The battle was won, and the enemy was in danger.

200 million volts·Thor.

Enelu released all the lightning in his body and transformed into the posture of Thor. This can be said to be his desperate move.

Bardock was not surprised but happy when he saw this. In terms of movement speed, the Trillion Fruit and the Thunder Fruit far exceed other abilities. If Enelu wants to run, Bardock can't catch up. Now that Thor is activated, Enelu is going to fight to the death.

"Monkey King·Maximize!"

Bardock transformed into the Monkey King form, and quickly grew in size as he wished. In a blink of an eye, he became a giant ape taller and bigger than Thor. He wanted to defeat Enelu head-on.

"Only gods can hurt gods! He is indeed a god!"

"Gods above!"


Enelu's divine soldiers did not dare to resist at all at this moment, and all knelt down to pray. They were loyal to Enelu based on his strength and the culture of serving gods on Sky Island. Now that a more powerful god has appeared, they just have to wait.

"Sir, please defeat that evil god!"

"Please defeat Enelu! God!"

"Enelu, die!"


The Sky Island people of Bika saw that Enelu was at a disadvantage and began to pray. They were really scared of Enelu.

What Enelu did in Bika was more severe than in the original plot on Angel Island and God Island. Once the people of Bika offended Enelu, they would be punished by thunder and lightning immediately.

Enelu, who was transformed into the god of thunder, always surrounded Bika with his heart network. He heard the voices of these people clearly and became even angrier. These people not only bullied him when he was young, but now they are on the side of the Blue Sea People. It is really a shame for the Infinite Earth. They all deserve to die! Those trash of the Divine Weapon Team also deserve to die!

"200 million volts·Thor·Discharge!"

In the Thor state, the discharge has the power to destroy the world.

Bardock saw the dazzling lightning and did not dare to underestimate it. He used his armed color domineering with all his strength, "Eight Punch Secret·Finger Gun·One Finger Mountain!"

This is a move to use the finger gun to perform the Eight Punch Secret. Bardock has the power of the Green Pepper Cone Dragon Cone Nail in normal state. This is the first time that it has been used in the Monkey King's maximum state, and he doesn't know what power it is.

The huge finger wrapped in the domineering shock wave first encountered the 200 million volt discharge lightning, all the way forward, and then Enel's Thor body.

Enelu had no power to resist and was pushed back by the finger until Bardock stretched out his arm and continued to exert his domineering shock wave, and Enelu was blown to the island cloud of Bica.


Bica Sky Island was attacked by the aftermath and was directly split into two halves. The white sea below could even be seen in the huge gap in the middle.

"Ah, help!"

"Hurry up and pull me, I'm going to fall!"

"Ah, I can't fly, help me!"


For a while, the scene in Bica was a bit chaotic.

"Somersault Cloud!"

Bardock controlled the Somersault Cloud to catch the Bica people falling from the sky, including Enelu who lost consciousness.

Enelu's current strength is not too strong, and he relies entirely on the power of the fruit, but his ability to resist attacks is still very strong. In the original time and space, he was attacked by Repulse Bay and Luffy's multiple full-strength attacks, but in the end he was still able to drive the Ark Proverbs to the infinite land on the moon while awake.

"Hundred Flowers·Climb!"

Robin activated the ability of the Flower-Flower Fruit, causing the half-suspended Bica to grow extra arms, and with the joint efforts of multiple hands, he climbed up.

"Lord God!"

The Divine Soldiers came forward together and knelt down to salute Bardock.

This is the rule of Sky Island. The one who defeats the god becomes the new god, but the Blue Sea people have never done it before. It was also the first time for them to worship the Blue Sea people as gods, but who can blame Bardock for being strong enough!

If it were Gan Fowl, he would still have some loyal Divine Guards under his command. Enel ruled Bica based on fear, so his Divine Soldiers changed their allegiance immediately.

"Go and save people first, clean up the ruins, and repair the damaged island with cloud-making technology."

Bardock arranged them to work based on the principle of not wasting time.

As for the damage to Bica, Bardock wanted to say that compared to being completely destroyed by Enel a few years later, it was already an excellent result now.

Bardock leads his men into Enel's shrine. Enel lost, and now everything here belongs to Bardock.

Because the incident happened suddenly, Enel's collection is exposed. His mind network can monitor the entire Bika, and he is not afraid of being stolen.


In fact, apart from many rare Sky Island shells, there was not much that could attract Bardock. There was only one blueprint, which he valued very much. Even if it was only this, it could be considered a great harvest, the shipbuilding blueprint of Ark Maxim.

He already had a plan, and the blueprint of Ark Maxim was very suitable for transforming the White Dragon Horse.

Before that, he needed a worker, Enelu.

"Mansheli, treat these injured ones."

Among the four priests, only Ohm and Shadley were seriously injured. Under Mansheli's dandelions, they recovered quickly. They were a little embarrassed for a while. In a blink of an eye, even the god Enelu failed. Now they also want to surrender and join?

After Enelu was healed, he instantly turned into lightning and hid aside. His memory still stayed on the blow of the giant finger.

Seeing him startled, Bardock smiled and teased, "How is it, Enelu? Do you want to fight again?"

Enelu looked around and was so angry that smoke came out of his head. Bardock was holding his most important thing.

"Be gentle, these drawings are ancient artifacts. If you damage them, you can't find a second copy."

The Ark Proverbs is an important means for him to return to the infinite land. This only drawing must not have any problems.

He hated it. If he had known this day would come, he must have prepared several copies of the drawings, at least remember the contents on them. It was really careless.

"This is my trophy. I can do whatever I want with it."

Bardock shook the drawings in his hand casually.

"You!" Enelu wanted to get angry, but he held back. "Tell me, what do you want? It's no use playing these little tricks."

"Very good, according to the rules of Sky Island, I defeated you, the God of Bika, and now I am the new God. Everything you have here belongs to me!"

Bardock said slowly, "My request is very simple, you join my team and become our adventure partner."

"What, you, a Blue Sea man, actually want me to be your subordinate? I am the incarnation of thunder and lightning! A real god!"

Even if Enelu failed, he did not change his proud nature. He did not want to be inferior to Bardock.

"I advise you to consider it."

Bardock shook the blueprint in his hand again, "You join us, and this blueprint will be returned to you in due time. Your goal is the infinite land! Then we can go with you. You've made a lot of money, you know?"

Shameless little thief, threatening me with the Ark's motto. Enelu had nothing to say, what could he do? His weak spot was exposed, so he could only nod and join Bardock's team with tears in his eyes.

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