One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 161 The reality of childhood fun is a nightmare

Rene had no time to appreciate the sudden fireworks show. He was on all fours with a toy arm in his mouth.

He was in good shape.

He shuttled through the streets like a stray dog.

He had never seen the full appearance of the toy, but the accountant liked it very much.

He would disassemble the toy into multiple parts to accompany him.

So the smell of the accountant remained on it.

The mafia family also had to do business, and doing business was inevitable to do accounting, which was a high-end talent.

The accountant he knew was like this.

Rene only knew that the other party also worked for the family and worked in a factory, but he never revealed which factory it was.

He often looked mysterious.

The arms factories in the kingdom were all blatant, and before this, no one dared to provoke Tian Yasha.

The only one that needed to be covered up like this... Rene felt that it could only be the smile factory.

If you want to do it, you have to do it big!

Rene could feel the existence of the bombs in his arms, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but grin.

It was difficult for him to describe his emotions at this moment. It was like loneliness, longing for a response. He was originally buried in the dust, so he naturally longed to shine.

It would be best if there were fire, black smoke, and some wailing.

Just like...

what the clown did.

The corners of René's mouth kept rising as he bit the toy.

This emotion was almost uncontrollable.

It was just dawn, and there were only scattered toy dolls on the street. Their eyes were blank, leaning against the corners of the wall.

The building block-like bodies had traces of being gnawed by wild dogs, and they were basically broken and worn.

After all, they would not bark or resist, and they did not remember who they were or how they came from.

No one would care no matter how they were treated.

Children pour their feelings into toys, and adults' toys are just emotional venting.

The same smell as the toy remained all the way, and René followed the smell through the town and into a dense forest, with the leaves of the bushes brushing against his face.

The smell changed as it entered the nose.

Dew and soil mixed together, and the rotten leaves underfoot wrapped the corpses of animals, which was completely different from the smell in the town.

Therefore, the human smell was even clearer.

A bit of fierceness flashed in René's eyes.

Deep in the forest, there was an exceptionally tall tree, the trunk of the tree was pitted and pitted, and there were a dozen wooden houses suitable for cats and dogs hanging on it.

The smell finally got into it.

This tree doesn't look like a place that can accommodate a factory?

René cat in the bushes, looking suspiciously.

The smell drifted all the way here and climbed into a wooden house.

He also saw a few red lights sweeping by.

Just like the factory he used to stay in...

That should be right.

Just as René was about to explore, there was another big noise in the forest.

A brown monitor lizard crawled out of the forest, and the forest was shaking as it crawled. The monitor lizard's body was bulging, with obvious signs of stitching.

"Hey, go ahead, bomb zombie No. 912!"

Moria's voice came from the forest.

After receiving the order, the monitor lizard roared and head-on crashed into the big tree.

With a loud bang.

The smell of rot and gunpowder filled the air at the same time. A hole was broken in the tree, and the monitor lizard's rotten flesh was scattered all over the ground.


Rene seemed to have suffered a biochemical attack. Not long ago, he was somewhat satisfied with his sense of smell, but now it has become a burden for him.

Pinching his nose, his face was full of pain.

But he also saw that there was another world under the gap in the tree trunk.

Rene didn't know where he got the courage from, and he pounced and drilled directly into the gap.

The smoke passed by him, but the smile on his face became even bigger.

He actually liked this kind of excitement!

The trunk of the tree was completely hollow, and below the trunk was a huge underground forest.

Several tin cans stood in the dense forest, with the words SAD printed on them.

I was not in the wrong place, this is the smile factory!

He suddenly had the urge to throw the bomb, but he still had some questions to ask the accountant.

The dense forest was filled with the smell of disinfectant, and the human smell was a little subtle. René turned around in this underground forest.

Only then did he find the location of the accountant.

Kevin Georgeson.

A middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses who looked a little weak.

In a world where the strong are respected, people like him have a mysterious status.

If he meets a strong person who values ​​him enough, Kevin's status will naturally rise. If he meets someone who is obsessed with drinking and partying, he will be like a scholar meeting a soldier.

However, Don Quixote can develop to this point, and talents like him are indispensable.

So Kevin's living conditions are not bad. There is a small wooden house in the dense forest where he lives alone. Next to the wooden house is a herringbone factory building made of iron plates, and on the other side is an oil tank-shaped iron tank.

I don't know whether it's because the greening of this factory is good, or the industrialization of the underground forest is good...

