On the battlefield of Marin Fandor

, Gojo stood proudly on the battlefield, wearing a black blindfold, white hair floating in the wind, and in front of him lay Admiral Akainu, who at this time no longer had the majesty of a Admiral, was seriously injured and bloody, and passed out.

Gojo Goku fights Akainu, and Gojo Goku wins.

On the naval side, Sengoku and Karp are at war with Whitebeard, Yellow Ape is at war with Marko, and Pheasant is at war with several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the high-end combat power of the Navy is unable to free its hands.

And Qiwu Hai either rowed or reversed the water, and could not be counted on at all.

Gojo Gojo has no one to stop him! The Navy is going to die!

"Dark Cave Road!"

There was a startle on the battlefield, Blackbeard suddenly appeared on the battlefield, slapped his palm on the ground, and a darkness instantly spread from his hand to Gojo Gojo, and instantly surrounded Gojo Gojo in the center of the darkness.

This darkness seems to be a black hole, pulling and tearing everything above down, and Gojo seems to be sinking.

"Thief hahahahaha! The world's strongest white-haired Gojo Gojo is no more than that! It was so easy for me to get my hands on! Seeing

Gojo Goku trapped by his own attack, Blackbeard burst out laughing, and behind him appeared, his subordinates who had brought out of the Advance City.

The sudden appearance of Blackbeard's gang attracted the attention of the audience.

Sengoku, who was fighting with Whitebeard, his face instantly became ugly, and said: "Blackbeard

, how did you get here?"

"Tichy! Only you are unforgivable!

Whitebeard glared angrily at Blackbeard, his face gloomy.

"Thief hahahahaha! Daddy long time no see! It was supposed to give you a ride, but now better prey has appeared!

Blackbeard glanced at Whitebeard and said fearlessly.

"Better prey? Are you referring to me?

Letting his body slowly sink, Gojo asked Blackbeard.

"yes! The world's strongest gray-haired five-striped ability is up to me to take it!

"Hahahahaha! Can you do it? Gojo

seemed to have heard some funny joke.

"You're all caught by me now! What else do you have to say?

Blackbeard replied, not taking Gojo's words to heart as he was trapped, and then said to Sengoku:

"Thief hahahahaha! Marshal of the Warring States! Let's join forces! Gojo Gojo gave me to deal with, how about you be responsible for killing my dear father?

Sengoku listened to Blackbeard's words and fell silent.

Blackbeard's proposal is beneficial to the Navy in this case, and if Blackbeard can solve Gojou, it is equivalent to solving the Navy's henchmen, and now even if he has the heart to deal with Blackbeard, he can't do anything.

It's just that cooperating with Blackbeard, who betrayed the Navy, undermines the majesty of the Navy.

"Whitebeard, our navy is not going to let it go! Gojo Gojo If you can solve it, let it be! "

The Warring States agreed, and if the navy loses in this war, it will be even less majestic.

"Thief hahahahaha! Gojo Gojo I'll fix it! "

There is no navy to disturb him, the whitebeard side is dragged by the navy again, and Blackbeard has no worries, and can concentrate on taking the fruit ability of Gojou!"

"The white-haired Gojo is the strongest in the world! It's awesome! Your fruit ability is very powerful! But after today it belongs to me! "

Dark water!"

Blackbeard jumped into the air and sucked himself towards Gojo, his right hand turned pitch black and landed behind Gojo's back.

Blackbeard's palm landed on Gojo Gojo's body, and he immediately became relieved, Gojo Gojo's fruit ability had been sealed by his own dark fruit ability!


Blackbeard dispersed the darkness that pulled Gojo under Gojo's feet.

"Kill Gojo Gojo for me!"

The moment the darkness dissipated, Blackbeard instantly drank loudly, allowing his subordinates to kill Gojou.


Yu no Kiru took the lead, drew his sword and slashed at Gojou.

It's just that his sword stopped at a millimeter and could no longer advance an inch.


Blackbeard exclaimed.

"Your ability has been sealed by me, why can you still use it!"

"Who gave you the confidence to think that you could seal my ability!"

Gojo said without replying.

"Impossible, the ability of the Dark Fruit can seal all the Devil Fruit abilities! You've already been recruited, why are you okay?

Blackbeard looked incredulous.

"Huh! When did I say that my ability was obtained by eating the Devil Fruit?

Gojo sneered.

"Not the ability of the Devil Fruit? How can it be? How could mortals possess such terrifying abilities without passing through the Devil Fruit! How exactly did you do it?

"You guess!"

The moment the words fell, Gojo Gojo burst out with a furious spell that erupted directly into the surroundings.


The people of the surrounding Blackbeard Pirate Group were instantly blasted out, and in the blink of an eye, there were only five Goku standing proudly on this battlefield.

"You covet my abilities! Then the death penalty will be imposed!

"Ahem! Cough! The white-haired Gojou is indeed worthy of the name! Captain! Standing

up, Yu no Kiru said to Blackbeard.

"Finish him off together!"

Blackbeard shouted angrily, since they had already offended Gojou, they had no way out.

For Blackbeard, Gojo Goku did not have a good impression, crossed his hands in front of him, two spells with opposite attributes burst out from his body, Gojo Gojo intends to kill him!

Two diametrically opposed spells clashed constantly, producing a strong riot of energy.

"Technique Shun Zhuan Cang!"

"Technique reversal He!"

One blue and one red, the two spells intertwined, and a giant ball of energy appeared in front of Gojou.

"Imaginary Mush!"

When the words fell, the energy ball directly blasted out at great speed.



Blackbeard and his subordinates felt the horror of Gojo's move and went all out.

The moves of Gojo Gojo and Blackbeard's gang met in the air without the slightest stalemate.

Instead, it destroyed the decay, and "Qi" easily annihilated the attack of Blackbeard's gang and attacked Blackbeard's gang.

The ground was also wiped out, leaving a deep trajectory that nothing could stop it, moving forward and destroying everything.


Blackbeard's gang used all their strength to resist, but it was useless, and they were completely engulfed by "Qi".

Blackbeard's gang did not exceed ten minutes from appearance to total destruction, and the white-haired five realized that they were terrifying!

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