On the Seven Towers

Chapter 940 Undercurrent Alliance

There are mages from the Tower of China everywhere above the sea doing the same thing as Crete.

The conversation between Glade and Crete was just an unknown episode in the post-war handling operations.

On the deck of the Hou Yi, Xiao Chen was facing Trina, who had been sealed with a forbidden demon. Now Xiao Chen knows that the mermaid tribe can use its tail to stand on the ground after losing its magic power, but it is a little inconvenient to move. Unlike the Naga tribe, they can swim on the ground with their snake-shaped tails. Although the fish tail can stand, But when moving, it can only move forward in a jump, which looks a bit funny.

Several other hostages have been locked up in the cabin below by Xiao Chen. Only Trina stood on the deck, watching with Xiao Chen the mages of the China Group flying in the sky to rescue the wounded of the Sea Tribe. Na's eyes kept moving back and forth between the mage from the Tower of China and the wounded from the Sea Tribe. Her teeth were biting on her lips, not knowing what she was thinking.

She saw Crete using magic to save many people, and also saw Glad flying to the side of the shark warrior and using magic to revive the dying warrior.

"Why? We obviously attacked you first, why did you save these people? Don't you think they will become your enemies and threats again after they recover?" Trina asked.

"If you were the winner, what would you do?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Me?" Trina hesitated, "If I accept your surrender, I will naturally not kill the prisoners, but will keep you for ransom or exchange my own prisoners. But... I will not rescue those prisoners. The enemy's wounded, I don't know what the meaning of this is? Not only would I not do this, but other countries on the mainland would also do the same, right?"

"We at China Tower handle things differently from many countries on the mainland, and of course we are different from your sea tribe." Xiao Chen leaned on the guardrail of the ship and looked at the scene outside and said, "Maybe we respect life more than you do. Its own value.”

"Of course we also respect life. The life of every sea tribe is a gift from the sea, but we will not do this like you."

"That's because civilization and civilization are different. The more advanced a civilization is, the more it will respect the value of people, not only our own people, but also our enemies. Because in the final analysis, the essence of intelligent life is not different.

The place we come from is much more developed and civilized than yours, so it naturally has different moral standards. "

Xiao Chen paused for a moment: "What's more, I don't want to form a deep hatred with the Hai Clan. I hope that these acts of kindness now are the beginning of a good conversation between us in the future. After all, you didn't give me this chance at the beginning. ”

Trina said: "I... didn't know that things would turn out like this in the end."

"Master Xiao Chen, I think you are too kind to the Sea Clan. These savage and cruel guys are not worthy of your treatment of them." Jerez said while standing aside.

"It's just like what this woman said. They have no mercy towards us humans. I have two old friends who have been walking on the sea all their lives, but when they were about to land, they encountered pirates from the sea tribe. Except for one A dilapidated ship, they left nothing behind, and the entire two ships were killed by these cruel guys!" Jerez sneered, "Why don't you kill the prisoners? There aren't many on the ship. They must have surrendered by force, but in the end they were thrown into the sea and fed to the fishes by those sea tribes!”

"If a person chooses to surrender, he is handing over his fate to the other party. From the moment he is ready to surrender, he should have the consciousness to let the other party handle it." Trina said.

Jerez said angrily: "Asshole, do you have the consciousness to be killed by me now?"

Trina glanced at Xiao Chen and said, "I do, can you do it? Do you dare to do this?"

"Hmph!" Jerez was just venting his anger. He knew very well that Xiao Chen was in charge here.

"I said, I won't treat prisoners like this!" Trina raised her head and said with a bit of pride: "Killing prisoners is something small tribes do, and my tribe will never do such a dishonorable thing! "

Xiao Chen said: "This is exactly what I want to know. Which tribe are you from? Today there are more than thirty mermaid mages in your team, a considerable number of shark warriors and Naga warriors, and the quality of the battleships is also They are all very good. Such a team cannot be produced by just any tribe.

One of the more interesting things is that you would sneak so far away to monitor our shipyard and care about the new warships built by humans. This is not like what most sea tribes would do. They all focus on business. On a small piece of my own territory. "

"I...I shouldn't say this." Trina said.

Xiao Chen keenly noticed her hesitation. It was not a direct rejection, but something to worry about.

He said: "It's useless for you to hide it now. There are so many wounded soldiers from the Sea Tribe who have received our treatment. Do you think this secret can still be kept?"

What's more, since you have become hostages, someone will naturally come to redeem you, unless he wants to give up a great magician and several high-level mages. This is unlikely, right? Then he will always have a chance to contact us. I think in order to avoid another misunderstanding between you and me, there is no harm in understanding your situation in advance. "

Trina glanced at the wounded at sea and knew that Xiao Chen was telling the truth. She knew very well that it was too difficult to keep any secrets in front of a great magician who was good at spiritual magic. She hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Have you heard of the Undercurrent Alliance?"

Xiao Chen glanced at Herez, who shook his head, "I have been dealing with the sea people for decades, and I have never heard of the Undercurrent Alliance."

"The name of the Undercurrent Alliance is not only unknown to you humans, but also to many sea people. Undercurrent, undercurrent, itself explains the problem. It is a tribal alliance hidden under many tribes. Several large families with a long history in the middle of the Pearl Islands have a close relationship with this alliance. Or this alliance itself is a cooperative organization composed of several families with the strongest power in the sea. As far as I know, this organization has a history of nearly a thousand years."

"Are you also a member of this organization? Judging from your strength, you are a very important member of it, right?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes, the family I was born into was originally a very powerful mermaid family. And I am also a great magician, so naturally I have a high status in the alliance."

"What is the purpose of this alliance?" Xiao Chen asked.

"To support the king."

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