One Hundred Ways to Satisfy Your Beloved Wife

Vol 3 Chapter 474: Are you looking bad

Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

When Yu Sinuo's face paled with his argument, Luo finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She crept back to Yusinuo and suddenly pulled her phone away!

"Lao! What are you doing!" Yu Sinuo gasped and covered her chest with one hand. After spending so many years in Yujia and Longjia dignified for the first time, it was the first time that she was spraying with people online. That feeling ... .

Emmmm ... Actually, it is very emotional!

Of course, the keyboard hero is still not in line with her.

"Cousin, although I do n’t mind you sponsoring more money to my family Qin Chen, but we do n’t spend so much money either?"

"Your Qin Chen?" Yu Sinuo stunned.

"Yeah ... Did you forget that this is the killer king, not Long Yan ... The auction money is good for the black net, but the money you reward is all for Qin Chen Chen. "

Yu Sinuo: "???

"Cough ... don't be excited. I've let Qin Chen transfer it to your private account, but I won't refund you if it costs me so much ..."

Yusinuo: "..."

"Okay, don't look at this thing, I'll ask you, do you still want to be with Long Yan?" Suo narrowed her eyes and raised her mouth slightly, and Yu Sinuo even felt that there was one growing behind her. Big shaggy tail.

This smile is very familiar ...


Like the current head of their Yu family, the old fox named Yu Qi, whenever he showed this strange smile, it means that someone is going to be out of luck again.

Thinking of this, Yu Sinuo was silent, and she even took a few steps backwards with conditioned reflexes, her eyes full of scrutiny, as if to say, "Don't foolish me!"

"Why? I'm afraid I'm pitting you ..." Luo continued to smile, leaning down slowly, her long eyelashes thick, and flipping up and down, lingering around people's hearts, and also tickling.

Yusinuo :! ! ! evildoer!

"Cousin, if you don't talk, I'll leave. There's no shop after this village ..."

Nuo gently blew into Yu Sinuo's ear, and suddenly stood straight.

Yu Sinuo stared staringly at Wuluo turned around and walked towards the door, the mood was very complicated, the strange voice in his mind came out again, driving her to hesitate.

And her own original wish is to stop the voluptuous.

"Wait ... won't you really pit me this time?" Yusuo finally opened her mouth when she stepped on the door frame.

Luo was slightly stunned, and then turned around: "Of course ..."

"Not only do you not pit you, but also help you clean up Long Yan ..."

"Really?" Yu Sinuo's heartbeat jumped out of control again.

"Really ... I bought all the tickets. In view of your support for Qin Chen's work, I will send you another package of props ..."


Yu Sinuo tilted her head in doubt, and felt more and more that things seemed to grow out of control.

. . .

I booked a direct flight to country M on the weekend.

Luo then began a two-point, one-line life.

Originally, she was thinking of waiting for Long Yan to have a good communication, and she was trying to find a way to help Yusinuo to have a baby.

Unexpectedly, his own man has his own unique views.

It is recommended that Rao cure Yu Sinuo as soon as possible, and then how they want to toss, it has nothing to do with themselves.

Rao knows that Qin Chen actually still has a lot of opinions on Sino.

But she has a new discovery, that is, Yu Sinuo ... Forget it, temporarily uncertain things, Rao decided not to tell Qin Chen.

It's just that Rao forgot.

Their husband and wife are one. This time she kindly concealed this, and in the near future, it almost became a disaster.

Of course, this is all anecdotal.

. . .

"Sister Rao, can my mother's illness be cured?"

Shangguan's family, Shangguan Su Su was sitting in a chair, looking at Luao with a look of hope.

Beside them, Shangguan's wife, Shen Xiaoru, who was asleep by Luo Shishi's needles.

"Of course, not only can I heal, I can also make my true youth stay forever." Luo said lightly, raising his hand and drawing some blood from Shen Xiaoru to take it back for the experiment.

"Youth stays forever?" Shangguan Su Su rubbed his lips.

These four words are a nightmare for the Shangguan family.

Seemingly aware of her meaning, Luo put down the needle and said: "You can rest assured that it is not a crooked way, just medicinal materials, plus maintenance. But Su Su, I don't understand, what do you do this way?"

"Actually, you have to know that there is nothing in this world that doesn't need to cost, just like the face your mother has been pursuing, that is based on you, I tell you the truth, even if you die now, I saved her, and she can't live for five years. "

"And you are different. If I only cure you and let your mother go, you will not only become beautiful, but also live longer!"

"Longevity! You can see it all!" Shangguan Susu opened his mouth in surprise.

"Nonsense, don't you know the four characters of traditional Chinese medicine? Wang Wenwenqie, this is the number one, and I am proficient in metaphysics. At first glance, your life is extremely blessed, and you will have many children and grandchildren in the future." Wu Xinkou sneered.


