Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

"Brother Snow ... you are so glaring, but it's easy to grow wrinkles!" Feeling the small emotions in Leng Snow's eyes, whispering back without looking up.

Leng Snow was startled.

The teeth bite crunchy.

Youyou took a piece of watermelon and stuffed it into her mouth indignantly.

I chewed several pieces in a row, and the sweetness of the ice filled the entire cavity. He felt that his mood was a little better. Then he lost his grace and held his paper towel to his lips. He said coldly: "Thank you sister-in-law for caring. .. "

Woman god! It's so annoying!

But under the pressure of Qin Chen, Leng Snow promised to call his sister-in-law ...

"You are Achen's younger brother, that is, my younger brother. I don't care, who cares about you ... oh yes, your sister-in-law and I have a deputy job as a doctor, I don't think you look right , Would you like me to give you a pulse ... rest assured, for the sake of a family, I will not charge you money! "

Cold Snow: "..."

"No need ... my good ..."

Leng Snow dragged the corner of his mouth, watching the voluptuous eyes burst into flames every minute!

He even wanted to give himself a pulse.

Is she cursing herself?

Leng Snow refused to talk about it decisively, but Qin Chen glanced thoughtfully at her daughter-in-law and said to Leng Snow: "Snow, don't make trouble."

Leng Snow's mouth opened into an O shape!

He heard God Horse!

He did a good job!

Qin Chen even told him not to make trouble!

Suddenly, Leng Meinan's face shrugged down, and the blue in his eyes deepened a bit.

"Your sister-in-law is a doctor, and she will not help you to find your pulse for no reason ..." Qin Chen added another sentence when he was displeased to see his brother.

"And ... my wife's medical skills, ordinary people wanted to ask her to see a doctor, but they couldn't."

"Really?" Although he knew that Qin Chen would not deceive himself, Leng Snow couldn't help but ask.

After all, Rao is still his class enemy to a certain extent!

At that time, it was to appease the enemy's fighting power that he failed so miserably!

"Of course it's true ... Come on! Young man, stretch out your hand, and there will be no shop after this village ..."

Rao raised a hand lazily to Snow Snow and shook his head, squinting with a small expression of satisfaction, it looked like he wrote the words I am unreliable on his face.

Leng Snow handed the letter in doubt.

Seeing that Wao really put a few fingers on his wrist, it was only half of it.

Wao originally just looked at Leng Snow's white and yellow eyes and blue eyes, and wanted to help him by the way.

But look at it this way.

But I didn't expect such a gentle pulse, it really made her a little problem ...

Nuo habitually touched his wrist, empty and empty.

Then I remembered that I lent my bracelet to Yu Sinuo to flick Long Yan and couldn't help but laugh.

Her sometimes serious and sometimes smiling expression made Leng Snow feel more and more that the people in front of her were unreliable, and there was always a feeling that she wanted to harm me.

He gave Qin Chen a tangled look.

Qin Chen frowned, puzzled, but did not take the initiative to ask Rao, fearing that it would affect Rao's diagnosis.

He waited for Rao to check Leng Snow's eyes and ears, and then he took a wet towel and wiped his hands. By the way: "How?"

Nuo's hands were carefully cared for by Qin Chen, and he couldn't express the beauty of Leng Snow's envious little eyes.

She hesitated for a moment.

Then he said again: "It looks like there is no serious illness, but ..."

Qin Chen was stunned, and immediately felt the words written by Luo in his palm.

Looking up at Leng Snow, he made a lip that only they knew.

Leng Snow was squatting on the waistcoat eagerly waiting for Ruo to come to the conclusion that she was happily hitting her face. Qin Chen suddenly asked him if he was absolutely safe here, and if there were any spies.

Leng Snow did not know what Qin Chen wanted to do.

But in blind worship of Qin Chen, he shook his head.

This is just a branch of the Blacknet, not his base camp. There is no hidden monitoring equipment, and he really can't guarantee it.

In response to Leng Snow's response, Qin Chen immediately covered a voluptuous hand in his palm, casually transmitting a signal, and the topic was pulled aside in a few words.

Wuluo's heart will not stop.

Leng Snow did not know what medicine the couple was selling.

However, the howling came from the next room.

He was still very happy.

Looking at others being abused, Lengtong shoes felt like they were in the spring breeze.

That's a pleasant one.

It's just after learning about Rao's finishing plan.

The cold sweat on his back also drenched his clothes.

Women are really malicious!

This idea is too thoughtful, I'm terrified!

"Sister-in-law, is that really my brother's friend?" After hearing the magic barrier of Long Yan for the N + 1th time, Leng Snow looked at Wador with admiration.

Rao raised her eyebrows and crooked calmly: "You said Long Yan ... Yeah ... in my mind, he is like Achen's elder brother ..."

"Then you still treat him like this?"

