Chapter 660

Shanmu looked at the agent, and finally let out a sigh of relief, “The Human Race needs the help of the Iron Warrior. The power of the evil warrior is too powerful, and it is not something that our Human Race can deal with!”

“The leader of the evil warrior entered and was frozen. Now the evil warrior is searching everywhere. You can see their power too!”

The corners of the agent’s mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled without saying a word.

Then he said, “Oh, you will know it when you arrive.”

As the convoy progressed, everyone came to a secret base. Shan Mu followed the agents to get out of the car and entered the secret base.

When everyone entered the base, the agents brought Shanmu and Mira to a secret room, and when they entered it, they only felt the icy cold coming, which made people shudder.

And in front of them, an extremely tall figure suddenly appeared, whose body was sealed in ice, and could not move at all at this moment, completely devoid of vitality.

There was a force of chill surging from its body, that kind of sharpness, like a prehistoric behemoth.

And Shan Mu seemed to have noticed something wrong at this moment.

“This is the evil warrior leader Xie Xiaotian?” Shan Mu couldn’t help but exclaimed.

The agent admired Shanmu’s expression very much and nodded lightly.

“If this is what you call the terrible leader of the evil warrior, that’s nothing more than that.” The agent sneered.

“Follow me.” The agent waved again.

And Shanmu and Mira followed the agents again, and several people came to a secret room, and following his gesture, a huge Rubik’s Cube appeared in the eyes of everyone, on the Rubik’s Cube. Brilliant flow, full of mysterious metal feeling!


A wave of fluctuations spread, and immediately from above the Rubik’s cube, energy began to pour into this secret room, and that energy was spotted on an electrical appliance, and suddenly a tiny robot began to transform into it.

Not only that, the opponent’s attack consciousness was extremely strong, and the sound of ping-pong-pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong pong-pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong pong sound, and immediately shot out a burst of golden light in an alloy protective cover.

“Now, can you tell me everything you know?” The agent said with a smile.

Shan Mu was immersed in shock and swallowed.

Unexpectedly, here, not only the leader of the evil warrior was found, but also the energy fire!

Shanmu was silent for a moment, and immediately said, “Iron Warrior is here for this.”

“They are divided into two factions. The evil fighters want to plunder the energy and fire and turn the Blue Star into their battlefield. The loyal guards who are captured by you are the righteous fighters. They want to destroy the evil fighters.”

“Invading Blue Star, how do you distinguish between good and evil? How can you ensure that they are not pretending?”

“Don’t worry, here, it is absolutely safe. No one can invade. All the robots will be frozen here like their leader, providing experimental materials for our human race!”

“If we succeed together, we will become the overlord of the world in weapon power!” The agent’s eyes were cold and full of confidence.

“And now, you have to cooperate with us to capture these robots. Only within your control is the absolute power.” The agent immediately ordered.

Shan Mu shook his head, “They have discovered this place, they won’t believe me, and we don’t know anything about their power. Our human race should cooperate with them to successfully defeat them!”

The agent sneered, “I think so. You don’t know anything about the power of the human race. As for the outcome of the war, it won’t take long before you can see it!”

“Take it down!” The agent waved his hand and took the other party directly.

“Prepare to attack with all your strength, guard Ascension to the highest level, and prepare for the invasion of alien creatures!” The agent immediately waved his hand and said.


Within the entire base, the clanging sounds of machinery suddenly rang out, and the integration of various powerful scientific and technological forces turned this secret base into a fortress of war.

And now in the Dragon Kingdom.

Nezha preached on Mount Longhu, and among them were two disciples, who were appointed by Master Liu Feng.

One is named Lin Xiaojian and the other is Lu Ping.

Now within the Dragon Kingdom, the entire Dragon Kingdom has already sensed the arrival of a new wave, and there are already rumors, and the current Dragon Kingdom has entered the Gaowu Year!

And the most prominent symbol of this era is the revival of Spiritual Qi.

Under the trend of Spiritual Qi’s recovery, the awakened have slowly appeared, and the awakened are extremely powerful.

In Longguo University, there are two talented teenagers in the top class today, not others, but Lin Xiaojian and Fang Ping.

They are the awakeners of the rising tide of Spiritual Qi recovery, and the speed of their awakening is extremely fast, which is far from comparable to that of their peers. Since they successfully entered the Spiritual Qi recovery, the government has publicly recognized and built the first Spiritual Qi university.

Longguo Gaowu University!

Lin Xiaojian was also extremely happy in his heart, and of course he was extremely happy with what he has achieved today.

Entering Longguo Gaowu University, this almost means that fate has changed.

Is this kind of moment more important than posting in Moments?

Obviously not.

Lin Xiaojian picked up his mobile phone and posted a circle of friends.

“Do you think that entering Longguo Gaowu University is really as happy as you think?

Do not

The happiness in it is beyond your imagination! ”

A post from the Moments of Friends, with the selfies of Shang Lin Xiaojian and Little Sister Lin Xiaorou, properly harvested a wave of resentment.

And his grievance value is the driving force for his growth, and it is also an important reason why he can now enter Longguo Gaowu University.

In the same way, Lu Ping also entered the Longguo Gaowu University. When he got the admission notice, his family held a banquet for him.

Naturally, Lu Ping would not refuse.

Not only that, but now the form of the Dragon Kingdom has changed drastically, and the people who come to fawn on him do not know where they are, even the chief military district commander and the first chief executive of the city where they are located also come to give gifts.

Lu Ping was extremely happy.

This proper wave of wealth value made his power instantly Ascension a big cut.

As long as he gets the currency, his currency can purchase the power of growth in a virtual system. His power Ascension is extremely fast, and he has become the leader of the Longguo Gaowu University.

He was extremely grateful for the opening of this Gaowu era.

Now, the Ju Ling formation built by the Dragon Kingdom has begun to show a radiation trend, and Gaowu Awakeners have begun to appear in various parts of the world.

It’s just that those Gaowu Awakened people are far from the Dragon Kingdom Gaowu Awakened ones.

Now, it is not military cooperation to enter and exit the territory of Long Country, and it will be illegal entry.

However, Gaowu University has already been formally established, how can this be hidden from the world’s major powers.

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