Navy headquarters, office


Akainu, who returned to the headquarters of the Navy, came to the office for the first time, slapped it on the table, and asked:

"Marshal of the Warring States, why did you order a retreat?" That's annihilating BIG· A good chance for the MOM Pirates and Gojo!

"Good chance? Will the three of you be able to take the five realizations? "

If you can, Sengoku doesn't want to miss the annihilation of BIG· The opportunity of the MOM Pirate Group, so he also did not ask the red dog angrily.

"Last time in Dressrosa we will fail, because he has the backing of the entire spell pirate group, he is only one person in all nations, we three against one, we will definitely be able to take him down!"

"Are you sure? I also saw the image of the phone worm at the time, and he realized that he had solved BIG· When the MOM Pirates were unharmed, BIG· MOM's attack with all his strength, even Gojo Gojo's clothes were not torn, can the three of you hurt him together? "

“BIG· There is no way for MOM to hurt him, maybe we can't hurt him either, how do you know if you don't try? "

Try? What are you going to try? Take the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers of the entire naval fleet to try? By then, Gojo Goku will not be caught, and the naval fleet will be gone!

"In front of Gojou, the three admirals of the navy fled with the entire naval grand fleet, and if it spreads, the navy's face will be lost!"

"So I ordered the whole army to block the news at that time and not leak it!" Gojo Gojo dares to provoke in front of your three generals alone, he has absolute confidence to retreat with his whole body, and even defeat all of you, and he can govern Dressrosa into such a person, and he will never act recklessly! "

Under the governance of Gojo, Dressrosa has gained great influence in a short period of time, and Sengoku does not think that Gojo will do something unsure.


On the endless expanse of

the sea, a huge ship is adrift on the sea, this ship is so huge that its silhouette can be seen even from a great distance.

With a pirate flag floating above and a white beard on its skull, this ship is none other than the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard was sitting on the main seat at this time, resting with his eyes closed. And at this moment, a voice woke Whitebeard from his sleep.

"Daddy! Dad! Not good! I

saw a pirate dragging a newspaper in his hand and running towards Whitebeard, with a somewhat shocked look on his face.

"What needs to be so fussy? Daddy is here! Calm down! Marko

saw that the shouting pirate disturbed Daddy's rest, and frowned slightly and reproached.

"Daddy! Captain Marko! Big things are bad! BIG· The MOM Pirates are defeated!

"Gooo BIG· Did the MOM Pirates actually get defeated?

Whitebeard said with a loud laugh.

Marko asked, "BIG· The MOM Pirates were defeated? Defeated by whom? Is it a red-haired pirate group? Or the Hundred Beast Pirates? Or is it the Navy?

"No, neither! It's Gojo Gojo!

"Is it the Spell Pirates?"

Marko confirmed with some surprise.

"No, it was Gojo Gogo who defeated the entire BIG· MOM Pirates!

"What you said is true?"

Marco raised his eyebrows, his eyes widened instantly, and he stepped forward directly in disbelief, grabbed the pirate's clothes and asked.

"Captain Marko, this matter is very true, how can I lie to my father? The newspapers have already reported about it!

The pirate took out the newspaper in his hand.

"Show me!"

Marko grabbed the newspaper and read it.

This was a few days ago, and since they had been adrift at sea for a long time, they only got this newspaper today.

"Dad, it's true, Gojo Gojo defeated BIG· unscathed with the strength of just one person. MOM Pirates! Now he is coming to us and is coming to challenge you!

Marko finished reading the newspaper, took a deep breath, and looked at the white-bearded man sitting in his seat.

Hearing Marko's affirmation, the entire ship fell into an eerie silence.

Everyone, including several captains here, stopped what they were doing, turned around in unison, and looked at the seated whitebeard.

If Gojo Gojo first said that he wanted to challenge Whitebeard and seize the title of the strongest in the world, it just made them think that Gojo Gojo was a hot-blooded pirate like Ace, and they couldn't make them pay attention.

So now Gojo Goku has defeated the entire BIG· MOM Pirates, that simply made them no longer able to ignore.

The strong man who has the strength to defeat the Four Emperor-level Pirate Group alone is about to challenge Whitebeard, and even the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are a little uncalm.

Perhaps these captains of Marko are not out of proportion, but in the face of the challenge of a strong person of this level, it is still a little depressing.

Silently, the atmosphere on board was somewhat dignified.

At this time, the white beard, who had been sitting in his seat, suddenly stood up slowly.

As he stood up, an indescribable momentum was released from him, and in an instant, the wind and clouds surged, and the originally calm sea became turbulent.

"Goo la! Anyone who wants to challenge me can come, I am waiting in the strongest position in the world!

Whitebeard let out a bold laugh.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!

"Daddy is the strongest!"

"Daddy can't lose!"

Whitebeard's words broke the solemn atmosphere on the ship, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates cheered one after another.


The red-haired pirate group

of the four emperors red-haired red-haired held a newspaper, although he was now holding a banquet, his expression was a little solemn.

"What's wrong with the captain? There's something wrong with your expression!

One member asked.

“BIG· The MOM Pirates have been defeated! "

“BIG· The MOM Pirates were defeated? Who did it?


"Gojou? Just him?

"I'm surprised that he is alone! According to the newspapers, he was unharmed after the battle! "

Unscathed? He's a monster!

"I see he's a monster of monsters!"

"What does it matter if he is a monster or not a monster? Come and continue the banquet with us! "

Drink!" "Drink!" "Drink!"


Hundred Beast Pirates

"Kaido Boss, BIG· The MOM Pirates were defeated by Gojo! "

A pirate came to report.

"Oh? Charlotte Lingling actually lost to Gojo Gojo Goku, this little ghost!

"Gojo Gojo is still a little capable!"

"It seems that the plan to attack Dressrosa must be re-planned!"

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