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“It’s you again! I don’t engage in base! After that, Yi Tian was about to hang up the phone.

“Mr. Spike, you misunderstood, not to teach me, I want you to be my daughter Laura’s personal trainer.”

“Laura?” Hearing the words Laura, Yi Tian couldn’t help but think of a beautiful figure in his mind.

Although Yi Tian has only seen her three times, the relationship is not as simple as I think~ like.

The first time was in the parking lot.

At that time, Yi Tian noticed the sexy Laura. But at that time, Yi Tianren had three anxieties and did not pay too much attention – to Laura.

The second time was at the bowling alley.

At that time, when Yi Tian was about to slap Stockton, Laura stood in front of Yi Tian and helped her father block it, but at that time Laura shed tears.

The third time was in the gymnasium of Gonzaga University.

Yi Tian and Mina went to interview Laura, Yi Tian served as a cameraman, Yi Tian was wearing sunglasses at that time, and ordinary people could hardly recognize him as Yi Tian, but when interviewing Laura, Laura’s eyes stayed on Yi Tian’s sunglasses.

Through the sunglasses, Yi Tian seemed to see Laura’s affectionate eyes.


Yi Tian rubbed his temples and seemed to be thinking about something.

Stockton on the other side of the phone saw that Yi Tian had not replied for so long and said: “Mr. Spike, if you are silent, I will agree to it, I will send you the address later.” ”

“Ouch, slow down…” Without waiting for Yi Tian to finish speaking, Stockton hung up the phone.

Soon Yi Tian received a message.

Yi Tian clicked on the information and saw that it was actually an address!

And the address is in Brooklyn.

“What does that mean? Did Stockton want me to soak her daughter? Yi Tian was guessing.

“Forget it, let’s wait until I finish playing the Cavaliers.”

After that, Yi Tian left.

On the other side, in the Cleveland Quick-Loan arena.

A man in a knight’s training uniform No. 2 was sweating profusely as he trained.

He was the only one in the stadium.

At this time, in the players’ tunnel, a figure of a figure rushed towards the court.

“It’s so careless, I just remembered that the phone turned out to be leaked on the seat, and I didn’t contact Sister Kardashian for almost half a day, she must be very raw now.” The burly black man said.

When the burly man walked to the court, he was shocked by the picture in front of him!

“Kairi! Why are you here? Could it be,” the burly black man was stunned.

The man who had just trained on the field was none other than Kyrie Irving.

And the burly black man was Thompson.

Owen on the court didn’t seem to hear anyone talking on the sidelines, or continued to single out his shadow.

Thompson saw that the ground was full of water and instantly understood!

Silently gave a thumbs up to Owen in his heart: “Kairi, you will definitely become a superstar in the future, and then the whole world will adore you.” ”

That’s all for later.

In Oakland, California.

In the VIP ward of the Auckland hospital, an older white man guarded a young black man who had just had a stitch in his nose.

If this scene had been placed in the United States a hundred years ago, this white man would definitely be looked down upon.

Because a hundred years ago, in the United States, blacks were equivalent to slaves, and their social status was so low that they could not even ride buses with whites.

It can be seen how the black people in the United States lived in the past.

·· Ask for flowers…

Now it is completely different, all countries in the world have their own different races, cultural integration.

Today’s society advocates equality for all, and although there is still a little inequality in some places, it is not known how many times better than a hundred years ago.

At this moment, the black man lying on the hospital bed woke up.

“Grimm, you’re finally awake.” The white man’s tears rolled in his eyes.

“Coach, you’ve been guarding me all the time?” Green said weakly.

“No, I just arrived, and you woke up as soon as I sat down.” Cole didn’t want to tell Green the truth, he had guarded Green for a day and a night.

……….. 0

Cole and Green had a few brief chats before leaving, after all, Green had just woken up and should not disturb him.

Just as Cole was about to walk out of the hospital room, Greene’s words made Cole stand.

“Coach, did we win the last game?” Green asked suddenly.

Cole’s tears finally fell without a fight.

“You better recuperate, I’ll come to see you in a few days.” Cole ignored Green’s words and walked straight away without looking back.

And Green, lying in the hospital bed, was not stupid and understood why Cole said that.

Cole didn’t leave Green’s hospital room too far, leaning against the wall and wiping the tears from his face with a tissue.

Then silently lit a cigarette.

“It’s all hurt like this, why do you still care about the team, why don’t you care about yourself, you’re always like this, you never think about yourself.” Cole smiled wryly and muttered to himself.

I don’t know how long it took, Cole himself didn’t know how many packs of cigarettes he smoked, dragged his tired body, and left the hospital corpse. _

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