Biquge, the fastest update of Jiao's wife is on the latest chapter: the latest chapter of a perfect marriage of 100 tricks!

Qin Chen only had time to get along with Rao alone in the evening room.

I do n’t know if it ’s his illusion. Qin Chen feels that his young daughter-in-law is more beautiful than before. She has a fairer face than a baby. There will be two shallow dimples when she smiles. .

"How do you look at me like this?"

Luo said with embarrassment that her belly was so big that she could not see her toes, and even the toilet was relying on Wu He and Qin Chen to help.

At first, I only felt that it was inconvenient to move, and then I found out that pregnancy is really a painful and happy experience. It is like having two **** on my body. I do n’t dare to have a little emotional excitement.

"Because you look good."

"I just want to see it for a while." Qin Chen said with a smile, and helped Lao Lao lay down. Then he took off his coat and went to bed, listening to the light rain outside the window, accompanied by nature, and Lao Lao fell asleep quickly Too.

Seemingly still immersed in the joy of having a family, the sleeping woman's mouth still had a shallow smile, Qin Chen lowered her head to kiss on the red lips, put on her coat and went out.

As expected, Yu Qi's room was still lit.

Ashen saw him coming out, he immediately joined him.

"Mr. Qin, my husband has been waiting for you for a long time."

Qin Chen nodded, took the hand stove he offered, and pushed open the door. Yu Qi was sitting on the soft slump. There was a game of Go in front of him. It was an endgame and seemed to be misunderstood.

Yu Qi's expression was so focused that he didn't raise his head until he sat down and drank hot tea.

"You came."


"What do you think about this?" Yu Qi gently dropped a child on the chessboard. Bai Zi, who had already fallen into a dead situation, was suddenly revitalized. Not only that, but there was also a tendency to win.

"No need to answer, let me play the game with me." He said this, and pushed the board toward Qin Chen again.

Qin Chen pinched the sunspot and got off with him.

Chess is like a character, Qin Chen's speed of falling is very fast, there is almost no hesitation, but it is all tricks that can lead the enemy to the end.

Yu Qi is different. He almost pauses for a few minutes at every step, sometimes even longer, and does not move for a full quarter of an hour.

If it weren't for his hands that he had been knocking on the table, Qin Chen thought he was asleep.

"you lose..."

The dawn came quietly, a few rays of morning light squeezed into the room, and Yu Qi Hanxiao fell to the last son.

Qin Chen stunned and smiled.


"It's right to want a good result, but Xiaochen, people can't take the lead."

"Now I am in good health, and Rao will also receive the best care at Yujia. In fact, you really don't need to make a choice. I can promise you to see your children every year. What do you think?"

This is also the method that Yu Qi came up with. He is actually more in favor of the people before him than Long Yan. After all, he got married and gave birth to a lifetime, and he has already been like this in his life, but the voluptuousness has just bloomed the most beautiful. Years of love.

He can even guarantee that as long as the children are born, the figure will definitely return to the perfect ratio within a month. In addition to the strongest guarantee he gave her, as long as she practiced her body, it would definitely exist in the family of the hidden world.

"Did you ask me to give up?"

Qin Chen's eyelids drooped slightly, and the broken hair on his forehead concealed his emotions well.

"I'm just giving you advice. The way is up to you. The choice is yours."

"To be frank, if Wao does not have the blood of the Phoenix, I will not interfere with you, and I will even help you ... but it is not possible now. The marriage contract that year was not the master of me, and Wao only Marrying the dragon family can stop that terrible prediction. "

"Horrible prediction?" Qin Chen frowned.

"Yes." Yu Qi's face suddenly became dignified.

"Well, you should go where you want to go. What I can guarantee is that it is far safer to return to Yujia to have children than to be in the secular world."

"I know what you mean."

After Qin Chen finished speaking, he closed the chessboard before it collapsed.

It was already 6 o'clock when I walked out of the room.

The ancestral temple held a ceremony at noon, and Qin Chen returned to the room. He carefully drilled the quilt back and hugged the little woman in her sleep.

He closed his eyes and his eyes became blank.

The beauty is pregnant, but his heart is empty.

In this way, she maintained a state of sleeping and not sleeping until a little girl knocked at the door and led them to dinner.

Luo did n’t know what Qin Chen was thinking, but he saw that he was always looking down at himself, and then he took the initiative to reach out and clasp his fingers.

Ben and Ken also came out of the room.

One was radiant with a smile in the corner of his mouth, and the other was a grudge.

Surprisingly, Rao whispered a little gossip next to him: "Isn't the injured Ken? Why does Ben look like he was boiled."

