Beimang City.

Outside Beimang City, military camps are continuous.

Hundreds of thousands of Lin family troops are stationed here!

Beimang City was originally a major economic city of the Xiao family. There are several gold and silver mines around it, which can provide the Xiao family with a large amount of gold and silver income every year.

Previously, the Xiao family stationed more than 100,000 troops here!


At this moment.

Beimang City was surrounded by the 300,000 troops of the Lin family.

If reinforcements did not arrive in time, this important city belonging to the Xiao family would probably fall into the hands of the Lin family.

Among them, 100,000 soldiers and hundreds of thousands of ordinary people could not escape the butcher knife of the Lin family army.

"Don't rush to break through Beimang City, take your time!"

The general of the Lin family said slowly.

He knew very well what the real plan of the four major families was, so he was not in a hurry to break through Beimang City, just consume it slowly.

"Xiao Family..."

"Liming City..."

"Haha, aren't you invincible? Today is the day of your demise!"

The general of the Lin family laughed.

However, at this moment, a panicked and hurried voice broke the calm.


"The 200,000 troops ambushed in the Tiger Tooth Valley were attacked by a mysterious army and annihilated! Now, they are heading towards our army camp!"


The general of the Lin family was shocked, his eyes widened, full of disbelief.

Then, he stood up and rushed out of the door, grabbing the soldier's neck.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The soldier felt difficulty breathing and his face flushed.

"General, the ambushed army has been annihilated! The enemy is coming towards us!"


The general of the Lin family was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened.

"Could it be Chen Dong's army? But Liming City is more than 3,000 miles away from here. How could he arrive so quickly in less than a day?"

There was no time to think.

Soon after, the whole camp was in chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of troops quickly assembled.

However, just as the battle began, everyone saw a rumbling sound coming from afar.

The earth also shook, as if there was an earthquake.

From a distance, one could see dust all over the sky rushing up to the sky.

"It's over!"

The Lin family general's face turned pale.

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, covering the sky and the sun, boundless.

The visual impact was too great.

"This is a divine weapon, it cannot be resisted!"

This was the thought in the Lin family general's mind.

He couldn't help but get scared.

What's more, the Lin family army had not yet assembled at this time, so it was difficult to fight!

He mustered up his courage and roared.


"Kill kill kill!"

"Kill kill kill!"

The soldiers were fearless.

They were all veterans who had killed countless people and were fearless of death!


On the same day.

Outside Shanhe City.

The hundreds of thousands of troops of the Chen family were also attacked by the army of Dawn City!

The Chen family general saw the army attacking him and couldn't believe it.

"Why? Why are they so fast? It's over, the four major families are over!"


Black Iron City.

The Wang family army was also attacked.

More than 100,000 Dawn City troops suddenly appeared.

A huge ancient beast group was in front, charging forward unstoppably, easily crushing dozens of Wang family soldiers to death!

Hundreds of ancient beast groups followed closely behind.

The eagle warriors in the sky were staring at them!

The Iron Wolf Guards were galloping on the battlefield, wreaking havoc!

The barbarian warriors were unstoppable and unparalleled in bravery!

The archers shot their arrows without missing a beat, and the arrows were like flowing light!

The Thunder Warriors were like divine soldiers from heaven, with thunder and lightning everywhere, which made the Wang family soldiers numb...

The one-sided massacre began!


Eagle Eye City.

The 150,000 Ye family troops also suffered an inhumane and one-sided massacre on this day!


The army of Dawn City showed an invincible posture with flowers blooming all over the place!

The two million troops sent by the four major families were swept away!

On the surface, the troops sent by the four major families were only more than one million.

But in fact, it had already exceeded two million.

The main purpose was to ambush Chen Dong and catch Chen Dong off guard!

As a result, what no one expected was that these two million troops were all buried under the butcher knife of Chen Dong's army!


Things are far from over!


When the armies of the major families were slaughtered.

Chen Dong personally led 30,000 eagle warriors, 20,000 ancient beast groups, and 50,000 iron wolf guards to the core of the Ye family, Yecheng!

Yecheng is the main city, and there are four other acropolises to guard it.

Each acropolis has 100,000 troops stationed!

However, the Ye family has been seriously injured in recent times, and the troops stationed in the major cities have been halved to only 50,000.

However, with the tall city walls, the safety of the main city can also be ensured.


On this day, Chen Dong arrived.

The ancient beast group charged forward, just like a giant tank.

However, its power and deterrence were much stronger than a tank.


Chen Dong stood on the back of the eagle, looking down from the sky.

Even at high altitude, there was a feeling of endless sight.

Yecheng is huge. This shows it.

The wind blew through his hair.

Chen Dong's eyes were slightly red, and he was filled with murderous intent. He spoke indifferently.

"Kill all the defenders and occupy Yecheng!"

An order was given.

The army, which had not had time to rest, seemed tireless. Amid the sound of fighting, they rushed towards Yecheng and the four major cities!


The ancient beast group charged ahead.

The eagle warriors attacked from above!

The Iron Wolf Guard followed the ancient beast group and rushed towards the four cities!

"What's going on? What happened?!"

"Who is that?!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Prepare to fight!"

The garrisoned army in the four major cities was suddenly alarmed.

Countless soldiers reacted quickly in shock and prepared to meet the enemy.

However, before they could respond.


There was a loud noise.

Countless pieces of rubble flew!

The billowing smoke rushed into the sky like a long dragon!

It turned out that a giant beast hit the city of the Acropolis.

Suddenly, a huge hole appeared in the extremely tall city wall.

Countless huge cracks spread out, and the entire city wall was covered with cracks!

A wall was crumbling!

I don’t know how many soldiers on the wall fell down and were trampled into meat patties by the giant beast!

The next moment.

More giant beasts hit again!

The ancient giant beasts are well-deserved siege weapons.

Not to mention the city, even the mountaintops can be easily flattened!

Not long after.

The four Acropolises were easily broken under Chen Dong’s powerful offensive!

They were directly razed to the ground.

Only the main city of the Ye family was left, and Yecheng stood alone!

It was in danger!

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