‘‘BIG· MOM shouldn't have lost its combat effectiveness so easily! ''

Reward you again! Gojo

, who was suspended in the void, calmly looked at the dusty pit, grinned, and slightly raised his right index finger.

In an instant, the black ball flashing red light condensed in the fingertips of Wujou, and the spell continued to converge towards the black ball, containing the power that made people's hearts palpitate, and it was about to burst out at any time.

''Technique reversal Hyh! The

moment the words fell, a shockwave suddenly erupted from the black ball at the tip of the five goku fingertips, directly towards BIG· The deep pit where MOM is located strikes.

''Boom! The

entire Cake Island was violently shaken under Gojou's blow, and the ground began to shake and crack, and the houses on the ground were torn in half.

The people standing on the ground fell backwards, and some were accidentally even shaken into the cracked ground.

Before it stopped, the aftermath of the attack spread to the sea with the ground, setting off huge waves.

After a long time, the shaking finally stopped, and I saw that the place where Gojo Gojo had bombarded just now suddenly formed a huge crater with a radius of hundreds of meters, as if it was a big crater smashed by a meteorite in the sky.

In the center of the giant crater, BIG· MOM crossed his arms above his head, even if the armed color domineering and flames were wrapped around his arms at the same time, under the attack just now, it was not without injuries.

BIG· MOM glanced at his slightly injured arm, then looked at Gojo who was suspended in the air, and said,

"I haven't suffered such an injury in many years! ''BIG

· MOM attacked again.

''Thunder! The

moment the words fell, BIG· MOM grabbed the thundercloud floating beside him, and the thundercloud turned into thunder and lightning, like a thunder that destroyed the world, condensed into a thick thunder pillar, and bombarded the five realizations in the sky.

''He, I should have a lot of output power!'' How can it be so alive! ''

'The Four Emperors really didn't have a false name! Looking

at the attack, Gojo Goku also leaned over and went directly towards the thunder pillar, just at the moment when the thunder pillar was about to collide with Gojo Gojo.

''Whoosh! Gojo

avoided the thunder pillar with a flip, and his body almost brushed the thunder pillar.

After avoiding the thunder pillar, Gojo Goku directly launched an teleportation and came to BIG· MOM's back, a kick towards BIG· MOM'S BACK KICKED AWAY.

Gojo's speed is fast, even BIG· MOM's royal-level strength cannot be seen with the naked eye.

However, BIG· MOM's domineering aura had sensed Gojo's actions, and while avoiding his left body, his right hand was already clenched into a fist, and his fist was wrapped in armed domineering, and thunder and flame were also wrapped around it without hesitation.

Armed color domineering, thunder and flame, the three forces are directly superimposed, exuding terrifying power, facing the kick of Gojo Gojo.

''Boom! The

moment the fists and feet collided, a roar erupted, but Gojo's attack did not stop.

The moment he retracted his foot, he launched teleportation again, and reappeared in BIG· Behind MOM, there was no stagnation, and it was towards BIG· MOM KICKED OUT.

''Bang! ’’

BIG· Although MOM had already captured Gojo's movements when he saw that he was domineering, his time was too short to make a counterattack, and he was forced to turn around and block with his hands.

Forcing BIG· After MOM took this blow hard, Gojo chased after him, withdrew his foot, leaned forward, and quickly blasted out his right fist.

''Boom! ''Because

it was too hasty to turn around and block just now, the body had not yet stood firm, and after hitting Gojou's punch, BIG· MOM was directly blasted upside down.

However, although it was bombarded this time, BIG· MOM did not fall, and after flipping in the air, he landed on the ground with both feet and stabilized his figure.



I didn't expect that you hadn't fallen after withstanding so many of my and quite heavy attacks!'' Gojo

said lightly. It sounds like a compliment, but it's actually a mockery of BIG· MOM CAN ONLY BE PASSIVELY BEATEN IN HIS HANDS.

''Hmph! Arrogant junior! When I was in the storm, you didn't know where to drink milk! Do you think I can kill casually?! ''Feeling

the contempt for himself in Gojo's words, BIG· MOM was furious.

''You're right, you really can't kill casually!'' However, there seems to be nothing you have seen so far for me except your tenacious vitality! Could it be that your title of the Four Emperors was earned by not being able to fight to death? ''

Gojo Gojo is not in a hurry to solve BIG· MOM, but continue to verbally stimulate BIG· MOM。

''A guy who can only play tricks, since you are so strong, can't you beat me?''

''''Hahaha! You want to be defeated so much! Then I'll show some real skills! The

moment the words fell, Gojo Gojo activated He, and it was plural.

''Whoosh! '' ''Swoosh! '' ''Swoosh! Almost

instantly, He launched continuously, and one after another, the power of He, which was far stronger than just now, directly sent BIG· MOM is shrouded in it.

''What? Such an attack can be launched continuously! ''In

the face of Gojo Gojo being able to launch such a powerful move continuously, BIG· MOM's pupils contracted, shocked.

Too late to hesitate, BIG· MOM blocked the long sword turned into a hat in front of him, and the armed color domineering instantly covered the upper body and the long sword, and thunder and flame were also wrapped around the arms and long sword to resist the attacks of Gojo Gojo.

One after another terrorist attacks towards BIG· MOM attacked as if it was about to make BIG· MOM smashed to smithereens.

''Boom! '''Boom! '''Boom! ''Finally

, in this moment BIG· MOM doesn't know how many attacks it has withstood it.

''Boo! ’’

BIG· The long sword in MOM's hand appeared a crack and was about to break.


As if feeling the breath of death, MOM let out a low cry and threw himself to the side, but this only avoided the point, and one arm was directly hit by He.

In an instant, the thunder and flames wrapped around it directly collapsed, and the armed color domineering could not be resisted, it was torn apart, and all that remained was the strong physique, but obviously her physique was not invincible.

On her arm with a strong physique, a gap was blasted out, blood flowed, and the exposed bones inside were also faintly visible.

So far· MOM has been hit hard!

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