On the Seven Towers

Chapter 94 Dark Night Raid

The night is dark, and the cold wind of late autumn makes people just want to hide in the house. There was no one on the road where small groups of horse thieves often passed by during the day, but Ji Yijun and his party were still very careful to avoid the main road.

Ji Yijun specially wore a black jacket and black pants. He did not hold his usual long gun in his hand, but a "standard steel knife" of the Guards. To put it bluntly, it was just a sharpened piece of steel. However, his knife was slightly different from those used by others. The long and narrow blade glowed faintly with blue light under the moonlight, which was the power of frost after being enchanted by Morey.

"There is light in the village." Huang Zheng held a steel crossbow in his hand and hid in the grass. From his position, he could see a fire burning in a house in the dead town of Floro. The flickering and lonely firelight appeared in an empty town, making people feel uneasy.

"Are there any other villagers in the village?" Ji Yijun asked Garcia.

"No more. Except for people who have fled to the mountains or big cities, the rest have come to us." Garcia looked in the direction Huang Zheng pointed and judged: "That's Mr. Julio's." house, they had already taken refuge in Suero.”

"Hmph, it must be the outpost of the horse thieves. These guys are brave enough to start a fire here so blatantly. Do you think our escort team is all stupid?"

"We used to avoid the horse thieves who were coming and going around the school. I guess some people looked down upon them." Huang Zheng was a little dissatisfied in his words. It seemed that he was also annoyed by the horse thieves who were wandering around the school every day. Thoroughly.

"Come on, let's go in and get it." Ji Yijun got up first and ran lightly to the middle of the town.

Enrique and Garcia were very familiar with the town. Under their leadership, Ji Yijun and the others climbed into a house opposite Julio's house. From the window sill on the second floor of the house, the movements of the horse thieves could be clearly seen.

"There aren't many people." Ji Yijun took a glance and saw that there were only three or four people walking around in the opposite room. They didn't seem to be experts, so he was about to lead people downstairs to attack the opposite house, but he just took two steps. Huang Zheng grabbed him tightly.

"You promised me when you came out that you would never be reckless!" Huang Zheng looked into Ji Yijun's eyes and emphasized every word.

Ji Yijun replied impatiently: "There are only a few people. If there is anything rash, just rush in and kill them."

"No! We have to look again. What if there is an ambush?" Huang Zheng refused to give in.

"You guy! Okay, let's take a look!" Ji Yijun shook off his hand, squatted by the window sill, and observed the actions on the other side with Huang Zheng.

"Five people. Two were sitting by the fireplace. One was coming in and out to get food from the kitchen, one was watching on the balcony, and one went to the bedroom next door." Ji Yijun observed at the window for nearly a quarter of an hour and came to the conclusion in conclusion.

"Wait a minute." Huang Zheng observed for a while and said, "It's six."

"How do you count? There are only so many people coming and going."

"The people who came in and out of the kitchen were a pair of twin brothers. You see, the person who came out of the kitchen this time was different from the one before. There were holes in the sleeves of the coat, the color of the shirt changed from gray to dark gray, and the waist The dagger is an inch longer than the previous one, and the beard is shorter..."

"That's okay..." Ji Yijun looked at Huang Zheng speechlessly, "I'm convinced, can I take action now?"

"Should we make a plan?"

"They look like a bunch of weak chickens. Rush in from the front door and beat them one by one. Done!" Ji Yijun replied without thinking, but as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Huang Zheng looking at him with contempt. He sighed and said, "What's wrong?"

"Monitor, you are also a person who has gone to school after all. Can you use your brain a little bit?"

"If you fart, let it go!"

Huang Zheng walked into the room and took some bottles and placed them on the ground where the moonlight shined. "Look, this is the front door, this is the back, and this is the balcony. Since there is someone in the kitchen, Enrique entered through the kitchen. Don't let that guy escape, then go directly through the other stairs and deal with the guy sleeping in the bedroom. Let's make some noise here, and then lure him to this position to ambush him with a crossbow. Garcia is waiting at the entrance of the stairs. , if there is an enemy we haven't discovered who wants to come downstairs to support us, we will kill him..."

Huang Zheng talked a lot. After he finished speaking, he saw Ji Yijun looking at him with strange eyes. He couldn't help but touched his face and said, "What are you looking at?"

"It's been a while, Lao Huang. I really didn't realize that you are still a talent. You talk about one thing after another." Ji Yijun turned to Enrique and Garcia and said: "How much do you understand? Ask if you don't understand. Then, Follow the military advisor’s instructions!”

The battle ended very quickly. According to Ji Yijun, this was a crushing battle of absolute strength.

There were only two prisoners. The two guys in the kitchen and bedroom were killed by Enrique without mercy. The sentry was shot in the chest by Huang Zheng's crossbow arrow at close range, and died shortly after falling. There was a horse thief who wanted to attack Ji Yijun with a dagger when he broke into the room, but he was wiped on the neck by Ji Yijun.

Although the leader of the horse thieves was quite skilled in martial arts, he was knocked unconscious by Ji Yijun and Enrique. The last horse thief did not resist, but surrendered immediately to save his life.

Garcia and Enrique tied the two horse thieves to chairs. When they turned around, they saw that Ji Yijun was missing. Garcia touched his head and said, "Deputy squad leader, won't the squad leader interrogate them himself?"

