One Man’s Power

Chapter IX Approval

'Roar! '

'Who stole my one-person value! '

Tang Hong was depressed and in an extremely bad mood. He waited from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, the sun was shining into the dormitory, and the reminder message of increasing the value of one person never appeared.

No matter how small melon seeds are, they still have protein.

And trace elements such as unsaturated fat, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc., have a lot of benefits of stabilizing mood, treating insomnia, enhancing memory, and preventing cell aging.

Not to mention the value of one person.

It can increase both strength and will, which is priceless.

Where is the problem?

It can't be a system failure again. I'm obviously not in a relationship. I'm single, I'm single, I'm single.

Tang Hong lay back, covered the quilt, and sat up again.

next moment.

Han Shibin's sorrowful and angry roar sounded from the opposite shop: Tang Hong, you have been tossing all morning and you still don't stop!


In the library in the morning, there are not many people, but there are many vacancies.

The rustling sound of writing and the subtle sound of tapping on the keyboard of the notebook echoed gently in his ears. Tang Hong looked down at Financial and Financial Regulations, and beside him was a copy of Securities Investment with a red cover.

It's worth it alone.

It means asking a person to do something, or a specific behavior.

Yesterday morning, he followed Fang Nanxun to the Yellow River Organization to sign a contract, returned to school at noon, and spent the afternoon brewing loneliness in the dormitory... Tang Hong recalled without missing any details.


His face changed slightly: Could it be because Han Shibin, Zeng Li, Wujie and the three of them went back to the dormitory?

The information prompt of the first sentence of getting up every day flashed through his mind: experience a person's life, one person is worth one.

No 'first time' prefix.

Prove that this can be repeated many times. The value of one person will not decrease, and the benefits will not decrease as the number of times increases.

As the saying goes, fine water flows long, and sand gathers to form a tower.

The first sentence every morning is definitely a relatively stable long-term income, and Tang Hong is unwilling to give up on it. He is now in the exploratory stage, and it doesn't matter if he fails, just accumulate experience.

I can only go out and live.

Tang Hong took a deep breath and unconsciously flipped the pages of the book.

Go out to live today, and see if you can inspire a person's value the next morning.

Book a room.

Tang Hong clicked on WeChat and found a small folk program. These houses are rented out by individuals, which are cheaper than hotels, and the area of ​​B\u0026Bs at the same price is much larger than hotel rooms.

Not to mention that the decoration of many homestays is warmer and more comprehensive.

After rummaging around, you can find a good one at around 200 Hua Guobi. Tang Hong made some choices again. He didn't live in single-room B\u0026Bs, and he didn't live in too expensive ones. There were many options to choose from.

But Tang Hong put away his phone: It's only ten o'clock in the morning.

After twelve o'clock noon, most of the homestays will have discounts. After six o'clock in the afternoon, or even eight or nine o'clock, there will be a big sale: Reorder after twelve o'clock.

Noon is the best time.

It is indeed cheaper to book again in the evening, but it is almost impossible to find a house with a high score. Saving money is not the way to save money.

He put away his cell phone, left his seat and stood up. When it's time, don't go to the cafeteria, it will be very crowded later.

After lunch, it was just after twelve o'clock.

Tang Hong didn't go back to the dormitory, he found the classroom for the first two classes in the afternoon and sat in. After booking the homestay, he was about to take a nap when a WeChat notification sounded in his pocket.

The classroom is very quiet, and the notification sound is also very obvious.


I didn't adjust the mute mode? Tang Hong remembered that he had watched the beginning of a movie while eating, and seemed to cancel the mute.

He hurriedly set the mute, opened WeChat, and it was Fang Nanxun's message.

Approved over there/smile

With a smiling expression, Tang Hong's heart skipped a beat, did something happen?

What's wrong?

He quickly typed and asked.

Fang Nanxun said: The time has been set, it will be the session at the end of June. Unfortunately, my request to postpone the camp was rejected.

This year's special training camp is going to expand its enrollment, and there will be one hundred more places, which will be distributed to various branches. Their Yunhai branch office had to find a way to find another five places.

