Sitting on the throne of Dressrosa's palace, Doflamingo took the phone worm exclusive to the Nanabu Sea and said

, "Marshal of the Warring States, when will your navy arrive?" If you don't come again, the Pirates will leave!

"Don't blame me for not stopping you then!"

Hearing Doflamingo's urging, Sengoku deliberately said:

"How? Known as Tenyasha, you can't even stop a novice pirate group?

"Even your admiral can't stop it, how can I stop it?" You say yes, Marshal of the Warring States!

Doflamingo was also at odds with each other, deliberately taking the admiral's defeat as a matter of it.

"Don't worry, our navy will arrive soon, if you want to keep the title of Qiwu Sea, drag them until we arrive!"


Doflamingo didn't answer, and threw the phone bug aside.

"Hello? Feed? Feed? "


Seeing that no one answered, the Marshal of the Warring States also threw the phone bug away directly.

"Bastards, all a bunch of uncivilized guys!"


Gojo Gojo, the rest area of the arena

, sits side by side with Rebecca.

"Do you know where the burnt fruit is?"

"In the past, the rewards of the arena would be placed on the podium of the arena, but this time they did not."

"Have you ever seen a burnt fruit?"


"In other words, you have not even seen the burning fruit, so you fought for your lives to participate in the duel?"

"What's wrong? Do you suspect that there is a problem with burning the fruit?

"It could be fake!"

"Fake? No way!

Gojo continued, "When did this contest start?" "

The announcement started yesterday afternoon, it started this morning, it feels different from before, this time it went a little hastily."

"It's really rushed, rewards like burning fruits, the duel match can't be rushed like this, so that the news can't be spread at all, and the number of players who can participate will be greatly reduced!" Unable to maximize profits, Doflamingo could not have made such a mistake!

"Did Doflamingo do this for any purpose?"


Too little information is known, and Gojo is not sure of Doflamingo's purpose.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Gojo's phone rang.

"What's ringing on you?"

"It's my phone ringing."

"Cell phone?"

Gojo took out his phone, it was Sasuke calling.

"Hey, Sasuke, what's the matter?"

"Just now, a sneaky person who was following me was caught by me, and he said that Doflamingo sent to spy on us."

"Are you sure?"

"I forced the question with illusion, the information should be accurate."

"Okay, I see."

Gojo hangs up the phone.

Hearing Sasuke's affirmation, Gojo fell into deep thought.

The duel match of burning fruits was so hasty, it was announced yesterday, it started today, and we happened to be here today, as if it was specially prepared for our spell pirate group!

Now someone is sent to monitor the crew of the Spell Pirates.

So so, is Doflamingo's goal for us?

This is also not right, and if it is to deal with us, these means are useless. He should be very clear!

So what is he for?

If Doflamingo is targeting us, then the Burning Fruit Duel is meant to attract us to grab it.

And the burnt fruit was not placed on the podium as before.

Even if Doflamingo didn't burn the fruit, he could have made a fake one and put it there, but he didn't.

He should be afraid that we will directly rob it and find that the burnt fruit is fake.

However, he should have other intentions.

After all, when we win the duel, he will also take out the burnt fruit, which will also show the stuffing.

Why did he make us participate in the Duel Tournament with the Spell Pirates?

In order to delay time!!

Gojo's enlightenment flashed.

So he has the confidence that he can defeat us just by dragging us here.

What is the solution?

Have a helper?

Four Emperors Kaido?

It is impossible that his relationship with Kaido is potentially underwater and cannot be exposed, otherwise the Navy will not let him go easily.

Then it seems that there is only one possibility for his helper! It's the Navy!

If that's the case, it makes sense.

"It turned out to be cooperation with the navy, degenerate, Brother Min."

"Working with the Navy? You mean Doflamingo?

"Well, he should be cooperating with the Navy, and the purpose is our spell pirate group!"

"Are you spelling pirates so powerful? Doflamingo has to cooperate with the Navy to dare to attack you! "


Gojo chuckled and said: "

With the strongest in the world, the spell pirate group is invincible, do you say powerful?"

"The strongest in the world? You can blow it up!

Rebecca obviously didn't believe what Gojo said.

"Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Gojo's cell phone rang again, it was Luki's call.

"Hey, Lucie, what's the situation?"

"Doflamingo's cadre granulated sugar has been found, and Kaku is tracking."

"Are the video phone bugs all set up?"

"Ready to play at any time!"

"Very good, help me convey to Esders, Sasuke and Anilu, let them go to the Dressrosa Palace, the six of you go according to the plan."

Lu Qi said on his phone: "Yes, I'll do it." Hanging

up the phone, the corners of Gojou's mouth rose slightly.

"The war is about to begin!"

With that, Gojo stood up and walked forward.

"The war is going to begin?! What do you mean? Are you going to attack Doflamingo now?

"Yes, everything is ready, now just take the palace!"

"There are a lot of them, how many of you are there?"

"I want to think, four?!"

"What?! Four?! You are going to attack the palace with just four people?!" Do you know how many people there are in Doflamingo? He not only has several cadres with strong combat effectiveness, but also a lot of troops, there are only four of you, how can you win? "

Rebecca was fantastic that Gojo wanted to take the palace of Dressrosa with four people.

That's Nanabu Kaido Flamengo! The terrible figure who captured the kingdom of Dressrosa.

He is huge, powerful, and powerful, and his combat power is outstanding, and every subordinate is not a fuel-saving lamp.

Even after seeing Gojo's great strength, Rebecca did not think that only four people could take the Dressrosa Palace guarded by Doflamingo and his men.

"It's okay, because..."

In the face of Rebecca's dissuasion, Gojo stopped, turned around and said, "I'm

the strongest!"

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