A smile appeared on Huang Zheng's face: "Squad leader... I have to check around to see if there are any hiding enemies. Let us leave the matters here to us."

As he spoke, he took out a dagger from the hands of the twins' corpses and walked towards the horse thief leader.

Ji Yijun squatted in the corner of the garden behind the house and vomited until the sky was dark.

After vomiting for a while, he felt that he was exhausted. He leaned on a stone bench in the garden and turned his head to the other side with great effort, not to smell the fishy smell.

During the battle, his blood was boiling and his spirit was high, and he felt that he had endless power to vent. However, when he saw the guy whose neck was cut off in half afterwards, he found that he didn't seem that strong.

The smell of blood hit his face, the rolling flesh, the spilled blood, and the dull eyes all gave him a strong stimulation. He suddenly felt an indescribable feeling of guilt.

Even though his reason told him that he was doing the right thing. His instinct told him that he loved fighting, but when he killed someone with his own hands, there was a kind of cannibalistic guilt that haunted him, and the first thing to react to this guilt was his stomach.

This made him feel ashamed. He always thought that he was a born warrior and should have the courage to drink the blood of his enemies, but his body betrayed him the first time. Before he spit it out, he escaped faster than he rushed in, and at that time, he saw Huang Zheng smiling at him.

This bastard made him proud! Normally, he looks like a bookworm, but when he stayed at the murder scene, he acted as if nothing happened. People say that the most ruthless people are scholars. How does it make sense.

Ji Yijun gasped, looked at the sky, and thought about today's events again, and realized that Huang Zheng was really a good guy. After failing to stop him in school, he volunteered to follow him. There were not many people in school who were so brave. He dares to follow the enemy when he sees him, and he doesn't hesitate to kill people. Besides being cautious and nagging, he should be considered a good person.

Ji Yijun calls the people he likes good people. He just thought about it, and Huang Zheng's eyebrows seemed not as annoying as before.

After a while, he suddenly heard the sound of rapid running. When he turned around, he saw Huang Zheng standing in front of him, panting.

"Are you injured? Why do you smell of blood?" Ji Yijun stood up and asked.

Huang Zheng spoke quickly: "Blood of the dead. One of the two prisoners died, but I only asked for bad news."

Ji Yijun's eyes widened, he looked Huang Zheng up and down and said, "You, you forced a confession? And then, you were tortured to death? You are not a hidden pervert, are you?"

"How long has it been? Are you still talking nonsense?" Huang Zheng laughed angrily, "The enemy is coming tonight! The horse thieves are about to attack!"

Hearing this, Ji Yijun also became serious, "How much time is left?"

"I don't know. They just said it was tonight. These people were sent by the horse thieves leader Caddis to meet the horse thieves from other gangs."

"In other words, it is not Cadiz's own team who is preparing to occupy this town?" Ji Yijun thought, "I heard that Caddis is the most powerful horse thief. Where is his own team?"

Huang Zheng said: "The man said he didn't know, but I think it's obvious that he must have attacked the school from another way. This was a night attack that had been planned for a long time. On the one hand, the horse thief leader was organizing various teams of horse thieves; By delaying the attack, let us gradually become paralyzed until the day when we are most exhausted, and then launch a full-scale surprise attack."

Ji Yijun fell silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Monitor, let's go. Take this prisoner back to school first." Huang Zheng saw that Garcia and Enrique had already escorted the bruised horse thief downstairs.

Ji Yijun still looked at the ground and said nothing.


Ji Yijun suddenly raised his head and asked seriously: "Old Huang, you know that I was knocked unconscious and received a letter, right?"

"So what? If you don't leave, it will be too late."

"Wait a minute, I'm thinking of something very important!" Ji Yijun held his chin and said, "Those people are obviously not the same group as the horse thieves. Why didn't they show up after sending the letter?"

"Perhaps it's someone from a third party who wants to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers?" Huang Zheng also slowly calmed down and analyzed together.

"No, I think they are on our side and will be involved in this matter. I have fought with them and I have this feeling."

"Also, in the eyes of outsiders, the magician's castle may not be weaker than the horse thief. Providing information to the magician to reduce losses should be a gesture of goodwill. If you personally help at a critical moment, the favor will be even greater. But this is different from What does our situation have to do with it?”

"If they might be able to help us, and I met them in this town..."

"You want to stay outside the school and meet them? Then use their strength to fight against the horse thieves together?" Huang Zheng asked in surprise.

"Hehe, I also know that there is some danger, but you said so, that's it." Ji Yijun scratched his head and said, "Maybe they were just planning to take a look, and I can convince them to take action as soon as possible. Even if I don't meet them, Maybe we can assassinate a leader or something."

"You are simply..." Huang Zheng pointed at Ji Yijun, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Ji Yijun suddenly reached out his hand and asked him to calm down. He listened attentively. There seemed to be an extra sound in the silence of the night, a buzzing sound like a low-flying mosquito. Then the sound slowly sounded, far away. The ground began to tremble with a low tremor.

That was the sound of the horse team approaching.

"They are coming, we can't go back." Ji Yijun smiled a little excitedly. He was in a hurry, but he was a little happy to see Huang Zheng was furious.

"Asshole, asshole! How could I meet a lunatic like you!" Huang Zheng took out a dagger angrily and pointed at Ji Yijun and cursed.

Then, he stabbed the horse thief captive in the heart and said to Garcia hatefully, "The body is thrown here! Find a corner you know, and we will all hide!"

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