Wu He smiled and squinted back and forth between the two men, lowering his voice and whispering in his ears, "I don't understand, is it just dissatisfaction?"

"Desire to be dissatisfied?" Rao's face was horrified.

"When did this happen?"

She wanted to continue to gossip, but she was repeatedly hit on her head.

Qin Chen looked at her with a smile, and whispered in a voice that only two people could hear: "Ma'am, I also want to be dissatisfied, why don't you care about me?"

Lu Yaoluo: "..."


Luo thought that the ancestral hall of the Yu family would be a very tall place, or that kind of quaint building.

However, after being carried up the mountain, it was discovered that the so-called ancestral hall turned out to be an altar-like appearance in the middle of a huge square.

A long period of time no one cleaned the walls of the ancestral hall, a layer of mud fell.

Yu Qi frowned, and the four elders of the Yujia tributaries stood in front of the four pillars of different heights. I did n’t know where to move the switch. The altar suddenly fell into a few meters, even with the entire mountain. Shake it up.

Nuo was protected by Qin Chen in his arms, and after the turmoil was over, his eyes had already changed.

The altar was gone, and there was a white statue in the middle of the open space.

The dress is similar to that of Yu Qi and is carved from white jade.

The most unexpected thing about Luo was that the facial features of the statue ...

It could be exactly the same as yourself.

Could it be that the uncle gave him a gift?

She looked at Yu Qi doubtfully, but Yu Qi smiled at her mysteriously.

Suddenly she took her hand and walked to the front of the statue, tapped on the position of that toe, revealing a button with a scale.

Luo only felt a sudden pain in his fingers, and he had touched a cold thing in the next second.

Her blood was already stained with the button with scales.

It made her feel like she was dreaming, and her jade carving's white eyes turned red! I wonder if it was a whispering illusion, she suddenly seemed to think that woman was smiling at herself!

Oh my god!

Is there really a fairy in this world?

Luo asked herself to be an atheist, and was nurtured by the motherland for so many years.

But what happened in front of her seemed to make her feel that everything was very mysterious.

She looked back at Qin Chen, who was still standing there.

However, the Yu family behind him all knelt on the ground.

"Welcome to the reincarnation of the goddess."

"Welcome to the reincarnation of the goddess."

He shouted several times in a row, and his ears buzzed loudly.

She wasn't used to the family who knelt and bowed, and even stood directly behind Yu Qi.

"Lao ..." Yu Qi reluctantly dragged her from behind her.

Pointing to the following explanation: "This statue is the ancestor of this branch, originally a lady-in-law of the jade family. Because he fell in love with a secular man, he brought out the people. The village name here They are being slaughtered by a group of bandits. The lady Jade rescued them and stayed here with her beloved one, but the lady really learned some Taoism and was believed by them as a god. "

"Because there is a cloud in her name, this mountain is Yunshan."

"But ..." All this seems to have nothing to do with myself!

Nuo walked around, still leaning on his side, unwilling to be worshipped by so many people inexplicably.

Seemingly seeing his doubts, Yu Qi smiled and squeezed her hand and pressed another switch under the statue.

Explain while pulling her to walk inside.

"Are you curious why you say you are a reincarnated goddess?"

"One time, you are indeed the blood of phoenix for thousands of years, so your blood can activate the switch left by the old jade family. On the other hand, because there is a treasure buried here, it is specially reserved for your own family. People. The people on Yunshan Mountain have not been out these years to protect this place. Although the ancient formation is powerful, it ca n’t carry high-tech cannonballs, so they ca n’t return to the world until these things are removed. Life in the world. "

"So, just last week, you can afford it."

Nuo opened his eyes numbly, the cloud in his mind was hazy, and he felt more and more that he was dreaming.

Suddenly, there was a pro-uncle, and suddenly he became the successor of XX.

What other treasures are there.

Luo thought he would be a golden horse.

But when she reached the end, only three boxes were found.

"Open it. Use your blood."

Yu Qi smiled and said, standing with his hands down.

Luo gave her a weird look and put her hand away.


The three boxes were opened at the same time, so that Luwa couldn't help but took two steps back.

A closer look, only to find that what is inside is completely different from what I imagined.

The first one is a complete set of Phoenix Crown Xia, the second box is a thick stack of things like drawings, and the third one is even more strange, a small Phoenix-shaped statue, also But the palm is big.

It seems that none of them can be linked to the treasure.

Sure enough, he didn't have the chance to win the jackpot?

Nuo looked suspiciously to Yu Qi.

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