On the Seven Towers

Chapter 87 The Night of the Camp Attack

Chen Hansheng bent his body and rushed to the camp on the hillside like a hunting leopard. There were no bullets or arrows in the air, but the habit of years of training made him do it instinctively. He held a Type 54 pistol and a short sword on his waist. He rushed and scanned the surroundings. The long-lost feeling made him feel as if he had returned to the front line of Laoshan, except for the deafening sound of artillery.

Kalanda held the big sword horizontally with both hands and protected him by his side. She looked calm and solemn, not much different from usual, as if this was just an ordinary and calm night. But Chen Hansheng could feel that she was actually a volcano ready to erupt. As long as that Mais appeared, it would erupt.

In front and behind them were mercenaries who surged like a tide, holding all kinds of weapons, howling, and rushed to the camp. Although there were only more than a hundred people, they were indeed full of momentum.

This was actually a somewhat awkward distance. The charge distance was a little longer, and it was uphill. Everyone would be out of breath and their fighting power would be reduced when they rushed into the camp. But if they walked a little slower, the enemy would react and organize a defense.

Unfortunately, no one expected that a horse thief sentry actually had the blood of a demon wolf. Under the moonlight, his strong vitality prevented him from dying immediately after being shot in the heart, and he even let out a dying howl. In this way, the plan to sneak closer and charge again failed.

The camp was already in sight, and it was full of panicked horse thieves. The leader was shouting to form a team, and the minions were rushing to fight.

The corner of his eyes swept over the treetops, and Chen Hansheng suddenly felt his heart tighten. The battlefield instinct of the veteran made him roll sideways without hesitation. A sharp arrow pierced the position where he should have run, and then the second arrow shot on the mark of his rolling. When the third arrow was about to hit him, a big sword came in the air and chopped the arrow to the ground. Chen Hansheng took this opportunity to stand up and fired three shots at the treetop.

The bullets hit several branches and leaves, but missed the target, but a figure jumped out from behind the leaves and jumped to another tree.

This was the opportunity Chen Hansheng had been waiting for. He aimed at the black shadow, followed it with the muzzle, and fired the remaining four bullets in one breath.

There was a plop.

The black shadow fell down and lay on the ground without moving.

"Almost confessed." Chen Hansheng whispered, touching his shoulder that was scratched by the sharp stone on the ground and bleeding. He felt that his whole body was warm, that feeling, the feeling he missed.

"Good eyesight." Kalanda stretched out his hand to him, "This man's continuous arrows are no worse than Cole's. He is a master. It is probably Monica's 'Falcon Eye'."

She winked at Gamero, and the latter rushed to where the archer landed.

Chen Hansheng grabbed Kalanda's rough hand, stood up, looked into her eyes and said, "There is always only one breath between a master and a dead man, keep going."

Kalanda nodded, pointed his long sword at the largest tent in the camp, and shouted loudly, "Kill them all!"

In addition to sporadic attacks, some small bandit leaders organized resistance, and some bandits with outstanding martial arts fought stubbornly in various corners. These resistances killed and injured some mercenaries, but eventually collapsed under the surprise attack of Kalanda and several mercenary leaders.

Kalanda and Chen Hansheng rushed to the largest tent in the camp. A surrendered bandit told him that Mais lived in this tent. A silver-white mist rose from her body, which was the prelude to the full-scale outbreak of fighting spirit.

"Mais's strength is comparable to mine, you'd better not follow him." Kalanda said while running.

"Then with me, you will be stronger than him. You can use me." Chen Hansheng waved his pistol. He had killed four horse thieves today. Most of those horse thieves were not mediocre. They were shot to death by Chen Hansheng in the confrontation with the mercenaries. Even if the people in this world are generally strong, they are still not good enough in front of bullets without strong blood or fighting spirit.

"I want to kill him in a duel with my own hands. This is the revenge I want."

"Duel with a horse thief? Are you playing a knight game?" Chen Hansheng asked back.

"You!" Kalanda raised his fist to Chen Hansheng.

"Which is more important, the result of revenge or the method of revenge?"

"Then... let's go." Kalanda is a mercenary, not a knight. It is most important to let Mais be buried with Edo and others.

The two came to Mais's tent. The tent was sewn with cowhide and painted with strange patterns in dark red. The horns of various animals and human skulls were hung on the corners.

This guy treats both humans and animals as prey, no different. Chen Hansheng looked at the skeletons and thought.

"Let me do it." Kalanda held the sword with both hands and slashed forward. His fighting spirit turned into several sword beams and blasted the front of the tent into pieces.

With the faint candlelight in the tent, Chen Hansheng found two women wrapped in blankets huddled in the corner, looking at them with horror, but there was no sign of Mais.

"Damn it. Did this guy run away at the beginning?" Kalanda was about to ask the two women when he saw Catalina stumbling in from outside, holding her abdomen, her hands full of blood.

"Mais and Rus attacked the stable, we failed to defend it, they killed our people, took the horses and fled to the east."


When Xiao Chen and the others hurriedly hurried to the designated location, everyone was out of breath. The air was already filled with the smell of smoke from burning tents and trees, which was a bit choking.

