"Snap!" in the office of the headquarters of the Navy


Sengoku angrily slapped the table and said to the phone worm:

"What did you say?!"

"Failed the Demon Slayer Order?! All three admirals of the Navy were captured ?! At

this time, the Sengoku's face was very ugly, and there was a deep shock in his contracted pupils.

What is the Demon Slayer Order? The Order of Slaughter is a terrifying means of indiscriminately devastating attacks on designated areas to completely eliminate things and people from a region that threatens the rule of the world government.

And what are the three admirals of the Navy? Generals are the highest combat power of the Navy, they are a symbol of naval strength and a symbol of naval justice.

But it was the demon slaughter order personally led by such a powerful navy general, which actually failed, and all the three navy generals were captured!

Together with five vice admirals of the naval headquarters, thousands of naval elites were all defeated.

Spell Pirates, how vicious this is!

"Spell Pirates!"

Fists clenched, Sengoku gritted his teeth.

How many years have the Navy been established, and nothing like this has ever happened, and the three great admirals of the Navy have actually been wiped out!

What force in this world can do this?

Even the Four Emperors of the New World could not do it.

A pirate group that has just gone to sea actually did it, and even if the navy pays such a big price, the full strength of the spell pirate group has not been completely figured out!

"The three admirals of the navy are not opponents, I am afraid that the world government will not be able to eliminate the spell pirate group without using all its strength!"

But even if the world government uses all its strength, it may not be able to wipe out all the spell pirate groups, and if they run out one or two, they will definitely become a big trouble!

At that time, the world government will definitely not be able to be peaceful, and if it strikes, it will be risky.

If the Spell Pirates can be safe from now on, it is very likely that the World Government will not be in conflict with it again.

After thinking for a while, Sengoku stood up abruptly.

"Report to the five old stars! Let them make the decision to go! "

The three major generals of the navy have been captured, and the navy headquarters is tired of coping, and it has become a pot of porridge.

And on the sea, on this day, the whole sea boiled.

"Shock! Doflamingo ruled Dressrosa to have such a shady scene!

"Shock! Spell the Pirates to overthrow Doflamingo and free Dressrosa! "

Shocking secret! The three admirals led the Demon Slayer Order to bombard Dressrosa!

"Shock! Spell Pirates defeat the three admirals of the navy! The demon slaughter ordered the entire army to be destroyed! "

All kinds of news about the Dressrosa spread throughout the sea at a very fast pace. People all over the world who see such news are shocked in their hearts!

In the New World,

a huge pirate ship adrifts on the sea on Whitebeard's territory. The pirate flag of this pirate ship is engraved with a skull with a white beard.

At this time, the pirate ship was full of noise.

Because they also saw the news that happened in Dressrosa, there was also a lot of talk about it.

"The Spell Pirates are really powerful!"

"I actually defeated the three admirals of the navy! Are the current generals so unbeaten?

"Are the new pirates so rampant now? Or are we not keeping up with the times?

"Spell Pirates! What an earth-shattering event! The

cadres and crew members of the pirate ship expressed their views one after another.

And in front of them, a particularly burly man with a white crescent beard sat on a huge chair and drank the wine in his hand.

"Goo la la-la!"

He laughed loudly and said: "

Defeating the three admirals of the navy, such a strength is really powerful!"

"If the Spell Pirates can come here, I'm going to bump into them!" See who's better!

"It's been a long time since anyone could make me so eager for a fight!"

This person is now recognized in the world as the world's strongest and one of the four emperors who rule one side.

"Even if they defeat the three admirals?"

"They certainly won't be Daddy's opponents!"

"Exactly! It is! Daddy is the strongest!

"If they dare to come, let them see who is the strongest pirate group in the world!"

"Goo la la-la!"

Seeing that the children were not shaken by the strength of their opponents, Whitebeard laughed!

Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors of All Nations, clutched a dessert in her hand, saw the contents of the newspaper, and excitedly shouted:

"Marry with the Spell Pirate Group, marry a daughter to their leader Gojou."

"At that time, we will be the strongest force in the new world!"

In the main hall, Katakuri and other cadres did not speak, but judging from their expressions, many people felt that this was not a good decision.

Because the strength shown by the spell pirate group is enough to become a new emperor.

If they come to the second half of the New World and become emperors, they will inevitably clash with the original four emperor forces and redivide their territory.

Bring the spell pirate group to all nations, maybe lead the wolf into the house, and then their pirate group may be destroyed by the spell pirate group.

Seeing that his mother was about to give the order, Katakuri said:

"Mother's decision is really wise! I also approve of Mom's decision!

Katakuri first agreed with Charlotte Lingling, and then continued:

"But Mom, if the Spell Pirates have done such a thing, the Navy will definitely not give up, and when they and the Navy have a result, it will not be too late for us to marry!"

Auntie was slightly silent for a while and said:

"Hmm~ you're right!"

In a dimly lit secret room in Alabastan

, Klockdar looked at the newspaper in his hand and said:

"Capture the three admirals, he can really do it!"

If it was him, maybe he could really defeat Whitebeard and become the emperor of the new world!

And Robin, who was standing on the side, could not calm his heart.

He actually defeated the three admirals of the navy and overthrew the demon slaughter order! It seems that what he said to me at the beginning was not just casual! What if I had chosen to go with him?

On this day, the world saw the news of the big events that happened in Dressrosa, and their hearts could not calm down for a long time.

In the palace of Dressrosa

, Gojo sits on the throne, Estes stands on Gojo's right hand, Sasuke stands on Gojo's left hand, and Anilu stands below Sasuke.

At this time, Kalifa walked in with Rebecca and said, "Sir, Rebecca

has brought it!"

"Yo, Rebecca, you're here!"

Gojo greeted Rebecca and walked towards her.

"How? I said I would overthrow Doflamingo's rule! Now I did it! "


Rebecca's voice was a little choked.

Because of Doflamingo, she lost her mother, was disgusted by the commoners of Dressrosa, and endured numerous tribulations.

Now that Gojo has defeated Doflamingo, the truth has finally come to light, and the people no longer look at themselves with disgust.

Gojo also blocked the Navy's destruction of Dressrosa, who has far exceeded his expectations.

"Don't worry, I will make Dressrosa the most powerful country in the world, and no one will dare to make a move against here in the future, and no one will dare to bully you!"


Rebecca could no longer suppress the grievances in her heart for many years, and hugged Gojo Gojo and sobbed!

"Oh?! Before the fight, I threw flowers and grass! Estes

was full of cold air and a little dissatisfied.

Anilu said unamusedly,

"What for? What a chill! Freeze to death!

Esders turned around, his sharp gaze shot towards Anilu, and the cold air directly invaded Anilu.

In the next instant, Anilu turned into an ice sculpture...

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