Chapter 157 I met an acquaintance [one more]

Today, only one party is here. Izayoi, the black rabbit has already arrived at Shirayasha’s shop because he is one step ahead.

A common female clerk sweeps the scattered flowers in front of the store with bamboo scaffolds.

She seemed to be busy cleaning, but when she saw Izayoi and their faces, they put on an expression of disgust. But when she saw the passage of one party, her face became weird, because he still had the impression of the banner of the [Seven Deadly Sins] he took out, and she couldn’t think of [noname] with the three-digit demon king. [Seven Deadly Sins] What is the connection?

The expression changed in an instant, and seeing them approaching, the clerk put on an expression of disgust in the clothes again.

“Is it you again?”

“Say you are doing the cleaning in front of the store again, don’t you feel bored.”

Izayoi said half-jokingly. But the clerk said with a serious expression.

“Huh. Only picky people who are tired of their work will say. Although I am a novice, I also have the obligation to manage the 2105380 Outer branch. The task I was assigned was to refuse suspicious customers. , To welcome qualified guests. It’s not just sweeping the floor all day long.”

“Hey, I didn’t know it before. It’s a great job. I really admire it. Then, excuse me.”

“go back.”

The clerk directly refused.

The female clerk showed her teeth as usual and waved the broom at Izayoi who were about to sneak into the shop. It was clear that Yasha should have passed on the word, but somehow this clerk was too stubborn. It would be fun to break in instead of being deadlocked here, but before putting this rude idea into practice, the voice of Shirayasha came from the store.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Boys, they should call me when they come. I have a little bit to do. Come in quickly.”

Shirayasha did not show up, only a voice came from the curtain. Although the female clerk was full of disgust towards Izayoi from the bottom of her heart, she couldn’t disobey the owner’s order after all.

“…………………………You are here, please come in.”

The female clerk said reluctantly.

The party who was greeted to enter the store opened the curtain with Izayoi and entered the store of [ThousandEyes].

As usual, he walked from the atrium to the courtyard, but stopped because of the disgraceful female voice across from the paper door.

“Stop, stop, Lord Shiroyacha!! The black rabbit has the decent appearance of [Hakki Noble] at any rate. Didn’t you say that you don’t wear that kind of nasty clothes…!!!”

After one party passed the black line on his face, he knew that there might be some trouble, but he didn’t necessarily say that there might be some trouble, but Izayoi next to him looked very curious.

At this time, a voice came from the curtain again, but from one side, the voice seemed familiar.

“Just like what the black rabbit said! I, Shirayuki, as the end of the godhead…If I dress like this in front of others…!!!”

(Wait Xue Bai!? Isn’t that the big snake? Why did you come here!?)

At this time, the shadow of Shirayasha reflected on the sliding door was constantly approaching the two.

“Huhuhu, really innocent guys. It is because of clean, upright and beautiful, and because of nobleness, that people who want to be ** and ** are produced. Especially you are the flowers of Gaoling! In this way, in any case, there will definitely be gangsters who want to do something to the well-developed ergonomic body, which leads to the explosion of ergonomic desires. They will do tricks on you to get you into the trap and then do some work on you. The behavior of Koukoukou! Yes!!! Just like me now!!!”

“Shut up, you terrible god!!”

In an instant, tornado water and thunder burst through the paper door.

Immediately, Bai Yasha was shot and flew out. The small body turned three times in the air, and flew directly in the direction of one party’s passage. It was supposed to knock down one party’s passage, but under the effect of [Reflection], it flew back again.

“You, you two are enough!!!”

“There is no such thing, you foolish god!”

The black rabbit was angered-did not continue.

After seeing the black rabbits and their outfits through the mist, Izayoi and the other party couldn’t help being speechless.

“…Black Rabbit? What’s that dress up?”

“What the hell!? Cosplay!?”

Oh, there was a poor cry from the water mist.

“Discuss, hate, why Izayoi and one party are here…!!!?”

The Black Rabbit screamed and hugged her body and squatted down, while Xue Ji next to her was stunned as she watched the party pass.

