In 1520

of the Desrosa Palace

, Gojo Goku sat on the throne directly in front of him, and Rebecca stood on Gojo's right side and said:

"There is a book to start, no book to retreat!"

Sasuke, Esders and other officials, divided into four teams, were standing neatly below, and some officials were promoted.

Kalifa walked out of the queue and said, "Your Majesty, the minister has Ben Qianxiao!"

Gojo Gojo: "Quasi-play!"

Kalifa: "Your Majesty! The number of civilians who came to our country on their own and naturalized, as well as the number of civilians transported by our country on their own initiative, is growing too fast, and our land is almost unable to accommodate it!

Gojo asked,

"Do you have any suggestions?"

Kalifa: "If our country is to continue to increase its people, it must expand its territory!"

Gojo: "Do you mean to start a war of aggression?"

Kalifa: "Starting a war of aggression is the easiest way, but in addition, there is another way, that is, reclamation of land!" Gojo

realized: "Reclamation from the sea, a good way, I also have this intention!" How is our Navy trained? Esders

came out and said

, "Eighty thousand navies have been trained, and fifty thousand recruits are training."

Gojo: "Very good! Next, I will take you to see the fleet of our navy! Estes

: "Do you mean that the Navy can equip warships in training?"

Gojo: "That's right!

Sasuke: "Oh, that's really exciting!"

Anilu: "Can I finally see the warship in training?" This god wants to see how majestic it is! "


Soon after, Gojo took Esders, Sasuke and other officials to a military port.

But there is not a single ship here in the port, some are just endless seas, and there are no warships mentioned in Gojo's mouth.

In fact, the warship is here, and Gojo bought it from the system three days ago.

To be on the safe side, Gojo made the system turn on the invisible shield.

In this way, the protective shield cannot be seen from the outside world, even if it is domineering.

Esders looked at the empty military port and asked,

"What about the warship you are talking about?"

Gojo smiled and said, "The warship is here. Saying

that, Gojo made the system disperse the invisible shield.

In an instant, the huge port was filled with warships, and one huge warship after another was neatly displayed on the sea, with no end in sight.

The largest warship is more than 200 meters, the smallest is 70 meters, and the largest naval ship of the world government is only 54 meters.

Although everyone either heard about it or learned from simulation training that the warship was huge, everyone was still shocked by the huge warship and huge fleet in front of them.

Some officials who had just been promoted even fell to the ground with one leg limp.

After being shocked for a long time, someone finally came to his senses.

"Oh my God, I've never seen such a huge warship!"

"Oh my God! The smallest warships here are bigger than the World Government's naval ships!

"Is this something that a man can make?"

Each warship here is more advanced than the World Government's naval warships, and there are sea floor stones at the bottom of the ships that can cross the windless zone.

But it also cost Gojo a lot of money to buy it, and if it weren't for Dressrosa's good economic development, he couldn't afford it at all.

1,550 million Bailey for a 220-meter-class large warship, 850 million Bailey for a 130-meter medium-sized warship, and 350 million Bailey for a 70-meter-class small warship, a total of more than 50 billion Bailey!

Esders looked at the warships in front of him and said excitedly:

"These warships are amazing! Will our Navy be equipped with these warships?

Gojo replied, "That's right, these warships will arm four fleets!" Each fleet is equipped with one large warship of the 220-meter class, three medium-sized warships of the 130-meter class, and twenty-eight small warships of the 70-meter class.

"Four fleets? Who is in charge?

Estes asked eagerly.

Gojo said:

"The four fleets are named the First Fleet, the Second Fleet, the Third Fleet, and the Fourth Fleet, the First Fleet is under my direct command, the Second Fleet is commanded by Esders, the Third Fleet is commanded by Sasuke, and the Fourth Fleet is commanded by Anilu!" Each fleet is equipped with 20,000 naval soldiers!

"Since the fleet already exists, can we go to war abroad?"

Being able to command the world's most advanced fleet, Estes is already eager to try.

"No, one shot must solve the world government with one blow, and then control the overall situation. The head of the world government can be easily solved, but the world government is finished, and we do not have enough troops to control the world! The world is bound to fall into chaos! There are wars everywhere, which is not conducive to our development. Gojo

refused Esders' request.

"When will the fleet that has just been built enter the war!"

With the most advanced and powerful fleet in the world, but not being able to fight easily, Estes felt sorry.

Gojo said, "There will be a chance!" Esders, Sasuke, and Anilu give you three days to assign soldiers to warships, and in three days, Anilu you will take your fourth fleet and set out with me to the Red Earth Continent! "

To the Red Earth Continent? What did Benshen do in the Red Earth Continent?

Anilu asked suspiciously.

Gojo Gojo: "Didn't you say that you want to reclaim the land from the sea?" Isn't it a good choice to have so much soil in the Red Earth Continent?

Kalifa: "Your Majesty wants to use the soil of the Red Earth Continent to create land?" But the soil of the Red Earth Continent is too barren to be cultivated! Gojo

realized: "The soil of the Red Earth Continent is indeed barren, but I didn't say that it was to be used for farming." The soil of the red soil continent is used for reclamation, and then paved with fertile land?

Kalifa: "This is indeed a good method, but the land of the Red Earth Continent is not very easy to dig, and the distance is long, and it is transported by warships, and it is not much to transport at all."

Gojo replied, "Warships are not for transportation, warships are for guarding the Red Earth Continent!" "

Guarding the Red Earth Continent?"

Everyone was a little puzzled.

Gojo: "Hahaha! You'll know then!

Gojo smiled without explanation.

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