When Kevin heard the sound from above, he immediately collected all the account books on the surface.

Then he prepared to burn them.

These things are shameful, involving various underground forces in the world. If the world government knows about it, Ming Ge's hat of Shichibukai will be taken off.

They still have to save face.

But the fire had just lit up.

He saw a very familiar person.

"Rene... why are you here?"

"I have some questions for you."

Rene adjusted his breathing, and suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

"Did you eat the fruit?" Kevin saw his current state and immediately understood.

"Yeah." Rene nodded silently.

The relationship between the two was not close, but they had known each other for a long time.

"You did it?"

"It shouldn't be, you don't have the ability."

Kevin muttered to himself, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He was referring to the explosion just now,

"Am I married? Do I have a child?"

Rene didn't pay much attention to so much, his eyes were bright.

He felt that he had forgotten a lot of things.

His home was clearly furnished for a family of three, and there was another person's pillow on his bed, leaving a dent much smaller than his head.

But he didn't remember anything.

This matter was very important, so important that Rene's fingers had already drilled out sharp claws, ready to interrogate.


Kevin said very directly.

"Do you remember my wife?"

"We used to have a good relationship. She introduced your wife to me."

"Well, one of her hands is in your mouth now."

The expression on his face was terrifyingly calm.

The noise from the sky was much smaller.

"All those who rebelled against the family became toys, and then we will slowly forget them."

"What about you?"

"Didn't you notice?" Kevin kept moving, "As long as she becomes a toy, she will only wear out. Similarly, she will not age, get sick, or preach endlessly."

"How nice it would be to be a toy."

"It just so happens that I just need her to be here."

This is the condition for him to work for the family.

Turning his wife into a toy.

"This is the best state."

Kevin reached out to take back the toy limb.

Rene suddenly took a step back.

"This is my wife."

The accountant emphasized again, his calm eyes showing a bit of perversion.

"I don't know where you got the fruit from, and you succeeded, haha, but that's it."

"Besides, your wife and children saw this."

"This has a bad influence."

Kevin's expression suddenly became much calmer, as if he had some kind of confidence.

"So I can only ask the cadres to turn them into toys together. Speaking of which, you are not very good to those two toys."

"At least, I won't throw my wife away."

"Are you right?"

Rene's pupils dilated.

He originally thought that he should be angry, should roar, should go up and tear this person to pieces!

Why... they obviously didn't resist.

But all these emotions seemed to sink into the sea and disappeared.

Emotions floating on the sea.

There was only a twitching smile.

"So that's it...hahaha!"

"I seem to remember it." He tilted his head and remembered his attitude towards the two toys.

Two toys…

When I remember them, I will bend their movable limbs and replace their heads. When I don’t remember them, I will throw them in a corner to collect dust, and then throw them into the garbage dump one day.

In two days, they will come back with worn clothes.


All the sadness and anger finally came together with only this smile, and tears flowed down her face.

Outside the wooden house, a fat woman came over with a vacuum cleaner on her back, wearing a mask on her head and the word smile printed on her clothes.

Kevin’s sudden confidence came from this factory director.

“Factory director, this is the intruder.”

He took two steps back.

Pointing to the old neighbor, he said.

“Well done, little Kevin.”

“I will reward you well.”

Factory director Quinn smiled.

She stood at the entrance of the wooden house, and her shadow directly covered the house.

Rene watched Kevin’s little movements.

But the smile seemed uncontrollable.

He hugged his lower abdomen tightly, and his smile became more crazy.


"I'm sorry, hahaha sorry!"

"I have to do something now, preferably with fire, smoke, and wailing hahahaha."

I didn't know who he was apologizing to.

The Bucky bomb in his arms had been taken out.


He opened his mouth and bit the black bomb.

The corners of his mouth kept twitching.

"Are you crazy, Renee!"

The accountant was frightened back several steps when he saw this scene.

"It's no use saying sorry, I will squeeze every penny of your value!"

Quinn growled, not wanting to see this smile again.

Holding the big vacuum cleaner head, he smashed it down like a blunt instrument.


"I just thought of something very funny."

"And a very funny person."

"His name is Renee, he was married and had children."

"But he forgot, hahahaha!"

Rene's voice was a little hesitant, and his chewing muscles exerted a little force.

The bomb made a click.

"Mad man!"

The calmness on the accountant's face disappeared, revealing a face full of fear. He ran out in panic, but the fire swallowed him in the blink of an eye.

