On the Seven Towers

Chapter 868 What God Wants

Franco continued: "We have seen the inevitability of his failure, but it is not easy to assassinate an emperor who is a master in his own right. Even when he retreats, he will be heavily guarded. . So we thought of using external harassment to disrupt the formation of the surrounding black guards, and then blend in with his personal guards to attack him. "

Gram said: "We looked for the Shadow Wolf mercenary group operating nearby."

"In the name of China Tower?" Luo Ling said.

"Yes, because mercenaries are very realistic people, and they are always willing to fight on the side of the winner. Since the premise of the action is that the empire loses, it is natural that they must be Chinese to hire them. "

Franco continued: "According to our original plan, they should cause chaos in the valley, but it seems that I still overestimated them. Obviously their ability to create chaos is still a little worse. But fortunately you have a few masters. We also arrived here to ambush the imperial army. The initial attack by the explosion of the magic circle really caused chaos among the emperor's black guards, which gave us enough opportunity to complete the assassination. "

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "So that's how it happened. To put it simply, you were forced to have no choice, so you had to defect to our side to protect yourself. But in order to gain more achievements, you chose to take the risk and kill the emperor. , hoping to gain a higher status with us, right?”

"No, it's far more than that! Chairman Xiao, do you still remember what I said when I dueled you in that mysterious arena space?" Duke Weber said at this time: "No matter who wins this war, it should be done quickly. The battle must be decided quickly instead of prolonging it and consuming the confidence of the entire human race. Although His Majesty Emperor Alfred is very harsh on our family, I still want to say something fair. He conquered the entire continent not entirely for his own desire for power. They want to combine the power of humans on the continent and are determined to do something when the God of Nature wakes up.

And I myself have such thoughts. Since he can't do it to unify the continent, I naturally want to help those who can do it. "

"Oh? Has this emperor actually thought about confronting the God of Nature? Is he planning to become a god-killer?" Luo Ling asked.

"God-killer? No, no, who would think that." Duke Weber shook his head repeatedly in surprise. His eyes suddenly opened and he stared at Luo Ling with a bit of fear, "Don't tell me, you! You actually have such a idea?"

None of the people sitting there said anything. Most of them looked at Duke Weber with serious expressions. Xiao Chen said, "Maybe you don't understand our heritage."

"After you defeated Saint Morales, I vaguely heard him talking about the Tower of Stars and the Tower of Dreams," Franco said.

Xiao Chen said: "It's not just that. These are just two of our inheritances. Maybe you have heard of these names: Tower of Source, Tower of Spirit, Tower of Talisman and Tower of Forging."

"I know these names are the legendary Seven Holy Towers? Are you all the inheritors of the Seven Towers?" Duke Weber asked.

Xiao Chen said: "Duke Weber is indeed knowledgeable and has a strong memory. Yes, the Seven Towers are an important part of our inheritance, not only their magic, but also their ideas and will."

"Ideas and will." Duke Weber repeated these words. He raised his head and stared at Xiao Chen: "Do you really want to complete the unfinished business of the Seven Towers?"

"If it is beneficial to the entire human race, why not do it?" Xiao Chen asked, "Or, what was Emperor Alfred originally planning to do?"

"Emperor Alfred is more inclined to negotiate. He, or the upper echelons of the empire, believe that even if the God of Nature awakens, there is still room for negotiation. But the God of Nature obviously will not negotiate with each country, large or small. . I am afraid that only the most powerful country is qualified to negotiate with the God of Nature on behalf of mankind. The more powerful the country is, the more chips it will have before the God of Nature, and perhaps the more things it can fight for. ”

"So, you want to unify the continent to increase your bargaining chips with the God of Nature?" Xiao Chen asked.

"Yes. This is not only the idea of ​​the empire. There are also many people in the secular faction in the Temple of Nature who have similar ideas to us. Unifying this continent is what many of them want to see. Including Jinzhi Priest Elias the Holy One.”

"No wonder the Temple of Nature hardly interfered with any matters related to the war process this time." Gabriel said, "If in the past, there were back-and-forth battles like Heimuguan, the Temple of Nature would usually send people to observe, or even directly interfere with the outcome of the war. ”

"Originally, Saint Elias also had high hopes for His Majesty Alfred, but he never expected that it would end up like this." Duke Weber said.

"It's just your wishful thinking. You don't understand at all what the God of Nature wants to do this time. In several periods of history, this is how the Purple Eagle Empire sought compromise from the God of Nature, but there was no One got a good result. Either he was deprived of all the ability to use magic power, or there was some confrontation in the end, and the entire upper class nobles and master mage were killed by the city. "It was Liu Yisheng who spoke. .

Duke Weber asked: "What are you talking about? Is there any basis for these words?"

Liu Yisheng said: "Just think that I can see this possibility of world history. In fact, there are many worlds similar to this one. The people and things are basically the same, but sometimes, a small decision will make history go in a completely different direction. In these histories, there is the Purple Eagle Empire, the Temple of Nature and the God of Nature. Although they make different choices, they often go to the same result."

"Are you saying that the things I want to do are completely ineffective?" Duke Weber asked.

Liu Yisheng sneered and said: "The God of Nature will not care whether your country is big or small, or whether the population is large or small. If these populations and national strengths cannot be reflected in the war capability, but are used to wag their tails and beg for mercy, they will have no effect at all."

"Why? Why is this so?"

Liu Yisheng said: "Because you don't understand what the God of Nature wants. To him, humans are like flies and ants that come to peek at the food in his bowl. If you are the one holding the rice bowl, would you want to negotiate with these hateful little bugs? Or choose to eliminate them once and for all?"

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