"Canine Red Lotus!"

After the red dog was repelled by the white beard, it did not suffer any serious injuries, and immediately magmagized its arm, forming the appearance of a dog's head, and biting towards the white beard.

"Ice cube 'Storm Pheasant Beak'!"

The green pheasant, which had regained his figure, also sent an attack to Whitebeard.

After the shot yellow ape stood up, it condensed the yellow light bullet in the direction of the white beard.

"I'll be your opponent! Yellow Ape! "

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is not a vegetarian, and Marko took the lead and met the yellow ape.

Transformed into a human-animal form, he interrupted the yellow ape's attack with a kick.

"It's terrible!"

The yellow ape took Marko's all-out kick with his hand, and he couldn't see anything terrifying on his face.


Immediately after, Diamond Joz roared and met the pheasant.

Diamondized Joz covered with armed color domineering and charged at the pheasant with all his strength, and the pheasant had to stop continuing to attack Whitebeard and turn to Joz.

And Foil Bista and several other captains greeted Akainu.

For a while, the three admirals of the navy were all stopped by the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Is this the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"The three admirals were actually blocked by them!"

"It's horrible! Whitebeard Pirates!

"Unthinkable! How powerful is the spell pirate group that captured the three admirals of the navy back then! The

people watching the battle in front of the screen were shocked by the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And therefore thought of the spell pirate group, after all, the spell pirate group a year ago, but it captured the three major admirals of the navy alive.

Their captain, Gojo Gojo, defeated Whitebeard and became the strongest in the new world!

Even now, the spell pirate group is still in full swing, a legendary existence!

Without the obstruction of the three admirals, Whitebeard entered no man's land, and swung a knife out of the navy soldiers, killing and wounding countless people.

At this time, Luffy, with the help of many people, rushed to the execution table.

But in front of him is the naval hero Karp!

"Luffy! You shouldn't have come! Ace

is also his own raised grandson, but he wants to help the navy execute him, Karp is very struggling, but still decides to stop Luffy.

"Grandpa! I'm going to rescue Ace! Even

if it was Grandpa who stood in the way, Luffy never wavered in his determination to rescue Ace.


Luffy burst into a roar and rushed forward.


It was Karp who was beaten flying, and he was ruthless in the face of his grandson Karp.

Immediately afterwards, Luffy, with the help of the pirates who escaped from the city, opened it like a heavenly favor, locked Ace's chains, and successfully rescued Ace.

"Karp! What are you doing! Watching

Cap let Luffy save Ace, Sengoku shouted.


The other side of Mary Joa

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The two huge fleets are engaged in a firefight, and it is Dressrosa's fleet that is attacking the navy stationed on the other side of Marichoa.

Although the navy here is not as large as the navy gathered in Marin Fandor, but here are navies driving warships, covering artillery fire, and their combat effectiveness is far higher than that of the navy that is fighting the Whitebeard Pirates.

The navy of the world government guarding the gate of Mary Joa, of course, is also the elite of the elite, and its combat effectiveness can not be underestimated.

But they were facing Dressrosa's fleet, and both the range of artillery fire and the intensity of artillery fire far exceeded them.

The World Government's navy was already heavily shelled by the enemy before it could enter range, and wanted to fight in a roundabout way, but the speed was not as fast as the opponent's warships.

As a last resort, their commander ordered a charge towards Dressrosa's fleet, wanting to face off at close range.

However, Dressrosa's fleet not only has an absolute advantage in numbers, but also its size is not comparable to the World Government's navy, even in close combat, they have not let the World Government's navy get any benefits.

"Sasuke! Lead the Third Fleet to attack from the right flank!

"Fujitora! Lead the Fifth Fleet to attack from the left flank!

"Anilu! Responsible for protecting the troop carrier fleet! "

Estes is in the command module, using the fleet's exclusive communication system to direct the operation.

In order to be able to reduce some losses in this war, Gojo Goku specially transferred Anilu back from the Red Earth Continent.

However, the Fourth Fleet of Anilu was not transferred back, but was commanded by Luqi and continued to guard the new channel of the Red Earth Continent.

The troop carrier fleet was the transport ships of the forty thousand Army of Dressrosa.


"Marshal of the Warring States! Not good! The naval fleet on the other side of Mary Joa was attacked by the Dressrosa fleet! Almost out of support! A

naval soldier rushed to Sengoku in a panic.

"What do you say? Dressrosa's fleet attacking the navy guarding the gate of Mary Joa?

"Yes! Marshal of the Warring States! The enemy's fire is too fierce, and our side is almost unable to hold on!

"This can't be! It is the ace of our naval fleet that guards there! A whole fleet of fifty thousand people! How could it not hold on!

The Marshal of the Warring States shouted in disbelief.

"Dressrosa sent the Second Fleet, the Third Fleet, and the Fifth Fleet, a total of 60,000 people, and the configuration of warships is not at all comparable to our army! And there are uncountable troop carriers! I am afraid that it will not be long before I will attack the Holy Land of Mary Joa!

"Abominable Gojo realization! Unexpectedly took advantage of this time to attack the Holy Land of Mary Joya! "

Sengoku gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to tear Gojo to pieces.

"I know! Do the people over there in the Holy Land have any instructions? "

Report Marshal! General Steel Bone Air said that he would set up a defensive line to block Dressrosa's army on the road to the Holy Land of Mary Joa! He said that Dressrosa's navy is no longer scary when it gets off the warship! But he still asks you to solve the battle as soon as possible and rush to support!

"I know! You go down!

Sengoku told him to go down and said to

Karp: "Karp, you heard it too! If you don't make a move, the holy land will be breached! This is a shame for our Navy! After

that, the Warring States also joined the battle.


"Is there a fight over there on Esders too? Good timing! Tens

of thousands of meters in the air, Gojo watched the battle below.

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