On the Seven Towers

Chapter 870 Unexpected Intervention

When Weber led a group of about a hundred soldiers to the gate of Holy Sword City, a city guard officer was already waiting there with a few soldiers.

According to the strength of these people, any master on Xiao Chen's side can take over this gate city. However, they still did not plan to alert the enemy, but wanted to sneak into the city, reach the city lord's palace, and control the city lord, Viscount Anderson. As long as Viscount Anderson can be made to surrender, the entire city can be captured without any blood. It can be said that Xiao Chen and others were fully prepared, but they acted extremely cautiously.

Gram said to the officer according to the originally rehearsed words: "I am Gram, the bloodline master of the empire, and this is my father, Duke Weber. The empire's army suffered a disastrous defeat at Heimuguan. His Majesty Emperor Alfred drove It collapsed. The imperial army was dispersed. Let me in quickly. I want to report the specific situation to the Prime Minister who is far away in the imperial capital."

The officer was a man in his thirties and looked a little nervous. But what he said was beyond the expectations of everyone present: "Lord Weber, and all the gentlemen from China Tower, Lord Anderson is already waiting for you in the square in the city, and Count Duan is also waiting for you there. ”

"What?!" Several people present exclaimed. Gram grabbed the officer's collar and asked: "What's going on? Have you arranged a trap?"

His brother Franco hurriedly looked above the city, but did not see any ambush. Luo Ling and others behind them also prepared defensive magic, and a faint magical light began to envelope the group of people.

However, Xiao Chen seemed very calm. He motioned to Gram to put the officer down, and then asked: "I am Xiao Chen, the great magician of the Tower of China. Please answer me a few questions."

The officer raised his head and stared at him. Although his eyes flickered, he said firmly: "Sir, I am just a low-level officer and a messenger. I don't know any secrets. If you want to enter Holy Sword City, just go directly Go to the square from here. If you don’t want to go in, please go back.”

Xiao Chen said: "You have good courage. But what I want to ask you is not a secret. I want to know when did Count Duan get here?"

The officer, perhaps thinking that this was not a big deal, said, "About three hours ago."

"Who else besides him?" Xiao Chen asked.

Seeing the officer hesitate to answer, Xiao Chen said: "Since you are waiting for us here, it means that the people inside are actually ready to see us and still want to talk to us. Tell me, who are they?"

When Xiao Chen spoke, he had the power of shock and charm at the same time, causing the officer to speak involuntarily, "It's from the Natural Temple, the nearby silver-leaf priest Margaret, with several priests and the temple. The knight is also waiting for you in the square."

"Oh? Why did they appear in this city?" Xiao Chen asked again.

"Lady Margaret is the chief priest of a nearby temple and is responsible for a large area in the southern part of the empire. They got the news of the fall of Blackwood Pass from somewhere and suddenly came here early this morning," the officer said.

"People from the Temple of Nature actually got involved... Could it be that the temple has started to change its stance? They have not been very involved in this war from the beginning, and have always maintained a wait-and-see attitude." Luo Ling said.

"Everyone who is waiting and watching actually wants to end, but they just feel that the time has not come yet. The Nature Temple has not participated before. It is not that they are not interested in this war, but they are waiting for a certain result." Xiao Chen said.

Liu Yisheng said: "This is not surprising. In several worlds, a war similar to the current one has broken out. Basically, whenever there is a major imbalance of power in the middle of the war, and when it is close to the end, the Temple of Nature will interfere. "

Luo Ling asked: "What is their purpose?"

Liu Yisheng said: "The purpose of the Shenren sect and the Reality sect's intervention in the war are different, and the outcome will be different every time. But it will definitely be a troublesome thing for the people who are interfered with."

Luo Ling asked: "Then which sect does Margaret, the officiant, belong to?"

"I don't know. My memory is incomplete and I have no impression of this person." Liu Yisheng said.

"Margaret should be a close associate of Golden Bough Priest Gibran, but since Gibran died in the kingdom, her position is not clear," Weber said.

"As long as we see people, we will naturally know what they want to do." Xiao Chen squinted his eyes and looked behind the city gate, his gaze seemed to have passed through many houses to where those people were, "Since others are waiting Us, let’s go meet them.”

Now that their identities have been exposed, Xiao Chen and others took off their hoods. Xiao Chen walked to the front of the team and walked into the city first.

Walking in the city, Xiao Chen found that the rhythm of the city had not changed at all. It seems that ordinary people still don't know the news of the fall of Heimuguan, nor do they know that their emperor has passed away. They were just living their lives as usual, not to mention that walking in front of them were the heads of hostile countries and top experts on the other side of the mountain.

Weber saw this scene and said: "It seems that Viscount Anderson and Earl Duane have enough trust in the natural temple that they have given up even the most basic defense. Whether it is civilians or guards, the situation is not much different from the usual situation."

"If we fight an offensive and defensive war, we will definitely cause a large number of civilian casualties according to our way. Maybe they hope that this can avoid such a result." Xiao Chen's eyes fell on several children running by. "No matter what the outcome of today is, it would be best if we can not disturb the lives of these ordinary people. To be honest, the struggle for interests between countries or the struggle for ideas between the upper class is too far away for them, but the trauma caused by the war is too close for them. In fact, I can understand the concerns of Saint Morales."

Weber said: "You are really kind. In fact, this is also in line with the tradition of our radiant lion bloodline. Guarding those who need to be protected is the motto of our family."

The group of people exuded blood. When they passed the street, the noisy people would quiet down, the adults would take the children away, the residents would close the doors and windows, and everyone realized that something unusual was going to happen.

After passing through the main road of the city gate, Xiao Chen and others soon came to the city square mentioned by the officer. Looking from a distance, there were more than a dozen people waiting there.

Standing in the middle was not Viscount Anderson or Earl Duan, but a woman wearing a priest robe, but her age was not easy to tell.

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