Dressrosa's decree was issued quickly.

In recent times, Dressrosa has been very popular. Many newspapers and reporters reported the big and small things that happened in Dressrosa at the first time, which caused a huge shock.

"Can civilians go to school for free?"

"We civilians can also study to participate in the official selection exam and become officials!"

"Are these all true?"

"Abolish the aristocracy and make everyone equal, does such a country really exist?"

"Without nobles, you can no longer be oppressed by nobles!"

"Dressrosa has issued such an order, I think there should be no mistake!"

"You see here, Dressrosa now welcomes people from all over the world, noble and lowly, to join Dressrosa! Let's check it out too!

"Go around, maybe our children can also become state officials through education!" When the time comes, I can blow for the rest of my life! "

Civilians in many countries are very moved to see some of Dressrosa's policies, and some even decide to go to Dressrosa.

Some rejoice, of course others worry.

The three admirals in the office of the Navy headquarters

did not sit very well in their chairs, they experienced arguably the biggest failure of their lives in the recent Dressrosa incident, and the three major generals were captured by a pirate group at the same time!

Just yesterday they were just put back, but that was exchanged for 27 billion Baileys.


The red dog smashed his fist on the table

, "Abominable spell pirate group!"

"Marshal of the Warring States, don't we immediately send troops to annihilate them?"

"They occupy Dressrosa and issue such an order, obviously they are not small!"

"If they are allowed to grow, it will be a great trouble for their henchmen!"

"Calm down, Akainu!"

Sengoku said to Akainu.

"Do you know how it's spread outside now? It is said that the navy has recognized the legal status of the spell pirate group ruling Dressrosa!

"It is said that in order to celebrate Gojo Gojo's accession to the throne, our navy also sent three admirals and five vice admirals to attend the enthronement ceremony!" He also gave 27 billion Bailey as a gift!

"The photos of your appearance at the enthronement ceremony that day have spread around the world!"

"Now when we make a move, we are backtracking and bearing the stigma of the naval aggression against the country!"

The more Sengoku spoke, the more angry he became.

"Marshal of the Warring States, is our navy going to bow to the Spell Pirate Regiment? Are we going to abandon justice?

"Now many people say that Gojo Gojo will become the fifth emperor!"

"The Spell Pirates and Gojo Gojo are sought after by many pirates on the sea!"

"Many people become pirates because they worship the spell pirate group!"

"Their influence on pirates is second only to One Piece Roger!"

Akainu is still undying and wants to convince Sengoku.

"So what, can our navy defeat the Spell Pirates alone?"

"Don't forget that they captured the three of you!"

"Besides, it's the World Government that stops the conflict with the Spell Pirates, it's the Five Old Stars, do you want to disobey the order?"


The red dog slapped the table hard again and said, "


"Post a bounty, if anyone can take their heads, that's great!"

Sengoku reluctantly issued a bounty order, hoping that someone would be able to kill the people of the Spell Pirates, although it was almost impossible.

With the release of the Sengoku Bounty Order, the bounty of the Spell Pirates has been updated again.

Gojo Gojo offers a bounty of 4.6 billion Baileys, Estes offers a reward of 4.2 billion Baileys, Sasuke offers a reward of 4,0500,000 Baileys, Anilu offers a reward of 1 billion Baileys, Luki offers a bounty of 300 million Baileys, Kaku offers a reward of 230 million Baileys, Kalifa offers a bounty....

This big battle caused the bounty of the spell pirate group to skyrocket, exceeding the increase of other pirate bounties.

There has never been a bounty from a pirate group that has been able to grow at such a rate.


Dressrosa is undergoing great changes under the decree of Gojou.

With the support of abundant funds, Dressrosa is developing rapidly, with modern factories, civilian schools and military academies under construction.

Dressrosa's power system is also constantly being built and improved.

In the pirate world, electricity is not popular, because the technology of the pirate world does not have the ability to generate electricity, and the electricity they have is collected from nature, so it is very rare, and there are very few people who can use electrical appliances.

In addition, various other convenience facilities in Dressrosa are also under construction.

Although these buildings, as well as facilities, can be purchased directly from the system, this requires a more expensive price. On the other hand, by recruiting people to build, you can increase jobs, and as the migrant population increases, you can solve their employment problems, killing two birds with one stone.

On the military side, Gojo purchased the construction plan of the army and navy from the system, and combined it with the World Government's naval six style training.

The content of the training includes tactics, fighting, marksmanship and other aspects.

Gojo believes that the quality of soldiers must be high, and the army will be expanded in the future, and now these soldiers must learn the ability to command, so that they can expand the army more rapidly in the future.

However, it is not yet possible to show its strength too early, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance of the rest of the world, which will be detrimental to the development of Dressrosa.

Therefore, Gojo did not buy modern warships and weapons from the system, and did not invest too much in military construction, but mainly focused on the development of the economy and absorbing the population.

King Dressrosa's Office

"Your Majesty, according to your requirements, the costumes of our navy and army have been made!" Now dressed by two teams of soldiers, waiting outside, waiting for your summons! "

Let them in!"


Kalifa led them in.

"Step! Trample! Trample! "

Tread! Trample! Trample! Two

groups of ten soldiers, each kicking and walking, walked towards the wide king's office.

One team is a blue military uniform, which is the navy of the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and the other team is a green military uniform, which is the army of Dressrosa.

But whether it is the navy or the army, each of them has a cloak fluttering behind its back, and the wings of freedom are engraved on it!


"Step! Trample! With

a clarion call, the two teams stopped in unison.


"Give your heart to the king!"

The soldiers clenched their fists behind their waists with their left hands, and put their right hands in front of their chests, holding their heads high, and their eyes staring feverishly at the five realizations in front of them!

This is the salutation ceremony and the symbol of the wings of freedom proposed by Gojo, and since Dressrosa wants to seek freedom and equality for the people, then there is nothing more appropriate!

"Very good! Promote these uniforms and salutes to the whole army! Kalifa, leave it to you!


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