Chapter 638: Guy spins, great glory

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Saber, who was shocked by all this, looked at his hands, a little weird–

“Magic power poured into the body!?”

This amount is terribly huge, even in his heyday, he can’t have so much magic power.

Her eyes looked at that figure again.

This time, it’s completely different.

What kind of existence is the so-called god! ?

Restored physical strength and magic power, the golden sword in his hand once again retrieved the light it should have.

Shining with the light of glory.

Saber stood up slowly, and the huge shield, which was shocking to the sky, supported it like an umbrella.

All the attacks were blocked in the air.

Did not put any sharp sword into it.

Veritable-[Absolute Defense]!

The [Shield of Laziness] that is under attack is still bright. Without any damage,

“It’s really troublesome–all at once, but I still have something to ask her! If he dies, how can you apologize for the abusers!”

The breath of running wildly, like the awakening of an overlord, -kun is powerful in the world, and the magic power that surging wildly is simply bottomless. It is obvious that Saber has only given so much magic power before, but the magic power in one party’s body is passing. There is more left, which is impossible to estimate.

It’s almost like infinite magic.

Unimaginable powerful!

Can such a person really be called a hero! ? It’s already beyond the limits of the heroic spirits! ?

The space is distorted, and ripples of gold emerge.

The group of treasures in the sky stretches endlessly, extending to an altitude of thousands of meters, standing like a huge golden screen above the atmosphere.

Hundreds of treasures of less than a thousand treasures were thrown out like cheap goods, each with an overwhelming sense of existence!

Every treasure thrown out is a storm called destruction.

Overwhelmingly, endless groups of treasures were thrown wildly.

The treasure group is still continuous.

Within tens of thousands of meters in the sky, the reddish red of the setting sun was completely covered by the ripples of gold, as if the end of the world had come.

There was a rain of destruction called Treasures from the sky.

A storm called destruction was rolled up.

The final conviction was given to the remaining hundreds of thousands of enemies!

They didn’t even react, and they didn’t even have time for fear.

It became a cold corpse.

Perhaps after seeing Saber’s powerful attack power, it would be a good choice for them to retreat, but they chose the wrong one. I chose the worst option that wanted to completely defeat Saber, who had no magic power.

Therefore, it brought the disaster of killing.

Finally, the corpse can no longer describe this land.

The blood flowed into a river that was unable to describe the situation of the scene.

None of the enemy’s 500,000 elite soldiers was spared.

The icy corpse continued to extend several kilometers away, and the strong smell of blood could even be smelled in the sky or even hell! ?

Standing on the hill with the corpse, that undefeated figure, that pure white ominous, makes people intoxicated,

————Sharp dividing line————

Carrying the news of victory, King Arthur returned,

With a record of one person against 500,000 elite soldiers, the whole country was shocked. This is the most brilliant record since King Arthur drew the sword in the stone. From then on, the myth of King Arthur’s undefeated ——

here we go,

However, no one knows that one side should pass through to win the final victory.

The citizens know that only the king is invincible, and the king is immortal.

Just remember this.

“Welcome to King Arthur, Guy spin!”

The mighty cheers, the loud voices——

The positive world is trembling.

Standing in front of the huge gate of the country, in front of you is a avenue surrounded by the citizens.

Nearby, there are soldiers maintaining order.

If there is no one to manage, perhaps all the people will flock to surround King Arthur. They-they love their king so much, they-trust their King Arthur so much.

Next to King Arthur, there was another person.

Walked side by side with King Arthur and entered the gate.

“King Arthur!!!”

The moment the heroic and invincible King Arthur appeared, the scene exploded.

Swimming below is a sea of ​​people.

However, people exclaimed.

Who is the boy standing next to King Arthur! ? How could he walk side by side with King Arthur! ?

In this world, no one is allowed to stand side by side with King Arthur.

That is an insult to Wang.


The national questioned.

“King Arthur——who is standing next to you!?”

“It seems that your people don’t welcome me!”

One party Tongxing shook his head. The people seemed to be too enthusiastic. The admiration of the king even reached an exaggerated level. It was like a drug addiction named [King of Faith], unable to extricate itself from it.

Crazy enough to be completely different from the legend of King Arthur in the books.

“No, they are just too happy, I will introduce them to them, don’t worry-Ruler!”

Saber did not shy away from holding the hand of a passing party and strode to the center of the aisle.

The people became even more crazy because of King Arthur’s actions. How could that young man meet their most beloved king! ? It was a great disrespect to the king and should be punished by death.

Seeing the cheers of the people, Saber was extremely happy, and he-once again, once again returned here, back to his own country that has not yet been destroyed!

Holding the [Sword of Oath of Victory] in his hand, he thrust it into the ground fiercely.

Peng’s cry–

The terrifying roar made the ground tremble, and with Saber as the center, the breath of the mighty king dissipated.

“Citizens-please be quiet!”

Saber’s voice is not loud, quite inconspicuous in such a boiling crowd, it should be said that no one can hear it! ?

But unexpectedly, it seemed that everyone had heard Saber’s words.

The surroundings became quiet in an instant.

It was so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop on the ground.

They knew that Wang was about to issue a declaration. They must listen. ..

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