The ruthless terrifying vibration wave energy was heading towards Blackbeard's location.

It swept madly!

Seeing this scene.

Blackbeard, who was already seriously injured and fell to the ground, changed his face drastically!

He fell to the ground, waving his hands constantly.

Blackbeard couldn't even make any resistance, and the ground was directly lifted up dozens of meters!

Then he fell hard to the ground!


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Blackbeard's face was already pale.

His breath was also constantly weakening!

"Old... Dad... Save..."

Before Blackbeard finished speaking, he was interrupted by Whitebeard's voice.

"Teach! Only you... are not worthy of being my son!"

"You violated the only iron rule on my ship, you killed your companions!"

Whitebeard's voice was cold, without the slightest mercy!

After the bombardment with Zhan Guo and others.

He retreated to the back.

Whitebeard stared at Blackbeard who fell in the ruins.

He naturally had feelings for Blackbeard.

After all, he was his son who had followed him for decades!

If it weren't for Blackbeard breaking the only rule on their ship, even if Chen Chuan was stronger.

Whitebeard would do his best to protect him!

This can be seen from Ace.

For his precious son, Whitebeard can give up everything.

Even... his life!

However, all this.

All started from the moment Blackbeard killed the captain of the fourth team, Thatch.

It was completely over!

Killed his companions!

Blackbeard has completely lost the qualification to be Whitebeard's son!

And now, Whitebeard wants to avenge Thatch himself!

"Captain Four, I will take the life of you, the bastard, as Thatch's last wish."

"Let him rest in peace!"

"Let's put an end to it, Teach!"

At the end.

Whitebeard's voice suddenly turned cold!

Holding the supreme large knife, Kurogane·Cut.

Whitebeard dragged his tired body and walked towards Blackbeard little by little!


Squeak, squeak, squeak——

The tip of the knife hung on the ground, bringing bursts of sparks and collisions.

Whitebeard strode with his head raised, as if silently sentencing Blackbeard to death!

And seeing this scene.

Chen Chuan and Zhan Guo and others had the same idea.

They all chose to stay where they were.

The Navy did not have any idea of ​​stopping it, even though Blackbeard had joined the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Became a minion of the World Government.

It was useless!

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, for them.

It's just a chess piece. If the position is vacant, then find another one.

In this world, there are many pirates who want to be protected by the World Government.

There are too many pirates who do evil outside.

What's more...

Sengoku himself doesn't like Blackbeard.

This guy...

is too ambitious, and people can't figure it out at all.

As for Chen Chuan...

He just wants Blackbeard to die, as for who did it.

Chen Chuan doesn't care.

Now Whitebeard wants to deal with Blackbeard himself, so Chen Chuan will go with him.

The development of things has a beginning and an end.

Everything started with the meeting between Whitebeard and Blackbeard, and ended with them!


Everyone's eyes were fixed, watching Whitebeard's actions closely.

On the other side, Blackbeard fell powerlessly in the ruins.

Seeing Whitebeard holding a Guandao, his face full of murderous intent.

Walking towards his direction, step by step.

Blackbeard was already disheartened!

It seemed that Whitebeard was determined to kill him...

As Whitebeard's figure got closer and closer.

The expression on Blackbeard's face also changed from the initial fear.

It kept changing rapidly until it became extremely crazy and twisted!

"I... will never die!"

"Dad! Navy! And Chen... Chuan!"

"I, Blackbeard, will come back again one day!"

Blackbeard laughed wildly, in a crazy state!

It was as if he was mentally ill.

Seeing this scene, Whitebeard raised his eyebrows.

There was no more hesitation in his heart.

As soon as his mind moved, there was a shocking energy floating on the tip of the Kusun·Qi in his hand!

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes!

After a short period of energy gathering, Whitebeard raised the knife.

Then he swung it down heavily!


The knife slashed on the chest of Blackbeard who was lying on the ground!

This time, Whitebeard did not hold back at all!

Crack! Crack! Crack——

The terrifying energy seemed to crack the air!


Instantly, a violent explosion of roaring color occurred!

The terrifying vibration energy directly shattered and cracked the ground under his feet!

Smoke and dust kept bursting in all directions!

On the ground, a huge pit suddenly appeared!

After enduring Whitebeard's full-strength attack head-on.

He was already seriously injured by Chen Chuan.

Without any means of resistance, Blackbeard's body was directly blasted into the deep pit.

Glancing around.

I saw that Blackbeard's eyes were white, his body was covered in blood, and the aura around him was like a candlelight in the dark night.


Then it became weaker and weaker until it disappeared completely!

At this moment, this hero who had been hiding his ambitions for decades on Whitebeard's ship and pushed the war on the top from the side! Completely fell! Died at the hands of one of the Four Emperors, Whitebeard! As Blackbeard's breath dissipated, Whitebeard closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He killed his most precious son with his own hands. Only Whitebeard could understand this feeling! After Blackbeard's death, the pirates were not as happy as imagined. Instead, they fell into silence. All the pirates looked at Blackbeard's body and sighed! Until a moment later. "Little ones, don't be interrupted by what's happening in front of you." "Don't forget our purpose, Ace hasn't been rescued yet!" After Whitebeard's words. The pirates raised their eyes and saw Ace still detained on the execution platform. They all waved their arms. He rushed to the execution platform with full energy!

Even Whitebeard fought fiercely with Zhan Guo and others again.

As everyone joined the battlefield.

Chen Chuan on the side frowned.

While he lowered his head and pondered, he couldn't help but recall Blackbeard's words before his death.

He said he would come back again...

Such words made Chen Chuan's heart ponder again.

After a moment.

Chen Chuan jumped to the edge of the deep pit blasted by Whitebeard.

He saw Blackbeard's body lying in it.

A gleam of brilliance flashed in his red eyes.

Chen Chuan used his observation Haki to carefully scan Blackbeard's body.

After confirming that the other party had no breath and had no back-up plan.

Chen Chuan's eyes condensed, and a chill came out!

The thousand blades of the magic knife on his waist swept past!

Several sharp blades gathered in the air and fell!

Then they instantly fell on Blackbeard's body.

The blade flashed, and the sword energy was everywhere!

In just a short moment.

The black and purple blade released by Chen Chuan smashed Blackbeard's body to pieces!

Not even a slag was left.

After doing all this, Chen Chuan nodded with satisfaction.

After all, in the world of pirates.

Everything is possible, and all kinds of strange powers emerge in an endless stream!

There are some things that can resurrect the dead!

In order to prevent Blackbeard from resurrecting.

Chen Chuan directly smashed his body to pieces!

Completely cut off the possibility of Blackbeard's survival!

After doing all this, Chen Chuan looked towards the execution platform.

There! After breaking through many obstacles.

Straw Hat Luffy has successfully arrived there!


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