On the Seven Towers

Chapter 921 Construction Workers

Jerez had resigned himself to the opponent's force and gold coins. He killed the traitor with his own hands, and then gave everyone a sum of money to let them stay in the camp. However, after these people experienced the magic of Crete, they all stayed in the room calmly and did not dare to have any opinions. A powerful mage is too much of a deterrent to them.

Early the next morning, Jerez was awakened by the movement outside. When he took the people out, he found that many tents had been set up outside, and hundreds of people had arrived here unknowingly at night. surrounded their houses. These people were carrying various materials to the dock, as if preparing to build something. On the periphery of the shipyard area, they have also built sentry towers and walls according to the mountains, enclosing the entire shipyard inside.

The young man named Crete was standing on a small slope directing all this.

Seeing the people from Jerez walking over, Crete said: "In order not to disturb you, I used magic to block the sounds around your house. However, now it's time to get up and work."

Jerez may have been a little unconvinced by Crete yesterday, but now these mysterious figures appearing in the middle of the night really shocked him. He simply couldn't think of anyone around him who could do this. I'm afraid even the Lord of Shuangfan City didn't have such ability. He asked: "I wonder what the Lord needs us to do?"

Crete summoned a man who looked like a foreman. This man wore a strange semicircular hat on his head and strange clothes that Jerez had never seen before. "This is Lucid, the construction manager at the site. We are going to do it throughout the entire process." Build a shed outside the dock, but the built shed cannot affect the shipbuilding work and the entry and exit of materials, so I need your help to revise the original plan. "

Jerez doesn't understand anything like a construction manager. But I still understood what the other party was going to do.

"Sir, are you going to build a boat in the shed?"

"Yes. What we do here will definitely attract the attention of the people around us, and there will be all kinds of prying eyes. But there are some things that we don't want to be known by irrelevant people, so naturally we have to cover them up," Crete said.

"Then I understand." Jerez nodded.

Crete said to Lucid: "I got the latest news. The ship will come the day after tomorrow. I have seen the drawings. The shed to be built in the end is not small. Will your time be a little tight?"

Lucid is a stout man in his thirties. He smiled honestly and said: "Don't worry. This can't compare with the houses we built in... other places. Don't use the speed of ordinary craftsmen to measure us. We are not Build a house brick by brick like they did.”

Jerez didn't understand what Lucid was talking about, but he still followed him to look at the design drawings. Jerez Shipbuilding also had drawings, but the drawings Lucid drew for a shed were both detailed and strange. The shed is clearly shown from different angles. Under his explanation, Jerez quickly understood the meaning of the drawings, and then put forward several suggestions for improvement according to the needs of shipbuilding. Lucid recruited a few assistants, quickly changed the drawings, and was ready to start work.

Jerez saw that under Lucid's greeting, a group of workers who had been resting began to line up towards the dock. Like Lucid, these workers wore strange hats, uniform and neat clothes, and shoes.

These people were really well-dressed. This was the first impression I had when I saw them in Jerez. He naturally used workers to build this dock, but the workers he hired at that time were no better than slaves. Most of them were shirtless and barefoot when they worked. Work with some crude tools.

Jerez followed and saw many long metal-looking strips piled on the construction site. He guessed that they were preparing to build the beams of the shed. He couldn't help but ask: "Is this made of iron?"

Lucid said nonchalantly: "Absolutely, it's actually steel. The shed we want to make is too big, so it's inconvenient to use wood. Using these standard frames, it's light and strong, and it can be several times faster."

"Steel? God, this is such a luxury. Aren't these things supposed to be used to make weapons and armor?"

Lucid looked at him with a smile, as if he had seen too much fuss like this: "To us, these steels are nothing at all."

Jerez said: "I wanted my brothers to help me just now, but I'm afraid they can't handle such a thing well."

"You have the heart." Lucid patted Jerez and said, "Just watch with peace of mind. If you see how my workers build the house, you will know how lucky you are."

"Lucky?" Jerez didn't understand what the other party meant at all.

Lucid said: "Because Crete chose you, you will have the same opportunity as them in the future. You still don't know what a good opportunity this is."

While they were talking, the workers had already started working. Jerez looked at it and was stunned. He saw a sight that he had never seen before in his life and could not imagine. It was even a bit absurd.

He saw a worker pointing his finger, and a heavy steel column stood up on its own.

He saw a worker holding it up with both hands, and a beam seemed to float in the air.

He also saw sparks bursting out from a worker's fingers, and a steel bar that was difficult to cut even if he was given an ax broke into two sections.

Almost all workers are working with various supernatural powers.

He guessed that it should be magic, but he didn't dare to confirm it. Magic that can cut steel bars is not something that ordinary magic apprentices can do, but even low-level magicians are very noble people. How could such people build a shed for his dock here?

He looked back at Lucid, who looked normal, and asked in disbelief, "This... is all magic?"

"Yes. Magic used to build houses." Lucid shouted, "Andy, slow down, you reckless guy! You are not allowed to lift two beams at the same time!"

"I, I don't understand why a wizard would do such a thing?"

"Magic? No, they are not wizards, but skilled workers who have mastered certain specific magic. This is something that everyone in our place has the opportunity to learn. As long as you are not lazy and diligent enough, you can learn these things step by step according to the teaching materials left by those masters. Of course, not everyone can seize such an opportunity. There are always some lazy people and idiots who can't learn anything. But they are not qualified to participate in today's action." Lucid said, "Those who can't seize opportunities are actually the stupidest, don't you think?"

Heres couldn't speak anymore. He felt that there were a lot of words stuck in his throat and didn't know where to start.

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