A loud bang came from the dense forest!

The fire then caused more chain reactions, explosions continued, and the fire shot up into the sky.

"Did you blow it up correctly this time?"

Moria stood outside the tree, full of suspicion.

He didn't know which factory was smile, so he just blew it up randomly.

"You added too much."

This fire was obviously much stronger, and the pungent smell made Lao Sha look like he wanted to kill him.

A good factory is valuable.

A ruined factory has no value at all.

"It shouldn't be like this. It's a chain reaction of the factory. The place where munitions are made is flammable and explosive."

Moria waved his hand and pushed his responsibility away.

"The next one is up to you."

"No more looking for it, let's go rob it." Lao Sha said while biting a cigar.

Just now, after a fireworks display, countless polka-dot artificial devil fruits fell from the pirate ship.

All the pirates rushed to the high ground like crazy.

Even many ordinary people rushed there regardless of their lives.

And Lao Sha had a hunch that he really did blow it up correctly this time.

But it was also blown up.

But it's okay...

This means that the price of artificial devil fruits will rise. Although it will not exceed the 300 million price of regular devil fruits, it is enough as his start-up capital.

The premise is that he can grab a few more.

Lao Sha is still thinking about the cooperation that Buggy mentioned.

But he doesn't want this kind of charity cooperation, at least it has to be equal.

In the town under King's High.

Almost all the pirates or people from other forces rushed over. The effect of a firework was like a crazy signal, igniting the greedy pirates.

This is a devil fruit.

It's also hundreds of millions of dollars sprinkled from the sky!

"Don't worry about Tian Yasha, you don't have to do this for half your life!"


"Stop them, this is the family's place!"

Diamante's voice seemed particularly weak under this crazy wave.

His fighting group couldn't even establish a line of defense.

"Where are the other cadres, what are they doing!"

"Assholes, how can you let these scum step into the family's palace!"

"Where are the toy soldiers, stop them!"

These soldiers were transformed from the original king's army. They don't remember anything else, but they still remember the mission of guarding the palace.

They blocked the stairs of the King's Highland.

After blocking the knife of a pirate, he was knocked down by the bullet of another pirate, and his plastic chest was scorched by the high temperature.

"Don't stop me from getting rich, stupid toy!"

The pirate with two mouse whiskers was greedy, and he kicked and pushed away the defense line formed by the toy soldiers.

Two polka-dot artificial devil fruits just rolled down from the top. The mouse whisker pirate jumped over the toy soldiers and hugged the two fruits in his arms.

"Long-bearded, leave the fruits!"

Immediately, other pirates saw it and rushed up together.

"Damn it!"

"I'll give it to you!"

Lao Shu had no confidence that he could survive the crowd, so he just pretended to throw a fruit to the pirates who were rushing at him like tigers and wolves.

The lucky guy who received the fruit was stunned. Facing the green eyes of the crowd, he didn't even have time to think and swallowed the fruit like a wolf.

But suddenly, the lucky guy covered his neck with a face full of pain.

Red light flashed between his neck.

The fire shot up into the sky.

"This is a bomb, it's fake!"

Someone exclaimed.

"No, it's not fake!"

On the other side.

The size of the pirate Lao Shu suddenly increased several times. He raised his head and roared.

A big gray rat stood up in the crowd.

He smiled at the surprised people.

"Hahahaha, it's still mine!"

"You are all scum!"

His mood seemed very unstable. Once he succeeded, he turned around and started to attack the pirates next to him.


The crazy laughter spread far away.

In the distance.

Baki narrowed his eyes.

The smile gradually became brighter.

"You are so lucky, but it's fair."

"Do you understand, Monet?"

The snow girl flapped her wings and slowly fell from the sky.

"We are almost successful, right!"

Her eyes were excited.

Monet never forgot his purpose. They are not here to earn the reputation of defeating the Seven Warlords of the Sea. They don't need the World Government to look up to them, and they will not get any improvement in the so-called stalemate.

Their purpose is very simple.

It is to drive Doflamingo crazy!

"Successful or not, I don't care."

Baki laughed. He never regarded Mingo as a goal, but a process to achieve chaos.

What he cares more about is the hesitation, fear and desire in the eyes of the bystanders who either exploded on the spot or transformed into a person with special abilities after eating the fruit.

"It has nothing to do with will, power, background or name."

"It's fair."

"Deadly risks and extraordinary power, that's fair."

"This is our main meal."

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