This is a winding path that leads from the camp to the plain ahead. There are woods on both sides of the trail. Xiao Chen was standing less than a hundred meters away from the camp.

The screams of slashing and killing became clearer. This evoked the memories that Xiao Chen had experienced. Reality and illusion have always been mixed between his senses since that time. The memory of the battle and the reality of the battle are intertwined, but now he is not a ghost watching, but a participant in it.

He swept through the slightly gloomy forest on both sides and said to Adams: "Maybe we should rush in. Otherwise, if they escape from the forest, we will be helpless."

Adams shrugged: "We can't stop everyone. If some unlucky ones escape into the forest in the middle of the night... I say let them go."

Seeing Xiao Chen looking at him with some confusion, Adams explained: "Most people would rather break out from us than walk through the forest. Then they would have to give up their horses, and giving up horses means giving up food. There are also looted treasures. Moreover, this is a forest in the dark. Although there are no monsters around, these unlucky people may also encounter wild beasts and poisonous insects. They may fall down the hillside, fall into the swamp, or lose their way. When the luckiest of them finally run out of the forest, they are no longer a threat to us, they will just be hungry homeless people. So, sir, we just need to stop the guys running away in groups on horseback. ”

"Adams, someone rushed out!" At this time, a mercenary shouted.

Xiao Chen took a look and saw a dozen horses rushing out from the ramp, but only one of them seemed to have someone on its back.

"The horses were startled. Catalina couldn't control all the horses. This guy wanted to get out among the horses." Adams drew his sword.

"Mattis, you guys stay to protect Mr. Xiao. The rest of you follow me and leave this guy and the horses behind." Adams assigned a few mercenaries to protect Xiao Chen, and then led most of the soldiers to meet him. The horses rushed forward.

Although Adams was not as strong as Calanda, he was still a strong man who had mastered the power of primary fighting spirit. He rushed to the front of the team, running faster and faster. About twenty meters away from the horse thief, he kicked hard and jumped into the air. He stood up, his whole body emitting a faint red light, raised his sword and struck the man in the head.

When the horses saw a group of people rushing forward, they slowed down. Immediately, the man panicked and pulled out a long knife from his waist, making a gesture to block Adams.

The guy had no fighting spirit. Adams in the air showed a sneer. He was confident that this knife could cut both the man and the horse in half.

Ten meters, five meters, two meters, just in an instant, the distance between them was very close. However, Adams was surprised to find that although the other party acted in a panic, his expression was calm and terrifying. He could even see a kind of cat-and-mouse narrowness in his dark brown eyes.


There was a loud noise, and the inconspicuous knight firmly blocked Adams's rainbow-like blow.

The huge rebound force caused Adams to fly upside down, but he remained calm in the face of danger, swung his sword one after another, and blocked several counterattacks from the man on the horse in mid-air.

This guy was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. As soon as Adams had a fight, he had already discovered that the man was actually Russ. He did not hold his usual axe, but pretended to be an ordinary mercenary. This is simply a strong man with fighting spirit, and his strength is by no means inferior to him. It looks like there will be a hard fight today.

Adams quickly swept back with the help of the rebound force from several sword exchanges. But just when he was about to step on the back of a horse and prepare to give the opponent another blow, a black shadow suddenly flew out from under the belly of a horse nearby, raising a ray of snow-white sword light.

Adams felt like his head was flying...

Xiao Chen saw Adams from behind, like the god of war descending to earth, delivering a thunderous blow to the opponent, and felt the blood boiling all over his body. The battle in the era of cold weapons is the battle of real men. He was even a little excited when he saw the opponent blocking the knife. In his opinion, this kind of battle between masters and opponents should go back and forth for dozens of rounds like in the movies. As for worries, there is nothing to worry about. After all, I have a fifty-to-one numerical advantage.

However, within five seconds, Xiao Chen felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Adams' head was chopped off with a knife, and blood rushed to the sky like a fountain. The world around him seemed to be frozen, leaving him stunned, unable to say a word or make a move.

Under his gaze, the rider who had been hiding under the horse turned over and got on the horse. The two horse thieves raised their knives and rushed toward the mercenaries following Adams with strange screams.

It's like entering a deserted place.

The mercenaries who followed Adams clearly saw this shocking scene. The most powerful warrior among them was killed instantly by the enemy.

Just when everyone was frightened and at a loss, two horse thieves had already rushed into the crowd. A faint fluorescence emerged from their bodies. These two people turned out to be powerful warriors with fighting spirit. The mercenaries who hurriedly responded to the battle were far from their opponents, and immediately suffered numerous casualties under the light of swords.

Xiao Chen watched helplessly as blood flowers bloomed miserably in the night fire fifty meters ahead. He felt a chill pouring down his back from the top of his head.

He chopped off a mercenary who was holding an axe high. The leading horse thief glanced at him. When Xiao Chen saw his eyes, he felt like he saw a mad beast.

He released the fear. It is said that this magic is most powerful when looking into the eyes of the other party. But how can a person who is trembling under the gaze of a beast make the enemy feel fear? The horse thief just narrowed his eyes with feeling and rushed towards him.

At this time, Xiao Chen had only one thought in his mind - escape!

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