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-haired Shanks had wanted to rush over to stop this war a long time ago. But he encountered many spies from the World Government on the way. So the time was delayed for a long time. When he arrived at Marinford, he immediately smelled a strong smell of blood. Such a strong smell of blood would not be there without tens of thousands of people.

So Shanks exuded a strong momentum from the beginning, hoping to make both sides have some reservations. But when he arrived at the battlefield, he was stunned. Even the cadres behind him, such as Ben Beckman, were stunned.

I saw Shaq standing in front. On both sides were Hancock, Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Garp. The navy and pirates behind were all mixed together. It didn't look like a war at all. Instead, it looked like a group of people. If there weren't some corpses on the battlefield. And the ruins of Marinford. Shanks almost thought they were at a party instead of a war.

"What is this??? What's going on?" Shanks scratched his hair.

"Shanks"Luffy was the first to rush forward."

""Hey. Isn't this Luffy? You've grown up?" Shanks greeted with a smile."I'm glad to see you. But, can anyone tell me what's going on???""

"You shameless guy. Why are you here? I told you that you don’t have any wine, but you’ll die." Shanks was embarrassed by Shaq’s expression that he had no chance to drink.

"HahahaI am now the marshal of the Huaxia Empire. Shanks, please give me more advice in the future."Zhan Guo laughed and said

"And I am also the marshal of the Huaxia Empire. Shanks, you dare to kidnap my grandson. I will order 100,000 troops to hunt you down every day."Garp threatened with a dark face

"The Chinese Empire? What the hell is that? ? ?" Shanks was full of questions.

"Bastard. You dare to look down on my Huaxia Empire. Don't show up in front of me again. We are done."Shaq immediately said what was in his mind. He had wanted to say this for a long time. This guy had been eating and drinking for free at his place for two years without paying a penny. It was a good opportunity to kick him aside. Shaq thought so

"Wow. Huaxia Empire. What a domineering name. Hmm. Who dares to look down on Huaxia Empire. Is it you? Beckman, I have told you many times. Huaxia Empire is very domineering. Don't look down on this name next time."Shanks taught Beckman a lesson with a serious face.

"What a thick skin. Did he really eat the face fruit?"Zhan Guo and others were all frowning.

""Ha." Shaq was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Shanks to be so shameless. He was so shameless just to eat and drink at his place."A tough opponent. The plan to drive him away and break up with him has failed." Shaq was thinking about how to make Shanks leave on his own.

"Shanks. There is nothing in this world that I admire. But today I finally admire you. Your shamelessness is the only thing I admire. It's so thick." Shaq said contemptuously

"Ahaha"Shanks didn't feel ashamed at all."What's going on with you guys?"

"What else can I do? I won. So I will build an empire soon. Shanks, you must call me the Emperor when you see me."Shaq said proudly.

"You? The Emperor? The Chinese Emperor. You want to build an empire?" Shanks was shocked. Beckman was shocked. The crew members under Red Hair were also shocked.

"Let's talk nonsense later. Kulik, take down the island. Let's go back first."Shaq shouted to Kulik

"OK."Kulik waved his hand, and the island in the sky immediately floated down. Zhan Guo, Garp and more than 10,000 navy soldiers who were willing to follow them boarded the island, and Shaq and others also boarded

"Little Death. Remember to send me an invitation." Whitebeard said loudly

"Yeah." Shaq nodded.

"Captain, let's go. It seems we are no longer needed."Beckman said

"Yes."Red Hair nodded,"The target is Dressrosa. Let's go." Shanks wanted to find out what Shaq was trying to do. But this was obviously not a good place. It was estimated that the World Government would send people here soon.

"Daddy, that guy Teach ran away."Ace and the others were busy healing Whitebeard. Unexpectedly, Blackbeard took advantage of the chaos to run away.

"Go back to the New World. Teach can't make a big wave. From today on, it's the age of the God of Death. Teach was born in the wrong time."Whitebeard said calmly.

An hour later, three masters of the World Government's special forces CP0 appeared at the Navy Headquarters. Looking at the messy Navy Headquarters, they frowned deeply. The Navy Headquarters was empty. Only a pile of ruined buildings remained. A few sparse figures were walking around.

"We are agents of CP0, a department under the World Government. Can you tell me what is going on?"A tall man from CP0 stopped a navy soldier and asked

"What else can we do? The navy? There is no navy anymore. Marshal Sengoku surrendered to the Death Pirates. Even Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Aokiji surrendered. Admiral Kizaru died in the battle. Admiral Akainu had his right arm chopped off and is dying of serious injuries. The navy is finished."The soldier said in a low voice.

"How is that possible? You dare to say it again?"The CP0 agent angrily grabbed the navy soldier's collar and said

"Let him go. What he said is true." At this time, Akainu, who was heavily bandaged, came over."There are only a few dozen of us left in the entire Marine Headquarters."

"Are you? Admiral Akainu?"Several CP0 agents naturally knew Akainu. But they didn't expect Akainu to be so miserable. His right arm was broken. He was covered in bandages. He looked half dead.

"Admiral? Even the Navy Admiral has surrendered to the pirates. What's the point of the admiral coming here?" Akainu said coldly

"Not good. Report to the Five Elders immediately."

Inside a luxurious building in Marijoa, the Five Elders and the commander-in-chief of the army, Kong Gu, gathered together. The bald Five Elders holding a sword angrily said,"Damn Sengoku, damn Garp. It's a shame. They actually surrendered to the pirates. They deserve to be killed."

"The navy is all garbage." The Five Elders holding their canes were filled with murderous intent, and they wanted to kill Sengoku and Garp right away.

"What can we do if we are angry now? Let's think about how to deal with this so-called Chinese Empire. That kid actually wants to establish an empire. That means his goal is to overthrow the World Government. The addition of Sengoku Garp and Aokiji makes him feel like a fish in water. This threat has exceeded that of the Revolutionary Army." Cyborg Sora frowned and analyzed.

The five elders with long hair and beard nodded and said,"Yes, after that kid broke through in Marinford, even Sengoku Garp and his team were no match for him. His own strength has surpassed ours by a lot. To deal with him, at least three people must join forces to defeat him. Add in Sengoku Garp, I'm afraid that even if the six of us go together, we can't do anything to them. There are also Boa Hancock, Aokiji and others. Next we are the weaker party."

"It's not easy. Temporarily shrink the strength and evacuate all the navy from the New World."The bald and mustached Five Elders suggested.

"This is the only way. Let's inform them. We need their strength to eliminate this threat now."Said the short-haired Five Elders.

"That's fine. This is the wisest way to do it."Several five elders agreed._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection and recommendation

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