"Full him? Are you talking about Shenma? Am I making romantic memories for their couples? Isn't it good to say that if you want others to remember you, then you have to leave a deep impression on him Impressions are enough. "

"But don't you mean, are you trying to help the couple break the mirror and make it come true again? You are too impressed with this impression ..." Thinking of the plan book that Wa Wa showed to her, Leng Snow's vest that had just been chilled and sweated again .

"You don't understand this."

"I will tell you that my eldest brother was not raised in an ordinary family since childhood. For those Qiongyao styles, people simply don't look down on them."

"And ah ... after the nomadic psychology magazines I have read, the more ostensibly it looks on the surface, there is a heart in my heart! The desire to be ravaged, the desire to be conquered ..." Luo heart flickered.

"For example, you and my brother?" Leng Snow pretended piously, and the blue-eyed thief was dribbling quickly, full of curiosity.

"Yes, yes!" Nuo nodded, looking at the admiring Leng Snow with a strange sense of satisfaction.


"I don't look like ... my brother, who is very strong at first glance ..." Leng Snow kept talking, quietly using Yu Guang to admire his brother's increasingly ugly face. ..

"You said Qin Chen ..." Luo was watching the two sides vigilantly, thinking how Qin Chen would go to the WC for a while.

Then he moved to Leng Snow's side again, and the thief said: "I tell you, you are a king! I like to play those exciting ..."


"Yeah ..."

Luo excitedly shared with others, this cold beauty looks today, how so pleasing to the eye ...

"Really? Qin Chen likes to be below?" A dark voice suddenly inserted.


"I also like that I pumped him with a whip! The more I pumped, the more excited I was!" Rao said proudly ..


"Huh ⊙ ▽ ⊙ ?! Achen, you are back when the gods are here! It's not too early, we should go to sleep, the beautiful younger brother will talk back!"

Looking at Qin Chen's sarcastic smile, chuckle in his heart.

It's over!

He was caught saying bad things behind his back.

So embarrassing, slipped away!

She talked, not forgetting to wave Snow's hand, and then ran to the room, and clicked to lock the room directly.

Qin Chen: "Wife-in-law ... Do you think that lock can lock me?"

Qin Chen smiled and looked in the direction of the bedroom faintly.

Her daughter-in-law is really getting more courageous.

"Brother ... are you angry?" Leng Snow saw that Qin Chen was standing still in the living room, thinking that Qin Chen was angry and could not help caring.

"pissed off?"

Qin Chen's lips twitched slightly.

Dumb smiled: "Am I such a person?"

His smile was so gentle that Leng Snow was in a trance.

"of course not..."

"Then do you still ask?"

"I ..." Leng Snow's breath was stagnant, and this time with Qin Chen alone was too little.

He actually ... can't help getting nervous.

Especially when the kind of care revealed by Qin Chen's eyes.

Gentle, it is to drown people.

"Snow ... you grew up ..." Qin Chen raised his hand and buttoned his brother's open shirt one by one.

When is Qin Chen so gentle to himself!

Leng Snow is about to cry!

The tears moved in my eyes, is it possible that Brother Chen will give up the nasty woman and return to his arms?

"Brother ..." Leng Mei's voice was sobbing.

"Um ... rest early, don't be cranky."

"Ah?" Leng Snow froze, and the moved tears stuck in her eyes.

"Every day I want to order something ... How can I be angry with your sister-in-law ..." Qin Chen said disapprovingly, and again patted Leng Snow's shoulder with a serious heart.

"Silly boy, let's talk about a true love ... no matter how old you are, no matter how old you are, you don't have a lover. You don't have a home in your heart ... you know?"


What a ghost!

Leng Snow looked at Qin Chen with a helpless face and shook his hands away.

Shivering his lips, he didn't speak for a long time.

He really is too kind! ┭┮﹏┭┮!

At the beginning, the nasty woman should be killed directly!

Cold Beauty's N + 1th time, said in a grudge in his heart.

. . .

Qin Chen pushed open the door of the room.

I saw that Nuo was like a silkworm who wrapped herself tightly with a quilt, only exposed a pair of nostrils to breathe in the gap.

Qin Chen snapped her hips across the glass angrily and funny and got up and went to the bathroom.


When he came back, the lights in the room had gone out.

Someone seems to have fallen asleep.

But falling asleep does not affect OOXX.

Qin Chen calmly lifted the quilt and drilled in, pulling the woman who was pretending to be dead and pressing it on herself.

Rao exclaimed!

Angrily stared at someone who was not honest.

"what are you doing!"

"Of course I like it!"

"Bah! Shameless!" Complained a woman forced to press on it.

"Shameless? Daughter-in-law, you're not right ..."

"Just out there, but you said, I like being crushed ... so now ... please crush me ... I will never resist ..."

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