice and clenched the Eight-Sai Jie in his hand.

Nothing can inspire a pirate's bloodiness more than pain.

If there must be something, it is gold.

Kaido's heart was once again filled with the surging will to fight.

Kill Im, take the gold!

"Goat Demon Girl!"

"Let me see what kind of king you are!"

There should be 1~2 chapters left before the end~~~

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