"What's the matter?" Rao pretended to have a deep face, and she didn't believe that she couldn't wash this little Nizi's brain properly.

"But you haven't asked my birthday, how do you count it ..." Shangguan Susu whispered softly.

"I ..." Rao's eyes rolled, and he rolled his eyes angrily: "I wouldn't ask your family? Should you hear about your home from your grandfather? That looks first-class technology, I It ’s already counted for you and your brother. "

"If you don't die now, you will definitely have a smooth ride in the future."

"But ... I can't help saving my mother ..." Shangguan Su Su said startled.

"And ... you also said, I still have an elder brother ... My elder brother will be better, and my parents will be there. It is also perfect. Since I was a child, I have nothing like my elder brother except studying No matter how good it will be in the future, we can't open up branches for our Shangguan family ... so sacrifice me and let my mother live a little more, I ... "

Luo silent: "Why are you so sad!"

"I'm not mourned! I just feel that it doesn't make sense to be there ..." Shangguan Susu continued.

"I'm just a girl ..."

"Girls can't ..."


"Forget it, whatever you want!"

"Then drink the medicine, keep drinking it, and enjoy your last month! Don't send it!"

Luo was extremely angry, and she never thought that this baby who had been educated for so many years was still a big man with a tradition to a crooked building!

What the **** is this, and the meowing female doctor!

It was actually possible to inferiority to this point.

Placidly staring at Shangguan Susu with hate and iron, he dropped the medicine bottle and took the door away.

She still restrained herself.

It's just that she couldn't understand that when she chatted with Shangguan's grandfather, although the old man was a little pedantic, and the literati was arrogant, he didn't say that feudal ignorance was so palpable ...

The more I think about it, the more tangled I feel.

Shangguan Qing, the father of Shangguan Susu who was approaching, became more and more distressed.

Shangguan Jing still loves his sister very much, so Rao also crossed out the suspect that he took the crooked sister.

But this one ...

"Mr. Qing, do you have time? Can you talk a few words?"

When Shangguanqing saw Rao, he was stunned.

Obviously he was in a high position, and was two rounds larger than Lulu, but when the two stood together, his aura was weaker.

"Jade girl, please say." He paused, remembering his father's instructions, and owed slightly.

"I want to ask you a few questions about Susu."

"Su Su?" Shangguan Qing was stunned, his heart tightened. Can Su Su also be deeply poisoned?

Luo looked at him with a nervous look, and his heart became a little bit less angry.

This Mr. Shangguanqing, should he still care about his daughter?

But if it weren't for him, who would have nothing to instill in Su Su's deep-rooted old ideas?


"go ahead."

"How old is Susu this year? What do you like to eat? Have you ever had a boyfriend? What do you like best? What are your specialties? What is your first gift? What books do you like to read?"

Shangguan Qing was stunned for a long time, and didn't understand the meaning of the words.

But the thought of this woman cannot be offended.

He patiently tried to recall it.

"Susu is 23 this year ... likes to eat meat? Boyfriend ... I don't really know this, you also know, after all, I am a father, rarely talk about this with my daughter, specialty ... Specialty ... Learn? "

Shangguan Qing's eyebrows twisted as he wanted to.

Luo looked at his embarrassed face, and then glanced at the piano in the living room and the picture of Guan Su Su playing on the wall.

Sincerely ... speechless ...

"Mr. Shangguan, do you have bad eyesight?"

"Ah ..." Shangguanqing was stunned again. This Jade Girl's brain circuit jumped so much, how could she suddenly pull her eyes.

"My eyes are fine," he murmured.

"Really? I suggest you have time to check your eyesight ... I'm not talking anymore, I'm leaving now." Rao cursed her lips and said sarcastically.

Shangguanqing looked at her suddenly leaving her back, thinking about her sister.

How can he not understand the style of this jade girl?

First, I asked a lot of questions about my daughter. Before I finished, I caught my eyes again.

However, his eyes are fine! The visual acuity last year was 1.5.

He stood silently on the second floor, watching Luao dashing out of Shangguan's house, thinking for a long time, and suddenly a terrible conjecture popped out of his head.

Could it be that.

Jade girl fancy her daughter?

Shangguanqing was shocked by his own thoughts.

Especially when he thought of the pictures of cheating with the ugly man (Qin Chen in disguise) on that day, he felt that his conjecture was possible.

Thinking about it, he slowly relaxed from the tension.

If Yu Nuo is really what his father said, it is the heir out of that very mysterious place.

So it ’s not bad to sacrifice a daughter in exchange for benefits ...

Thinking of this, Shangguanqing's pace is much lighter.

(PS: May Day holiday is here, I wish all the little fairies and little boys a happy holiday!)

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