When suddenly hearing Lin Fei's voice, everyone present was stunned, and subconsciously looked towards the thick gunpowder.

"At the same time, he was attacked by Feng Wuhen and that monster, and he is still alive?"

Someone said in shock.

Feng Wuhen narrowed his eyes, also staring at the billowing gunpowder.

"It's interesting," he said, his voice not small: "You'd better not let the fruit of power have any damage."

There was an air of arrogance in his words, like an order.

But his voice had only just fallen.


A gust of wind suddenly exploded, and from the inside out, the thick gunpowder smoke was dispersed, and the gust of wind roared and spread out, and Feng Wuhen and the monster were suddenly shocked by the gust of wind and retreated several steps.

The people who were far away all narrowed their eyes because of the gust of wind.

Then a voice sounded.

"Don't worry, your attack is too weak to hurt this supernatural fruit."

After the strong wind blew, everyone opened their eyes. They looked at the hillside and suddenly froze.

Because they all clearly saw that Lin Fei was standing on it, and at the same time endured the attacks of Feng Wuhen and monsters, and he was safe and sound, not even his clothes were damaged in the slightest.

"how can that be?"

These people looked dumbfounded.

Feng Wuhen was powerful, everyone knew that he was the second most ruthless man in City E.

There were very few who could stop his attack.

And that monster, able to tie Feng Wuhen, was definitely not bad, but its attack was also blocked by Lin Fei.

"Who the hell is he?"

They finally stopped despising Lin Fei, feeling that he was a master.

"You're very interesting." Feng Wuhen asked Lin Fei with a faint smile, "What's your name?"

"Lin Fei."

"The verdant forest is soaring to the sky."

Feng Wuhen smiled and made a comment: "Lin Fei, not bad."

When the voice fell, he started.


He shattered the ground with one foot, leaving an afterimage on the spot, and before it dissipated, he had already arrived in front of Lin Fei.

Turning hands into claws, with the blessing of wind and sharp blades.

Feng Wuhen's claws are extremely fast and powerful. They can easily tear apart the steel plate, which is comparable to a magic weapon!

As a result, the paw was still empty.

Lin Fei put his hands in his pockets and took a step to the left, just avoiding Feng Wuhen's attack.


A growl.

The monster's eyes widened, and two electric lights shot out.

Lin Fei took another step back.

The two electric lights swept past ten centimeters in front of him.

"You hide very fast, can you hide for a lifetime?" Feng Wuhen sneered, his hands were about to appear afterimages, and he shot hundreds of times in just three seconds.

But it's all empty.

The people in the distance looked at all this and were dumbfounded.

They both saw Feng Wuhen and the monster's power with their own eyes, but what is the situation of this man now?

He could easily avoid Feng Wuhen and the monster's attack!

Seeing that Feng Wuhen couldn't hit Lin Fei, he immediately stepped back more than ten meters, and then stared at Lin Fei indifferently.

Said: "Jumping clown, do you just avoid it?"

"With such a skill, I have done a lot of stealing chickens and dogs in the past."

Hearing Feng Wuhen's words, the people in the distance couldn't help but burst into laughter.


"What Feng Wuhen said is also possible. After all, dodging this kind of thing requires talent and some experience."

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