On the Seven Towers

Chapter 872 Send You Away

"It doesn't matter?" Xiao Chen asked in surprise, "Doesn't the Temple of Nature care about this land that produces food, tools, wealth and believers?"

Margaret said with a hint of the arrogance of a priest: "The Temple of Nature is a place to serve the gods. Why should we care about how ordinary people live? God does not need people to believe in him, but those poor and pitiful people need some support. The amount of wealth they offer to the temple is never something that the gods will pay attention to. Maybe some priests who are too deeply involved in the secular world will be entangled in these mundane things. But true servants like us dedicate everything to the gods. Only in this way can we understand more of the will of the gods and then spread them to the world. Now, I can tell you that it is not in line with the will of the gods to continue this war. You have to retreat to Heimuguan."

"What if we don't want to withdraw?" Xiao Chen asked.

Margaret's thin eyebrows twisted together, "That means going against the God of Nature and the Temple of Nature. Such people are naturally enemies of the Temple. Believe me, young man, there may have been some people who fought against the gods in this world, but they all died in the end."

Xiao Chen habitually touched his nose. The woman in front of him was not easy to deal with. If it could be avoided, Xiao Chen did not want to conflict with the Temple of Nature now. He maintained a very good cooperative relationship with Priest Roland in the capital. Although the woman in front of him came from the God's Coming Sect, it was said that many people in the God's Coming Sect were fanatics. But... Xiao Chen looked at the appearance and dress of the woman in front of him, and it didn't seem so natural and simple. He always felt that maybe he could find something that was in her interest somewhere.

Xiao Chen said: "I used to have a very good relationship with some temple priests. Maybe referring to that way, we can also have other ways to solve problems, instead of worrying about the gains and losses of a city or a pond."

Margaret sneered sharply: "Do you think all temple priests are the same as those people in the present world? Some of them have reached the point where they only have money in their eyes and no God.

Do you think I really don't understand your attitude? Although the parish I am responsible for is quite far away from where you are, I have heard from the priests in the south that since a piece of territory was occupied by you, the number of believers in the God of Nature will gradually decrease. You know that during the time you ruled Black Mountain, the entire Black Mountain and the surrounding How many fewer offerings have been made to the temples around?

70%! There are also so many fewer ordinary people coming to worship and pray.

You should be thankful that the area is the sphere of influence of the present-world faction. If it weren't for some of the present-world faction priests who have benefited from covering up such changes for you and using other means to make up for the lack of this part of the income, the several golden branch priests of the Temple of Nature would have troubled you long ago. "

Xiao Chen suddenly realized that the sudden appearance of this priest Margaret here was not a whim. She actually knew the situation of the Tower of China very well. What she was afraid of was not the suffering of war caused by the defeat of the imperial people, but that the Chinese people's education and system based on the original atheism had actually threatened her parish.

Although there are gods in this world, the education they brought from Earth has always denied the value of gods. These educations have subtly instilled such concepts in their citizens:

The gods of nature are real, but they are not worthy of worship.

Worshiping the gods of nature is a backward and ignorant behavior.

People's pursuit of a better life has the first justice.

And this kind of creation needs to be done with one's own hands. If any god dares to block this pursuit, it should be beaten to make people truly liberated.

Xiao Chen has dealt with many residents under their governance. They are simple and lovely. Their worship of the God of Nature is more of a habit than a belief. In the comparison between the past and the present, they will find that the people who bring them a good life have a completely different attitude towards God. Not only do they have no admiration, but they have an undisguised disgust for God. In the language education, literacy education, general education and scientific education they receive, many of them will gradually accept these attitudes and views of the Chinese.

It would be strange if people who have been educated and transformed in this way still worship the God of Nature as before.

Xiao Chen finally understood that although Margaret in front of him seemed to be out of touch with the world, the operation of the temple depends on people and money. Her words are just a cover-up for her self-esteem. The fact is that the entry of the Chinese Tower will greatly affect the number of believers in the Temple of Nature here, and finally shake her foundation here.

Margaret and Roland wanted different things, so Xiao Chen felt that there was no room for compromise for her.

Xiao Chen said: "We cannot accept this threat. We have decided on Holy Sword City."

"Less than 50 kilometers from here is the base of the Raging Knights of the Temple of Nature, and there are two full legions of Heavenly Punishment of the Temple of Nature. Don't compare the warriors of God with the legions of the Empire!" Seeing that Xiao Chen was indifferent, Margaret narrowed her eyes slightly and said: "Don't think that your identity can be hidden from the Temple of Nature. The Shadow Group has already investigated you. Do you really think that no one knows where your inheritance comes from?

Humph, Dream Tower! Star Tower!"

Margaret's voice became colder and colder: "The temple can be very tolerant and not care about things that happened thousands of years ago, or it can be very strict and clear away all obstacles that may threaten the gods. Want to fight against the temple? Your ancestors all failed back then, and what can you, the descendants who inherited some of the Seven Towers, do? If we open the God City, it will be your doomsday!"

Margaret wanted to say more, but unexpectedly, Liu Yisheng, who had been silent all the time, spoke up, "Woman, put away your face of lecturing people, we don't have time to waste with you."

"Who are you? How dare you talk to me like this." Margaret looked at the young man with anger. He has always been inconspicuous since he came here.

Count Duan behind her hurriedly shouted: "This is the saint!"

"Saint?" Margaret looked at Liu Yisheng doubtfully, and was not sure how to deal with him for a while.

Liu Yisheng smiled and stretched out his finger to draw a large frame in the air in front of him. As his finger passed, dots of light remained on the path, forming a square frame of starlight, which flew quickly towards Margaret. Liu Yisheng said, "I am the one who will send you away."

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