Navy headquarters, office

"What do you say ?!" You let the Draco-killing Spell Pirates escape! Gojo's strength is not weaker than yours?! The

yellow ape returned to the naval headquarters, and the Warring States were shocked when they heard the yellow ape's report.

"Not only that, Gojo Goku's subordinates are not ordinary people, among them, Esders and Sasuke, although they did not fight with them, but they gave me a very dangerous feeling, should have the combat power of a general, even if it is not as good, it is not far off!" There is also a guy who calls himself a god, who is supposed to be a new member, and he has the ability to sound thunder fruits!

"You mean, they are a novice pirate group, the strength of the regiment leader is not weaker than the general, and the cadre is either the strength of the general or has the potential of the general?" How can it be?! It won't be an excuse for you to touch the fish and make casual ones, right?

"Marshal of the Warring States, I have always been conscientious and conscientious, how can I touch fish? They are indeed terrifyingly strong, if not for me running... No, it's the rapid tactical retreat, which has long been sacrificed for the Navy! "

Although the yellow ape often touches fish, it should not talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

The Warring States had basically believed the yellow ape's report.

However, the admiral actually could not take it, a novice pirate group.

If this is said, I am afraid that no one will believe it!

"Bastard, another troublesome guy at sea!"

The four emperors of the new world are enough to give him a headache, and now a monster-like rookie pirate group has emerged!

If it is not solved early, maybe it will be another group of pirates of the Four Emperors!

"Pass the order down, immediately send someone to secretly monitor the movements of the spell pirate group, and report it as soon as there is a situation!" Also, immediately take control of the Chambord Islands to prevent the flow of information today. Otherwise, the prestige of the Navy will be completely lost!

Marshal Sengoku ordered after a short thought.

"Is it just surveillance? If the spell pirate group is not dealt with early, it will be dangerous! "

The yellow ape who has faced the spell pirates knows that if they are left alone, it will be a big trouble.

"Of course, dispose of it, and when the green pheasant and the red dog come back, they will launch a demon slaughter order!" The three major generals will strike at the same time to eliminate the spell pirate group! "

The Order of Slaughter is formed by the naval headquarters authorized by the World Government to carry out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on designated areas to completely eliminate those who pose a threat to the rule of the World Government.

And the demon slaughter order dispatched by the three major generals at the same time is enough to make anyone in the world pay attention.

For the Navy, the spell pirate group is necessary to dispatch this power!

The motto of the Ark sailing

in the blue sky

reads, "Come, one per person!"

Gojo gave his phone to the members of the Spell Pirates, as well as Corat and his men.

"What is it?"

After Sasuke got the phone, he looked at the strange look and was a little puzzled.

"This thing is called a mobile phone, a communication tool, similar to the usage of the phone worm, but the mobile phone has more diverse functions, in addition to the phone function, there is also a navigation function."

Gojo explained.

"Navigation features?"

"Go-sama, what is the navigation function?"

"The navigation function is, where you want to go, just enter the address on this nautical map app, it will plan the most suitable route and guide you there!"

"Like a record pointer?"

"No, it's more powerful than the recording pointer, the recording pointer can only point to the location of the end point, and the route cannot be planned."

"The navigation map can plan for you, the safest and most feasible route, which can help you avoid storms, whirlpools and other dangers!"

"The most important thing is that the nautical map does not need to be full of magnetic force like recording the pointer, it can be used anytime, anywhere! Can take you anywhere!

"So powerful, if this thing is sold, whether it is pirates, the navy, or others, they will be happy to buy it!"

"If we can mass produce, we may be able to become the richest people in the world!"

"It seems that although you are a little pirate, your brain is not stupid! Corrat!

"Hey, hey, hey! Go-sama, it's a prize!

"However, these things will wait until we take Dressrosa!"

"Take Dressrosa? It is now occupied by Doflamingo of His Majesty's Seven Martial Seas, are you going to overthrow his rule? "

Corlatte knew that Gojo Goku had already defeated Nanabukai, and even repelled Admiral Yellow Ape, so he did not question Gojo Gojo's statement that he would defeat Doflamingo.

"Well, that's of course, Doflamingo ruled Dressrosa for many years, controlled industries in many parts of the world, was well-funded, and took both black and white! If you do not overthrow him, who will you overthrow?

Sasuke: "What about after the overthrow?"

Esders: "Are you going to be king?" "

Shouldn't I be able to be both a pirate and a king?"

Gojo grinned.

Sasuke showed an interested expression and said, "

Oh~, things have become interesting!"

"Then I can also be a general and lead troops to war?"

Thinking that he could lead troops to fight, Estes was a little excited.

"Of course you can, I want to build the strongest country in the world!" Fighting a war is certainly indispensable!

"I can't wait!"

Esders's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Gojo opens the navigation map app and enters Dressrosa on it.

"The navigation map guides you, the whole time..."

"Anilu, go straight at full speed!"

"Ben God, received!"


As Gojo Goku advanced towards the Kingdom of Dressrosa, the entire sea also fell out!

Although the navy had done its best to block the news, the news of Gojo's killing of Draco in the Chambord Islands still spread. Major newspapers have reported on major events in the Chambord Islands.

"Shock! The Chambord Islands Draco was killed, who did it? 《

Shock! Repelling the Admiral Yellow Ape, what is the divine spell pirate group?! 《

Kill Draco! Fight off Admiral Yellow Ape! Is another emperor of the sea about to be born? 》


The Draco was killed, the yellow ape was repelled, and all kinds of news about the spell pirate group spread throughout the sea in one day!

And this directly caused a sensation in the pirate world!

"This... This... How can it be? The admiral was just repulsed? "

Shhh~ actually killed Draco? Don't you know that Draco is the ruler of the world? "

Killing Draco in the Chambord Islands, repelling the admiral, and retreating with all your body, is this really something that an obscure novice pirate group can do?!"

"Is there really going to be one more emperor on the sea?"


Whether it is pirates or civilians are discussing, everyone is surprised, facing the birth of the spell pirate group, but there is no information about them, they are full of endless doubts and curiosity!

Pity! Gojo, Esders, and Sasuke are not people of this world themselves, and Anilu has been unknown to the empty island before.

So although many people had the intention to collect their intelligence, they only collected the spell pirate group suddenly appeared from the East China Sea, and then sang all the way, as for their origin, but nothing was found!

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