One Eyed Monster

Chapter 277: Reason (Part 1)

"Hahahahaha..." The great tutor Gu Zan still laughed there.

The bitterness in the laughter may be a kind of self-deprecation of the great mentor, he didn't expect the result to be like this.

There was a little bit of relief in the laughter. He suddenly felt that this drastically changing world had not completely fallen, and at least some of the children had maintained a simple original intention.

The great tutor Guzan smiled heartily. He hasn't been so happy for a long time. Although he may not be able to accept an apprentice now, he cannot fulfill one of his wishes, but he is even happier than accepting an apprentice.

"Unexpectedly, my invitation would be rejected. This is really the first time!" The great tutor Gu Zan exclaimed. The birth of this situation, his heart fluctuates more or less, even if he is a person who has experienced years. , He still felt a little surprised.

Maybe it's because of being used to flattery for so many years, and suddenly encountered this situation, a little uncomfortable, or unwilling.

"I have very few students in my life, and there are only three people who officially worship me as a teacher. Although these three people have different personalities, they all have very good qualifications. It can be said that they were born to become alchemists." Zan began to talk about his experience of accepting disciples. Those experiences are his precious wealth, and he generally doesn't mention these things to others.

"But there are many people who respect you as a great tutor!" Igor did not understand why Guzan said that he had only three apprentices, so many people called him great tutor, how could there be only three apprentices? This is unreasonable.

"Thanks for your love, I can't tell why they all call me great mentors. I didn't teach them any alchemy skills." Guzan didn't know that his words and deeds were respected by people. At that time, people called him a mentor, not because he taught people the skills of alchemy, but because he showed others a way forward. This path that can be taken is more important than skills, because skills cannot give directions to the confused, nor can they restore hope to the lost.

But Guzan Teacher did not understand this, he felt that everything he did was what he should do.

He is such a person, paying silently, affecting others, but he doesn't know it.

"I generally don't accept students easily, because I think I am a very bad teacher."

"Why do you say that?" Not only Igor, but even Cady thought this was a bit strange. Why does Gulugulu think he is a terrible teacher? What's wrong with him?

"Because I am indeed a terrible teacher." Gu Zan sighed and continued to talk about his three apprentices.

"My first student was Milo. He was sincere and hardworking. He unknowingly worked as a handyman in the alchemy workshop for eleven years. Many people said that he was not qualified to advance to Apprentice alchemy. But he didn't give up, and continued to do what he should do step by step, without the slightest complaint."

"So you were touched by his quality?" Igor made his own judgment. He felt that when others shared stories, he would add a word from time to time to help tell the story.

"You’re right. This is both Milo’s quality and his talent. To become an alchemist, patience is the most important thing. Milo has patience that ordinary people don’t have. This patience allows him to control the exchange. Small matter."

"So he became your student naturally?"

"Yes, a lot of people thought this was an incredible thing at the beginning. They all thought Milo was too big, almost twenty years old, and passed the golden age of learning skills a long time ago. Spiritual perception skills have already taken shape. There is no longer the value of training." Guzan smiled with relief again, and he suddenly discovered that what he encountered in the matter of enrolling students was something that ordinary people thought impossible.

However, the facts are always different from what everyone imagined. After Guzan accepted Milo as a student, Milo quickly showed his advantages in patience. He quickly became the right-hand man of Guzan's instructor. He can do well in the test field. Distinguish the difference between various tiny substances. Under the guidance of the great mentor, Milo became the leader among the masters of the exchange of beasts in the alchemy workshop. He soon became the golden seat of the alchemy workshop, and the whole process was only a short two years. Only time.

Everyone was dumbfounded by Milo's success. They all agreed that this was the magic of the great tutor, so people who studied like a great tutor rushed to it.

Everyone thinks that the great teacher has the power to decay and become a miracle. This is also the true essence of alchemy, so more and more people start to learn from the great teacher.

But Guzan knew that Milo's success was due to his talent, diligence and patience. He only dialed a little bit, so in the face of so many scholars, he still chose students in his own way as always.

This practice of the great tutor also inadvertently inspired many alchemists. These people began to work steadily. For a time, the alchemy workshop was thriving, and many diligent apprentices emerged. This is one of the reasons why many people who are not his students respect him as a mentor.

"My second apprentice is called Asmon. He is a child who survived the war." After talking about Milo, the grand tutor began to talk about his second student, Asmon.

The war caused little Asmon to lose his family and one of his own hands. Asmon was taken by Guzan's teacher, Guzan felt that he had a natural sensitivity of alchemists, that is the essence of exchange. The war allowed Little Asmon to understand cruelty at a very young age, and at the same time he also understood that to obtain requires sacrifice. Great tutor Guzan felt that this child had a plainness that ordinary people could not understand. This is a kind of calmness that can only be achieved by seeing through the nature of exchange.

So he resolutely accepted this outcast in the war as his second student, regardless of everyone's opposition.

A person with a broken hand is an alchemist? That's At that time, many people felt that way. They thought that Asmon could not be the second Milo, and that a miracle happened once was enough.

But these people were disappointed again. Although Asmon only has one hand, his understanding of the nature of exchange is beyond ordinary people, and his perception of sacrifice is also different from ordinary people. This kind of talent has made him very successful in alchemy equations. The experimental workshop of the alchemy workshop became busy because of Asmon, because new alchemy equations will always come out of Asmon’s mind. In order to verify these equations, those unconvinced alchemists repeatedly experimented and finally found that Asmon's equation was completely correct.

Asmon’s success has made the outside world admire Guzan even more, and more and more people come here. But the big tutor is still the same as before, depending on talents to recruit students.

"Although Asmon only has one hand, he has several brains. This is something I never thought of." Guzan said that he was full of praise for his second student.

"Your third student should be the Kuyturan you've been talking about before." Igor scratched his head and began to speculate again.

"Yes, the third student, Kuy Turan." Guzan sighed, as if the next story was full of sadness.

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