“Eh! Lord, Master, why are you here!?”

“Ha! This is my line, right? Why don’t you just run here in that lake!?”

Shake away the mist.

At the same time, Black Rabbit and Snow White squatted down as if they were about to hug their bodies. Both of them wanted apple red on their faces.

Because their clothes are really exposed, the miniskirts and black suspender stockings, the thin kimono after being beaten by the water is looming.

“Huh!? Two of them know each other!?”

Bai Yasha asked in front of the passage.

“Well, it should be considered an acquaintance.”

Xuejie became angry when she heard the answer from one party.

“What is acquaintance? I also called you my master. He is really an excessive man. Have you forgotten the woman who was kicked by you? Or when you come to this box court, you will go to a woman. A blow in her stomach?”

The black line with one side passing through, what is this all about? When I saw this scene, Izayoi smiled obscenely, thinking silently in his heart that there was adultery in it~ Then he also saw the appearance of Black Rabbit and Snow White, so he said to Bai Yasha.

“Hey, Bai Yasha!”

Suddenly Izayoi stopped him, Shiroyasha turned his head and took a look.

Izayoi raised his thumb to Shiroyasha and said with excitement.


Um, Bai Yacha proudly raised a small fierce heart.

The black rabbits are now wearing small kimonos that clearly highlight the curves of the body, but the lower part is boldly cut off, and the shoulders to the mouth are greatly opened, and the skin is exposed. Plus being beaten by water, it seems even more tempting. If a woman with such a bodily body like the two wears clothes with so little fabric, even if she is unhappy, others will stare at it. Coupled with garter stockings with patterned lace, there is really no sense of uniformity in clothes.

“You two, this is awkward–”

Don’t interrupt the black rabbit’s voice before Izayoi’s words are finished.

“What!? The black rabbit’s whole body is awkward!!?”

——Boom~~~~~~~~~! ! ! The chasing thunder pierced Bai Yasha.

————Gorgeous dividing line————

“Hey! One party, how did you two meet? She still calls you master.”

Izayoi asked while sitting next to a pass.

“You ask her to go, don’t ask me, she wants to call me that.”

Yifang Tongxing was not good at explaining these things and directly pushed it to Xue Ji.

“No, you lost to her, did you?”

Bai Yasha asked Xue Ji subconsciously. But even she herself was not sure about this kind of question, because she knew exactly what Bai Xueji’s trial was.

“Well, yes, I lost to him in the game, so”

“Wh, what!? When did you have this in your trial?”

Bai Yacha herself couldn’t believe it, she just said that she didn’t expect it to be correct.

“I added this later”

Therefore, Xueji Bai said how she wanted to trick one party into the trial, and then if the conditions were added, and finally how gorgeously she lost to one party, she said all about it.

“Hahaha is really miserable.”

After Izayoi listened, he burst out laughing.

The Black Rabbit is also a little restless, and it seems that he hasn’t recovered from the state just now.

“One side, let me discuss something with you, aren’t you her current master, what do you think of the dress just now!?”

Before Bai Yacha’s words were finished, the black rabbit’s folding fan directly hit Bai Yacha’s head with one click, forcibly interrupting her words.

“This big idiot, why are you talking about this again?”

The person next to him was helpless, and he felt that Bai Yasha seemed more difficult than the woman at home.

“Unexpectedly, you even belong to him physically and mentally. Are you inadequate in cultivation, Shirayuki?”

The Baiyasha Thief smiled and looked at Bai Xueji.

Shirayuki, who had put on a white kimono, turned her face aside unhappy.

“Understood, but now it’s useless to say anything,”

Bai Xueji said with a grumbling.

Bai Yacha said solemnly.

“Huh, there’s no way, since you have recognized the Lord, then you can follow him.”


Xue Ji hesitated for a moment, and said nothing more, and the one side seemed to have seen something, so she said.


The sound of a passing party attracted both Bai Yasha and Xue Ji.

“Since he disagrees, then you live with me temporarily, right?”

“OK.” ..

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