One Man’s Power

Chapter 23 Extraordinary Mission (Revised)

Mortals: weak creatures

Will: 140%

Strength: 150%

Boundary: 0.01

Value per person: 10

Tang Hong, who left the seven-star hotel, didn't feel how good the hotel suite was. Compared with the past, the small house in the sea of ​​clouds was more comfortable to live in.


He will carry out the task entrusted by the headquarters: to assist in the daily maintenance of No. 6 Transcendent Sanatorium.

Fang Nanxun was there.

It's time to discuss when to transfer ownership.

Niu Hechuan, the chief instructor of the special training camp, was also there.


A taxi whistle sounded from behind, and Tang Hong looked ahead, it was very congested, very congested, and the map showed that it would take fifteen minutes to pass this section of road.

As for the end point, the map shows that it is a remote suburban street without any markings.


This is the headquarters of the Yellow River Organization.

Headquarters, on the third basement floor, in the consultant's office marked with the word Yu Ming.


Yu Ming stood up suddenly, her cold eyes filled with surprise.

Tang Hong, this is...

Perfect in furnace fire, extraordinary combat skills in furnace fire state!

Increased strength, increased will, these are inner changes. Because Tang Hong's strength and will all broke the limit once, and then improved, it was not as obvious as before.

The furnace environment is different.

Can't hide it at all.

Two days ago, when he re-signed the contract with Tang Hong, Yu Ming didn't see the accomplishment of perfection. But now it is like a night pearl in the dark, dazzling and frighteningly bright.

In just two days, Tang Hong broke through the furnace fire realm!

Yu Ming was surprised, and secretly said: No matter what type of supernatural training method, in the final analysis, it is the control of strength.

The upper limit of extraordinary training is to mobilize all muscle strength, and the same is true for meditation.

Extraordinary training methods that have been practiced to the upper limit can be used in actual combat, also known as extraordinary combat methods.

further up.

The realm of proficiency, fully tapping the potential power of the human body, is exclusive to the extraordinary.

Don't say that Tang Hong is not standard extraordinary, even if he finds the top extraordinary of the first belief, only more than half of them have the state of furnace fire.

No wonder Fang Nanxun admires you so much.

Yu Ming walked around Tang Hong, looking back and forth, with a strange face on his face: The strength and flexibility far exceed the supernatural level of entry threshold, so you can support the furnace level? To be honest, you are worthy of the contract of a sub-genius, I want Apologies for the earlier indiscretion.


Where is the carelessness?

And dignified a consultant-level figure, apologizing to himself?

Tang Hong quickly waved his hand and said, It's true that the time I started to practice Chaofan practice was short, but I worked harder and studied harder. Others are in pairs. I endure loneliness and loneliness alone, and I practice boxing silently by myself. Encounter difficulties, overcome difficulties, encounter ups and downs, overcome ups and downs, encounter places you don't understand...

do not talk.

Yu Ming couldn't take it anymore.

She also understood that this was Tang Hong's modest words, but why did it sound so weird.

Tang Hong said seriously: It may be that loneliness has reached a certain psychological threshold, which makes people more devoted to cultivation.

Yu Ming squinted her eyes, calmly remembering this precious experience secretly.


Yu Ming said: Perhaps you can comprehend the peak-climbing state when you are at the top level, from the peak-climbing state.

Even she, Yu Ming, the pioneer transcendent who broke the limit of the human body for the third time, only had two tactics to climb to the peak.

Yu Ming didn't explain too much, and said: Because it's your first time to perform an extraordinary mission, I will explain the details of this mission. Next time you perform a mission, there will be a short message reminder, just open the APP to check.

Tang Hong asked: Is this mission a security level?

Yes. Yu Ming said: The extraordinary world is divided into three levels according to the degree of danger, safety level, normal level, dangerous level, and safety level. Extraordinary missions do not need to participate in battles, and there is almost no danger to life.

Yu Ming used the word almost.

Because, blocking the gods, there is never absolute safety.

After a while.

The dust settled.

Sensing that Tang Hong's aura disappeared into the range of the third basement floor, Yu Ming turned around and brushed her fingertips across the delicate flowers in the office.

She pondered slightly.

Every person who signs a sub-genius contract is expected to be a consultant, and his practice experience is also worth learning for Yu Ming.

Practice tactics alone...

Yu Ming's heart was moved, and she was worried again: You can't let me divorce your husband, right? That's all, I will lose my mind without a family.

She is a little girl.

Participating in the battle of gods is just for this family. Seeing that her daughter can be admitted to the provincial first-level primary school, and seeing her husband get a promotion and salary increase in a state-owned enterprise, is all her sustenance.


The Yellow River organization has a safety-level extraordinary task: the daily maintenance of the nursing home.

Task time: From now on, a period of one month.

Task content: Handling, close-up inspection of certain machines to see if they are operating as usual.

Mission reward: Thirty extraordinary points.

Mission location: Huaguo Imperial Capital, No. 6 Transcendent Sanatorium.



Open the door!

A medical building with a height of about five floors and a dark silver appearance, probably because solid mercury was painted on the walls, came into Tang Hong's eyes!

This is the hospital of the extraordinary world.

Different from normal hospitals, this place is very deserted. There is no one inside and outside the gate, and there are green forests all around. The No. 6 Transcendent Sanatorium is built among the mountains.

The air environment is cleaner.

Also is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and there is a safe passage for emergency avoidance.


Accompanied by several people on the preparatory extraordinary list. They are similar to Zhang Jing of the Tiansheng Organization in Yunhai City, they are all golden and red, and even the limits of their bodies are about to break through in all aspects, only lack of willpower.

Someone once asked, how can a body of flesh and blood resist the invasion of a great god.

Chaofan demonstrated in actual combat:

Human will!

For Tang Hong, who had broken the limit of willpower, several girls who were about to work as nurses in the No. 6 nursing home had a more or less favorable impression: How old are you this year?

How did you break the limit of willpower?

How did you feel, Tang Hong, when you broke the limit?

Along the way, the girls chirped, like the inexplicable noise of birds chirping outside the window after sleeping late in the morning.

Tang Hong had no choice but to say indifferently: That night I felt the illusion of endless darkness and despair, and I never want to experience it again.

Dark despair, hallucinations of death, the strongest neurological illusion signal.

The stronger the neural signal, the higher the failure rate.

It even indirectly represents a person's talent in will.

After Tang Hong finished speaking, the second half of the journey was surprisingly quiet. It wasn't until the moment the car door opened that everyone looked at each other.

Didn't they dislike Tang Hong's lack of willpower and talent, how stupid is Jin Hong to despise Chaofan?

It was Tang Hong who said this, obviously making excuses, and didn't want everyone to disturb him.

It's here.

Let's go in together.

Everyone walked towards the gate, and when they got close, the glass door opened automatically.

'Old Fang...'

'I'm here to see you. '

Tang Hong strode through the mercury glass door.

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