On the Seven Towers

Chapter 990: Breakout from the Temple

"Lord Ansaldo, this is the Forge Temple. They are the guards of the temple!" said one of Ansaldo's guards. Others also looked at Ansaldo eagerly. For most dwarves, it is almost unthinkable to attack the guards of the Forge Temple.

"Fools. Whatever the Lord says is what it is. Do you want to disobey?" The captain of the guards, Moro, roared.

"But Lord. What if the gods blame us..." The guards still didn't dare to do it.

Ansaldo shouted: "The Forge Temple is extremely sacred, but look at these people holding axes. Is it normal? They are not warriors blessed by God now. I'm afraid they have been tempted by some demons!"

Everyone looked at the temple guards, and they did look very crazy. Each of them stared with huge eyes full of bloodshot, and kept making low roars from their mouths. The battle axes in their hands gestured towards Ansaldo and his party, as if they were ready to chop them down at any time.

Although Ansaldo was pointed at the throat by an arrow, he said excitedly: "Some evil thing must have invaded the temple and turned them into this. It is precisely because we are the most loyal believers of the God of Forge that we cannot allow such monsters to appear in the temple. We must clear them out for the God of Forge. The king will remember your merits, charge!"

"Charge!" Captain Moro rushed out with his sword raised. He had a great appeal to his men. Several warriors who were still hesitating just now saw him rushing towards the crazy temple guards, and they also rushed up.

Captain Moro was very powerful. He met the first temple guard who rushed over with a fake chop, tempting the other party to swing the axe, but he cleverly avoided it, and then took advantage of the gap in the other party's shoulder, raised his sword and fell, and chopped off the dwarf's arm with one sword.

"My lord, something is wrong. According to my strength, the sword just now should be able to split the guard in half, but his body feels like it is protected by protective magic and has become much stronger. I only cut off one of his arms."

"So, I said they are monsters! Get started!"

Sure enough, the dwarf in front of Moro seemed to have no sense of pain. He continued to swing the long-handled axe with his other hand and fought with Moro. Moro fought with him for three or four rounds before finding an opportunity to pierce the opponent's heart with a sword.

The temple guard screamed and fell down. A red mist floated out of his body and floated into the bodies of the surrounding temple guards.

"It's the red mist that is causing trouble." Ansaldo said.

"I know. So we must eliminate them, otherwise you think what will happen if the red mist floats on you." Evelyn saw Ansaldo's men start to take action, so she released the arrow on his chin.

"Okay, you have communicated the test. Let's fight together. I had to make sure you were safe just now, because the enemies around you are the most terrifying." Evelyn said.

Ansaldo touched his throat subconsciously, "It's okay, it's okay, but should we retreat first? The situation here is too weird."

"Impossible, Chairman Xiao Chen is still down there, we must help him guard a way out." Evelyn said coldly, she put the arrow on her bow, gathered her fighting spirit on the bow, and shot an arrow at a temple guard. The arrow flew away with a sharp fighting spirit and hit a temple guard's forehead directly. A red mist floated out from the wound on his forehead, but Evelyn's arrow suddenly exploded, blowing the dwarf's head and the mist to pieces.

"You see, this red mist is not indestructible. We just need to use Dou Qi to attack it and it will dissipate."

"Okay. Moro! Pay attention to using Dou Qi to eliminate that kind of mist!" Ansaldo had just reminded his soldiers when he heard Babik's voice behind him.

"Prepare the gas-breaking bullets...fire!"

A crackling sound rang out, and more than 20 05-type cavalry rifles fired together. The whistling bullets passed Ansaldo and hit the temple guards, making small holes in their armor and bodies. Blood immediately splashed out from them, and four or five blood flowers burst out of the bodies of several temple guards who were still advancing.

The so-called gas-breaking bullets are naturally bullets that break the Dou Qi. These temple guards are all burning with Dou Qi. If ordinary bullets are used, they will be blocked by Dou Qi and it is difficult to achieve any effect. However, the gas-breaking bullets newly developed in the past two years are a special bullet separated from the magic-breaking bullets, which have the best effect on breaking through Dou Qi. Its basic principle is similar to that of the magic-breaking bullet, which uses magic-suppressing materials to resist the magic-containing Dou Qi. However, compared with the magic-breaking bullet, since most Dou Qi warriors wear armor, the shape of the bullet head has been changed to enhance the armor-piercing effect.

Before this, this special bullet was mainly used in some police situations to deal with masters who have committed crimes. Now it is the first time to be used in a real battlefield.

Babik can roughly judge the extent of the enemy's injuries by visually observing the blood spurting out of the enemy. At present, the gas-breaking bullet can penetrate Dou Qi and armor, but it is still difficult to cause enough fatal damage. After being shot several times, the dwarf warriors can still stumble towards them.

"Mage, prepare the fragile curse! Gunners concentrate their firepower and knock them down one by one!" Babik ordered.

The mages behind him who had been prepared for a long time began to cast the fragile curse magic on the temple guards. This magic can not only weaken the defense of the temple guards themselves, but also make their armor brittle. The gunners act according to the magic rays shot by the mages. When several magic rays shine on a dwarf's head, the bullets will focus on that person.

Although these temple guards have a high status, their strength is mostly low-level to mid-level. Under such a concentrated shooting, they were knocked down one by one.

This is the first time that Ansaldo saw how this weapon called a gun of the Tower of China fights. Although it is not as powerful as the pneumatic cannon he saw before, compared with their small size, its power is amazing. He couldn't help but feel a little scared. If he had not cooperated with the Tower of China before, but chose to fight to the end, I am afraid that his subordinates would fall down with blood holes all over their bodies like the temple guards.

The noise of the battle here attracted more and more temple guards to come from all directions. Ansaldo and Babik, with a total of nearly fifty people, unknowingly resisted the siege of more than a hundred temple guards.

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