Can't make it? Tang Hong asked.

That's not the case, it's very simple... The main reason is that the camp quota is a bit expensive. I'm afraid no one can afford it in such a short time. Fang Nanxun explained slightly.

Tang Hong was speechless: Is it expensive? This is the sea of ​​clouds.

Fang Nanxun explained: Background review, qualification approval, and the entry process are very cumbersome. In addition to being rich, you must have qualifications. Besides, this thing can't be forced, it must be voluntary. In such a short time, there are tasks. I Where can I find someone?



You just said that you can't force it, you must voluntarily...

Tang Hong lowered his head and stared at the phone screen, unable to see the change in his face.

You are different. As I said, Tang Hong, you are different from others. Fang Nanxun explained patiently: Someone from the government found and asked about your situation. If it weren't for that contract, we wouldn't be able to keep your file at all, and we wouldn't be able to survive today , you have to leave the campus and join the extraordinary department.”

What now.

You have at least nearly two months of free time.

Fang Nanxun looked helpless. In fact, he hoped that the sooner the better, but the resources of the Yellow River Organization were relatively limited, and they could only recruit two special training camps each year. Let Tang Hong go in now. On the other hand, he was also afraid of hurting Tang Hong's confidence and affecting his willpower training.

Okay. Tang Hong sent a corgi dog with a straightforward smile: Just tell me, where is that bungalow.

Fang Nanxun also returned a classic sweating expression.

I forgot to tell you...

This is the address... He quickly sent a WeChat location: If I remember correctly, the community door card is placed on the shoe cabinet. The garage password is six six plus #, and the driving license should be in the car. You Find it yourself.

Garage password?

So advanced?

Tang Hong blinked his eyes, a little moved, but then he was full of confusion: Why are you so kind to me, you deserve it!

Fang Nanxun: It's just a loan from you for a few days, it's nothing.

Tang Hong was shocked: What!? I was just about to ask you when you are free to transfer ownership!

Fang Nanxun: ...

Holding the mouse, Fang Nanxun searched for a long time, clumsily grabbed a compressed package, and sent it to Tang Hong through the computer WeChat: This is the last camp entry test project, take it and have a look first.


Tang Hong opened the compressed package.

For the physical test, the scoring criteria include five aspects: strength quality, speed quality, endurance quality, agility quality, and flexibility quality.

Next is the test of will.

Tang Hong clicked in, and there were only a few small words: top secret information.

Looking back at the physical fitness test, Tang Hong was suddenly worried.

Opening WeChat, he asked, Which is more important, the physical test or the will test?

Physical fitness scores account for a relatively low proportion. Just practice bench press casually until you reach twice your own body weight. But to exercise your will, you must have a strong enough physique. If you want to strive for it, you must practice bench press before the end of June When it reaches the standard of 100 kilograms, there is no need to consider the rest. Fang Nanxun replied.

He didn't bother to talk about things that were too basic.

Something that is useful, but not suitable for the current Tang Hong... So Fang Nanxun thinks there is nothing to say. Entering the special training camp is the beginning of Tang Hong's journey to the extraordinary. The training method of the special training camp is more formal and effective .

It's like planting a tree. As soon as it is buried in the soil, it wants to take root and sprout, and it wants to grow into a big tree in the sky within two days. Those are all magical movies.

Tang Hong continued to ask: What happens after reaching the standard?

Fang Nanxun: Young people, don't be too curious, it's useless.

He was too lazy to talk to Tang Hong. He was not in a hurry, but Tang Hong was in a hurry.

You wait!

Tang Hong glanced at the one-person value on the information interface, and sent a giant smiling emoji.


Fang Nanxun was noncommittal.

This kid, without suffering and setbacks, really thinks he is an extraordinary genius... But Fang Nanxun is also willing to give understanding. When he was young, he was even crazier than Tang Hong. He became an extraordinary person in just one year. A giant screen to let everyone know.

Until he joins the sniper.

Gradually recognize the real situation of the invasion of gods in different spaces.

That is hope, but also despair.

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